New Student (Jealousy/Crossover!)

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Sheng Zhe got to school in a incredibly bad mood, his brows knitted tight together. Nothing had gone right this morning. Yi Jie stayed at his office all night, probably working himself raw, and so Sheng Zhe has a bad sleep worrying about him. When he woke up, the power decided to go out, and so it was freezing in the apartment as he struggled to get out and make some sort of breakfast. Then, thanks to stupid Yi Jie and the possession of the only car, he was stuck walking to school.

He was first into class, swinging his backpack onto the chair and glaring at his lovely teacher, Yi Jie, who looked up from his stack of papers to his pouty husband.

"What's the problem?" He asked, smiling so sweetly Sheng Zhe almost forgot how mad he was. Keeping his pout, he sat up straighter.

"You weren't home last night."

"I know I wasn't. I tried calling you but you wouldn't pick up."

"Bullshit! You didn't call me once!"

Yi Jie crossed his eyebrows, pulling out his phone and looking at it. "Oops. My bad. I didn't call you. But I meant to." He said, shrugged slightly. "Does that make it better?"

"No. Because I was worried about you. And the power went out this morning, so I had to get everything ready in -5, and then walk to school in -10. Thanks to you taking the family car."

"Oh, come on. You could have just taken the bus." That comment made Sheng Zhe pout even more.

"You don't even care about me enough to pick me up in the morning?"

Yi Jie, sensing obvious distress, got up from his desk chair and began to walk towards his whiny lover, but he was stopped by a new student walking into the class.

The guy, with wide black rimmed glasses and the cleanest button up shirt on, looked like something out of a Yiao manga novel, and he only dampened Sheng Zhe's mood. He wrinkled his nose as his husband put on his skeptical teaching face. "And you are?"

Circle-rimmed glasses boy smiled. "I'm Zi Xuan, I was transferred to this class yesterday. I'm new here." He turned his head slightly to the glaring Sheng Zhe, smiling at him as well. God, he was incredibly charming. In the stupid way.

"Ah, great, you can take a seat over there." He smiled, pointing to an open spot by Sheng Zhe, which he knew would obviously bother the younger.

Zi Xuan sat down, giving him a small smile and pulling out his phone. With both his elbows on the table, he opened up texts from someone and started to type in the chat, a huge grin on his face. Sheng Zhe almost rolled his eyes at the guy, almost.

The rest of the class filed in and Yi Jie began to teach, trying his best to avoid the glaring eyes of his husband. He knew that he was mad, but sheesh, he looked like a whole different guy, especially right next to the intuitive-looking new student.

He almost couldn't stand it anymore by the end of class, only wanting to hug him to make it better.

"And that concludes our lesson today. Sheng Zhe, could I please see you privately for me few moments?" He waited until everyone else filed out, except for one student, Zi Xuan, who stood behind Sheng Zhe.

"Uhm, Zi Xuan, you are allowed to go to your next class."

"Sorry, sir, I know, I just have a few questions." He smiled shyly. Yi Jie sat back against his desk, wait for Zi Xuan to speak, and listening as he began to.

Sheng Zhe stood with crossed arms, rolling his eyes freely now that the new boy couldn't see. He listened to their conversation reluctantly, eyebrows raised as his, his, husband, got more and more warm towards him.

Eventually, Zi Xuan left, smiling at Sheng Zhe as he did.

"And you." Yi Jie said, coming closer and pulling Sheng Zhe close to him, waists touching. "You should be in class."

Sheng Zhe's pout dissolved immediately, but he still looked away, trying to be angry at his husband, even though his hands still snaked around his back.

"I know that."

Yi Jie smiled softly, the type of smile only reserved for his lovely Sheng Zhe, leaning in and kissing his forehead before pulling his whole body close.

"I love you, okay?" He muttered into Sheng Zhe's hair. "I meant to call you. I meant to come home. I'm sorry I wasn't there to hug you to sleep. And I mean it. But I will be tonight, and next time I stay in late to work I'll call you."

"You promise?" Sheng Zhe asked with hopeful eyes.

Yi Jie's arms tightened around his back. "I promise."

I had to!!

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