Chapter 2; Episode 1 (Nijimura?)

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(Akashi will still be using the first name of the characters cause i find it entertaining and so atleast a part of the other akashi will be remembered.)


Generation of Miracles (Gom)- The 6 six girls +Momoi

Generation of Goddesses- Only the 6 girls not including Momoi.

And Nijimura and the other 3rd years left the basketball club after the interhigh championship they did not know what happened to the Gom while they were gone.


"Where the fuck are we?! Tetsu?! Momoi?! Kagami?! Imayoshi?! Ryou?! Bakamatsu?! A familliar voice said

"OI! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO RESPECT YOUR ELDE?!-" Wakamatsu was the first one to get of his shock. "-WAIT! AOMINE?! WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE?!"

"KUROKOCCHI! MOMOICCHI! KASUMATSUCCHI SENP-!" Kise started running to them but was kicked by Kasamatsu who was going to go to the restroom when the GoG appeared.


"Okie, Yukiocchi!"

"Stop calling me that!!"

"Atsushi!" Himuro called Murasakibara over.

"Murochin! Captain Gorillachin-chin! Fuku-chin! Liu-chin!" Muraskibara went to her teammates holding a pack of sweet and sour chips.


"Say that once you fix that 2 faced chin." Liu said

"Then maybe girls would finally recognize you." Fukui added


"Oha asa predicted that something wierd but life changing would happen, in fact. But what in world is happening."


"You just had to say you wanted to go with us Midorima. You do care for us after all!"

"Yeah, we would have not have a problem with you staying here."

"Aww did you miss us Midorima~"

The shutoku memebers started to tease their tsundere shooter.

"Join you in what? I din't want to be here i was transported here and Bakao stop calling me by that stupid nickname i have a name, nanodayo."

"Tsundere." They all not only the shutoku regulars muttered under their breaths as Akashi smiled in contentment seeing her other GOM members getting along with their repective teamates.

"Sit over here!" Mibuchi invited their captain over to the empty seat beside him.

Akashi sat in between Hayama and Mibuchi.

"Hello Chichiro, Reo, Kotaro and Eikichi."

"Akashi! You're finally here!" Hayama said

"What took you long?" Mayzumi raised his eyebrow

"Yeah, why you late?" Nebuya asked. (I finally know his name-)

"I do not know."

"Okay, i'm serious now this is entertaining and all but why are we here?" Aomine said as everyone sweat dropped and some fell off their seats.

'So they have no idea do they. Not even Akashi!'

"So what have you got for us Chinsun." Akashi questioned.

"Wait! YOU KNOW HER?!"

"Well of course for i am absolute."

"So girls, you guys aren't supposed to be here so maybe something went wrong with the spell for you to teleport here. But since you guys are already here might as well join us. I am here to tell them about your past in teiko and help you fix the situation. "

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO INTEFERE! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU AR-" Aomine tried punch Chinsun but was pulled back by Wakamatsu and Kise and also Akashi's intervention.

"Let her continue Daiki. They deserve to know and we also don't know each others stories. She is trying to help us get back together." Akashi said to her fellow gog member.

"Plus they deserve to know Aomine-kun." Kuroko pointed to their teams. "They have earned OUR respect and is trying to help us."

"Tch.... fine"

"Thank you Ahomine-kun with no more interuptions until we start lets begin!" Chinsun played the film.

1 year ago

"One year ago?" Many of the players questioned with interest.

The story starts with scenes of holly wood.

"America?" Himuro and Kagami asked

"AMERICA LOOKS SO BAD ASS!" Hayama exclaimed

"I want to go there someday." Hyuuga said

"You guys should totally come visit me for once and not me visiting you all the time! Me, Kagami and Alex could give you a tour!" Kiyoshi offered

"Let do it!" Koganei, the 3 bench warmers and Izuki exclaimed

"But why are you showing us this? I thought this was about the Generation of miracles?"

"Patience is a virtue my friend" Chinsun winked

Then they see a boy that looked very familliar player switching the channels in his japanese tv full with both Japanese and American channels in his house.

