Joseph Warren X Paul Revere

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I don't think a warning is necessary- but this is possibly historically inaccurate- 

~Story Starts~

A pounding on the door signaled Warren to its attention. He hurried over, opening the door, only for a panicked brunette to hurry in, gathering a few thing, breathing heavily. His hair was a mess, and he looked as if he had been dragged around. 


"We need to leave!" The other spoke frantically. "The regulars. They're on their way-" 

"What about Samuel and Hancock?"

"I have a friend! He's going to be warning the two! Come on- we have to get out of here! They're going to be bursting into this place any minute!"

"Revere-!" Joseph rose his hand, placing a hand on Paul's shoulder. "Calm down... What happened to you?"

"They came in by sea... I was captured... Prescott and Dawes... No- one fell off a horse... Did he?" Revere was clearly disoriented, and he looked at the papers in his hand. "We still need to leave!" 

"Rev... What happened to you?" 

Revere settled a bit, taking a deep breath, eyes closed. "They... Captured me and took my horse..."

"Are you alright?"

"Plenty... Nothing more than a bump or bruise." Paul laughed softly, placing his hand atop Joseph's, grazing his thumb over the other man's knuckles. Though, in the distance he could almost hear others moving close. He took a deep breath, squeezing Warren's hands. "Joseph, get your kids and get out."

Warren took a quick glance to the window, the sight of flames drawing him to move more urgently. "You're coming with me... I need your help."

Paul took another glance to the window, and hurried towards the kid's rooms. "Where's your youngest?"

Warren hurried, pulling a door open. "Right down the hall!" He hurried to wake his two older kid, rushing them up. "Come on, come on... We need to go."

"What's going on?" A tired voice questioned. The little girl did not hesitate, concerned by her dad's urgency. Her older sister took her hand and lead her away to the back door. Revere ran out of the other room, the youngest in his arm, and the other boy hurrying ahead of him. 

"Go, go!" He shouted, grabbing a hold of Warren. Warren grabbed some papers from his desk as they ran by and they all hurried out the back door. Revere hurried along quickly, making sure the others would stay ahead, making sure that they'd be able to take cover first.

He couldn't let Warren lose someone more- not after he was left alone with four kids after Elizabeth's death. They found themselves hidden in the timber, chests rising and falling heavily. 

"You alright...?" Revere whispered, setting the youngest kid near the tree.

"Just fine..." Warren muttered, fingers slicking his blonde hair back. He steadied his breath, pulling his fogged glasses from his eyes. "Kids, kids... Are you alright..?"

The girls nodded, taking a seat beside the trees, still trying to calm their breath.

"I'm alright, pa." The oldest of the two boys answered. "And so is bub." 

"Good..." Warren wiped his glasses, soon placing them back on. He sighed, looking to Revere. "Rev... Thank you. But, I really need to know if you're alright..." The blonde whispered, taking Revere's hands. "I would hate if my task got you injured."

"No, no... Not at all. We're lucky you had the Intel you did. Thank you... Thank you for showing your loyalty... Hancock and Samuel must be grateful that you were able to give such detailed information! I-... I'm ranting a bit, aren't I?"

Joseph laughed a bit, shaking his head. "You are, but... I'll take the praise if I can receive it." He ran his fingers through Revere's hair, trying to be careful to not mess it up. "You're a good man, Rev. I appreciate you greatly."

Revere smiled, turning away. "You're flattering me," he chuckled. Warren smiled at the taller, before glancing at his kids who were now laughing and teasing the both of them.

"You treat Mr. Revere like you treated mum." Martha teased, leaning giggling with her sister. Joseph rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the child.

"Revere and I are simply friends." He winked towards the brunette, Revere snickering a bit. 

"Simply friends? Are you implying you and mum were simply friends then?" His son questioned, soft laughter following. "We're not stupid, pops." 

"I never accused you of being such-... But, listen... Revere and I, we really are just friends-"

"Don't lie to them, Mr. Warren." Revere took a step up, placing a hand on Warren's shoulder. "You've taught them to accept all for what they are and what they're worth. And you and I have known each other quite a lot longer. You might as well tell them what we are..." 

"What do you mean-?" Warren smiled nervously.

"We're close friends." Revere smirked, and Warren sighed quietly. Revere laughed at how relieved the blonde seemed, and stumbled back a bit when Warren pushed him. "Hey," He laughed, hurrying to regain balance. He ran back forward, tackling Warren in a hug, watching the man fall back. 

"Rev, my papers!" Warren scolded, bapping Revere's head repeatedly. Revere only laughed into the man's chest, collapsing on top of the man.

"Oh no, I can't get up."

"Rev!!" Warren whined. This normally calm and controlled man was slowly breaking into someone less tense, and more fun.

The kids giggled, and Paul glanced up, formulating an idea. By the cocky smirked he got, Warren knew exactly what was going to happen. "Don't you dare-"

"Pile on top of your dad!" 

The kids laughed running over, jumping on top of their father and Revere. Rev laughed, Warren groaning in slight discomfort. "Something wrong, Jos?"

"Heavy-" The other whined, a smile on his lips. "Let's play another game- get off of dad-!"

The kids giggled, slowly sliding off atop of them, Revere catching the youngest before he fell. "See, now. Playing these games aren't all that bad."

"Rev... Can you hop off too?"

"You're not my dad."

