Beach Day (Fluff)

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Sheng Zhe was incredibly bored.

Yi Jie was incredibly focused in his work.

And You You was incredibly loud.

That was every reason Sheng Zhe packed up the family and decided what to do for them. With You You behind him, he spun Yi Jie's desk chair around.

"Put your swim suit on."

"Excuse me?" Came the authority-ridden voice of Yi Jie.

"I said, put your swim suit on. Let's go to the beach." This made Yi Jie smile. He spun back around, a suspenseful moment. He could either reach for the off button, or the keyboard.

He turned off the computer, spinning around and standing up. "I'll go change." He turned around halfway, looking back at his husband. "Want to watch?"

Sheng Zhe's eyes widened. "Shut up, pervert!"

Yi Jie laughed, turning around and closing the door to the bedroom.

Less than ten minutes later, they were on their way to a beach close to their area. Sheng Zhe player music, tapping his fingers to it, as Yi Jie listened to You You talk.

"My teacher said it's interesting that I have two dads." She said matter-of-factly. "She said one day her kid will have two moms. I thought that was funny." She laughed childishly, making Sheng Zhe grin.

They reached the beach a couple of minutes later, parking in one of the empty spots. It wasn't a very sunny day, but the summer breeze was warm, and the tide was out, leaving a beach to sit on.

Yi Jie carried all the bags, following Sheng Zhe and You You to a nice spot on the beach where the sand was mostly dry. He plopped the bags down with a grunt, stretching out his shoulder.

Sheng Zhe's face was painted with concern. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"No, I'm fine." He smiled, putting a hand on Sheng Zhe's cheek. They stared at each other for a few seconds, but the moment was interrupted when You You yelled at them from where the water was.

"Come swim with me!" She said, waiting for them to comply. They shared a glance before stripping down to their swim suits and running to the edge of the water.

Yi Jie was the first to splash in, making the other two scream with the cold water. He laughed, splashing them again.

It had been forever since he had been to the beach. Maybe six years? Four? He couldn't remember, but he did remember the trip not being accompanied by good memories.

Sheng Zhe walked in to where his husband was laying, hands on his biceps, trying to warm up. "How are you sitting so calmly? Aren't you freezing?" Yi Jie shrugged, grinning at Sheng Zhe.

"I don't know. The water is warm." He reached out a hand, offering it to the younger. "Come in."

Sheng Zhe took the hand, knowing all to well what was going to happen. Yi Jie grinned, using his leg to kick out Sheng Zhe's and pulling him down. The younger came up, rubbing his salt-filled eyes and sputtering water. Yi Jie couldn't help but laugh, wrapping his arms around Sheng Zhe and pulling him close.

They spent about two hours at the beach, swimming, collecting sand dollars and sea shells, making sandcastles and, for Yi Jie, sleeping.

They eventually packed up when it got too cold, getting ice cream and heading home. You You fell asleep in the backseat, so Yi Jie and Sheng Zhe has time to talk.

"That was fun." Sheng Zhe said matter-of-factly. "Thank you for coming."

"Spending time with you and her is so much better than work anyway." He smiled, putting his hand on Sheng Zhe's back and kissing his cheek lovingly.

A/N: Aiya! Sorry about zero updates recently guys, I've been busy. My 'Crossing The Line' fanfic is my first priority, so once I finish writing a few more chapters for that I will work more on this.
Thank you for reading!
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