"NIJIMURA SHUZO!" Some of the ones who knew him from monthly idol from middle school exclaimed

'Nijimura-senpai?!' Aomine, Akashi, Midorima, Kise and Murasakibara perked up with interest.

"Nijimura-senpai?/Shu-chan-senpai?" Kuroko and Momoi wondered

'Hmn.... Shuzo? Why is she showing him?' Himuro looked at Chinsun curious on whats in store.

"Who that?" "Who is that?" The others who dosen't know him asked

Then Kimura and Miyagi started to slap and hit takao (playfully? I guess not so much but eh 😂😅😆😇).


"Gomen! Gomen! (Sorry! Sorry!)"

Then something in the screen got his attention.

"The generation of miracles are mercyless, ruthless, unconsiderate mon-no they aren't even monsters anymore, they're freaks." A 3rd year in middle school regular power forward with a white with dark green side colored uniform with a number 9 said to the reporter.

Momoi and the GoG's mood went down alot hearing those words as the others looked at them with concern.

Some of them was guilty cause they weren't going to lie..... before they met their respective miracles they used to think that too until they learned they're not bad at all.

'What? What bullshit are they trying to pull here?!' Nijimura looked at the screen.

"Agreed!" Momoi said to the boy in the screen like he could talk to his former senpai.

"They are monsters that should have been kept in an assylum." Another regular player but this time a point guard but he is a 2nd year with the same uniform but with a number 17 on it.

"WHAT! NO! You guys may be monsters in Basketball but in a good way! These guys are just jealous of your talents and skills!" Kagami said to Kuroko and the others sensing they actually believe what they are hearing.

"And You guys shouldn't mind them, they are just pricks in the ass" Kasamatsu added.

"Sadly they don't even have to ignore them." Kuroko said

"What, pardon me? Did i hear that right?" Mibuchi asked as but...

'I could only wish i was suprised...when he saw the look in their eyes.... they really believed it din't they.... that they were freaks....'

His eyes widen in realization of the thing the others haven't realized as he looked at the other GoGs other than Kuroko who had their heads lowered down with their respective teams looking at them with concern.

"They heard it so many times.... they even believe it themselves..." Momoi admitted as eyes stared at him in horror.

"I don't believe it... unless i hear it with my own two ears! You guys dont really believe them, right?"

"...." Kuroko and the other gom had no response to that.

"Plus they're girls! No japanese or any asian girl should be at that height! Prim and proper girls are the most ideal and why did they even allow them to play at the BOYS basketball team! And if they are even thinking of going pro thats a disgrace, the best thing a girl could ever do is cook, clean and look pretty."

"Thats all they have to do and they can't even do that! No wonder they are freaks!" A boy with the same uniform but is a 3rd year center with a 5 on his shirt.

"WHAT THE FUCK! GIVE ME ATLEAST 3 GOOD REASONS I SHOULDN'T HAUNT DOWN THESE MOTHER F-" Kagami exclaimed his full of rage that his face was as red as his hair but was cut off by Kasamatsu, Riko and Hyuuga.

"How dare they disrespect their elders or any person at all! No person should be ever called a freak in such a negative way!" The Kaijou regulars present coward in fear from the aura radiating from their captain.

"And If they ever ever decide to come to our school the first thing i will beat into him is disipline." Riko said with an 'innocent' smile.

How dare he judge a girl by stereotypes not all girls are like that its 2019!

'Coach is at it again.'

Everyone in seirin and the ones present from Kaijou including Kise and Kuroko sweat dropped but they were too mad at the players and scared of the Coach to say anything.

'This trio is interesting.' Akashi said in her mind

"Trust me i would Loooove to have these guys on our team to teach them discipline." Hyuuga said

'Even captain! He is even in clutch mode!'

Even Kuroko was mad "What the fuck!"

Everyone was shocked and scared to see the phantom show this much negative emotion but they wouldn't say they din't expect it.

But they were still concered cause so far no one in the GoG other Kuroko has said a thing.

'WHAT BULL SHIT IS THIS?! OH-' Nijimura's eyes widen in realization

Then the screen showed the teiko middle school main basketball gym?


All of the generation of perked up in interest at a mention of a flashback.