Warren glared at Revere, a brow perked- though, Revere only stared back at him with a cocky grin. "You're cocky for a Brit, aren't you?" 

"Might as well be. I don't have to be too serious when I'm not working." 

"Yeah, well-" Warren shoved Revere off, and laughed quietly. He rose up, his expression melting to a serious one. "Do you think Prescott and Dawes got to Samuel Adams and Hancock?" 

"Well, I think Dawes fell off his horse right before I got captured. I still managed to warn most of Boston! Even if I did have to knock on each of their doors and let them know that the regulars were out... Couldn't cause a disturbance to the town." Revere leaned back on his palms, crossing his legs.

"You would've been arrested for that."

"That's true-... I hope I can get that horse back... I did borrow it..."

"You-... Had to borrow a horse?"

"Yeah... And the regulars took it." The brunette sighed, looking towards the direction of Boston. "Reckon they'll burn the town?"

"They might... Let's pray they don't." 

"Burn the town? Where are we supposed to live if our house is burned?" Martha questioned.

"We'll have to wait and see, sweetie... We don't know what's going to happen yet. We will need to take shelter soon though... Rev, did you have a plan for once we got out here?"

"Well, we can move on and hide in a building nearby. Or we'll have to skip town." 

"Which is safer?"

"With regulars out and about? I'd suggest skipping town. Maybe when there's sunlight... The kids, they seem like they need rest."

"Is sleeping here even a good idea-?"

"I'll keep guard. I'll keep them safe. I'll keep you safe." Revere reassured. Warren smiled warmly, nodding to the kids.


After about an hour, all four of the children had finally drifted off. Warren sighed, leaning back against a nearby Pine, resting his eyes for a moment. Though, the sound of approaching steps signaled him to look. "Rev."

"Hey, you sleepy?"

"A bit." 

Revere snickered, sitting down beside the man. "I'm sorry to disturb you then." He wrapped an arm around Warren's shoulder, allowing the other man to lean into him. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright, I suppose. I fear that I may lose my home. This is a Seige of Boston... So many are going to lose their homes..."

"I know... It's not fair. But, the king, the king is greedy. And so are the men he send out here. But you act like there's more bothering you..."

"I've been thinking about what I said to you- about being a friend and all. Then I thought about my wife... And her death... Then I thought of my father and his own demise."

"I'm sorry... But, what you said to me is no issue. Our relationship should stay on the down low anyway. People around here don't take too kind to well... Us."

"I know, I know." Warren offered Rev a smile, leaning his head on his shoulder. "I fear that I might die young and reckless as well."

"Don't fear such. You won't."

"My father fell off a ladder picking apples... And he died... My family doesn't seem to have the best of luck if I'm being honest."

Revere tilted his head a bit, rubbing the man's back. "It was an accident. I'm sure it had nothing to do with luck." He pressed a kiss to Warren's forehead after a moment. "And I know losing your wife must've been a hard time for you. I lost my first wife in 1773... Remarried soon after." 

"I doubt I'll ever be remarried." Warren chuckled. "I much prefer my life the way it is. Me, my four kids, and some friends..." 

Revere placed his head atop of Warren's, "And so happen, you have me."

Warren laughed, pulling away from Revere for a moment, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I have you, that's true. What more could I ask?" He ruffled Rev's hair, offering a soft, teasing smile. 

"Well, probably a lot better." Revere chuckled, placing a hand on the male's cheek, grazing his thumb over the skin. "But, I'm glad to be here."

Warren smiled, resting his eyes as he leaned into the touch. "I'm so glad you're here..."


The battle of Bunker Hill had passed and the news was old, and Revere was called in to identify a certain body. He feared the worst, he already knew who it could be. Cautiously taking a step over, others around gave a glance.

Kneeling down near the body, Revere pulled the mouth open, checking the teeth. He sighed, bowing his head. "Joseph Warren." He explained, taking a step back. His heart dropped to his stomach as he stared at the mass grave. "That's Joseph Warren."

"Thank you, sir... We will make sure the people know of  him and his sacrifice. You're free to go."

Revere nodded his head, turning away. He hurried off, hiding the fact that he wanted to cry. That's why he had gone missing. He died young, died bold. He died a hero's death. Revere had been right about only one thing that night so long ago. He had been wrong about Joseph not dying young, but he knew the man wouldn't die foolishly. Fate sang it.

"Well, it appears that I may have lied to you Warren." He whispered softly, tucking his hands behind his back. "Good thing you had gotten those false teeth though... You're going to be a hero through these states. Throughout history. It will be you, old friend. Your name. I will make sure of it." 

Revere hurried his walking pace into a run. It was a promise alright, and he wasn't sure he could do it. Not even he had fame or anyone to listen to him. Neither he, Dawes, or Prescott are really known... How could he make such a bold promise and not keep it?

It'd be better off to let the word travel and see how far it goes.


Wow, I know some other people around the Revolutionary War- surprising, right? I just suddenly became obsessed with Joseph Warren and all- so...

Fun fact: Paul Revere had a son named Joseph Warren Revere and a grandson named Paul Joseph Revere.

I find it sweet that he chose to name his son after Warren.

Because I think only one of Warren's children made it to adulthood? It might have been one of his sons.

Also, I made his nickname Jos, yes? But his signature was actually "Jos Warren".

Anyway, bye!

(Word Count: 2132)

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