And everyone else might be pissed right now but i wouldn't say they weren't interested to see this flashback.

Nijimura was about to go in the gym when he noticed Kise approaching him asking for him to wait for her.

Kise looks like this:

'How is she still so pretty even though she is in middle school. Does this make me a pedo?'

'What the fuck! Why does she have to be so cute!' Kasamatsu was now covering his face trying to cover his face thanking the darkness of the room so no one can see his blush.


"SENPAI! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!" Kise gave a box of an expensive brand of Milk chocolate with caramel filling and a blue see through wrapping.

"Wait! Wait! Hold on, just wait a second! Isn't that that imported expensive brand of chocolate that was only sold out only after 1 minute then they din't make any other batches of that saying its only limitted edition and off limits after that one and only stock." Moriyama asked who wanted to buy one but was too late to buy since it sold out so fast.

"Kise perhaps forgot to tell you things and one of the things is that she comes from a rich family. One of the companies her god father owns is that chocolate factory were they make that limited edition chocolate so she can asked for them to make one whenever she wants." Aomine spoke for the 1rst time since they started but still felt this wierd familliar feeling from what the players said a while ago that she hasn't felt in a long time.

"Thanks, but why aren't you inside and changed yet." Nijimura raised his eyebrow.

"Hehehe about that, the chocolate only arrived 3 minutes ago so sorry im late captain!"

"Classic Kise" Moriyama teased their blonde ace.

"Hey! You guys should be lucky i give you chocolate senpai!"

"But wait..... captain?" Kagami asked

"Yes, what is the problem?" Midorima asked

"Why dosen't he have colored hair then."
"Whats that supposed to mean?" A vein popped in all of the miracles head.


"Thats not what he means.... every miracle so far has you know um colorful hair so we are wondering how is his hair not rainbow or something." Takao defended the poor red head.

"His name practically has rainbow in it." Mayzumi explained.

"STILL! Kuroko's name means shadow chu chu but his hair is light blue!"

"Can we please stop this pointless topic! All of us except Nijimura-senpai has colored hair cause of GENETICS in fact, we din't choose to have colorful bright hair!"

All of the relugars of shutoku din't even heard the rest after senpai amazed on how such a prideful cause said senpai! She usually calls upperclassmen -san, its still formal but hearing her say SENPAI!

"You said senpai..."


"Fine just get inside." Nijimura sighed as he entered the gym with the blonde behind him.

Then he saw the 1rst string praticing but there was only 3 generation of miracles.

"Where's Aomine, Momoi and Kuroko?" Izuki asked

"OH! I REMEMBER THIS! THE CHOCOLATE CAKE INCIDENT!" Aomine pointed out before the other Gom's eyes widen in realization.


"Wait! You're right!" The other shutoku regulars started noticing it as well as the other teams

"Whats wrong with it?" Himuro wondered

"YOU SAID YOU NEVER HAD LONG HAIR BEFORE! YOU LYING BRAT!" Miyagi repremanded her, the other regulars holding him back.

"Shintaro why did you say that and i also always have wondered why did you cut your beautiful long hair?"

"Its just a preference okay." Midorima answered too forced for anyone's comfort.

"Where are-"

"Here i have a vanila caramel chocolate for you! Happy Valentines day Niji-chin! I know any chocolate bar with caramel is your favorite!"

"Wow thats such a great distraction Atsushi." A sarcastic voice was heard changing the mood.

"Hey! I was in the startled! That was accually a good on the spot answer Muro-chin!" Murasakibara pouted.

"Um, thank you Atsushi but-"

"Here is mine! Its caramel chocolate with different nuts and different layers of chocolate." The other manager tried distracting their captain.

"How original."

"LIKE YOU CAN DO BETTER AHOMINE!" Momoi said defending his friend.

"Here is mine and Akashi's gift nanodayo Its a big double whipped caramel chocolate bar about 30 cm wide and 20 cm tall, in fact. It is also filled with different flavors of expensive but spectacular chocolates that have a special taste on your mouth, you can't ever taste anything like this caramel chocolate bar again, in fact."

"Wait, did i hear right?! 30 cm wide and 20 cm tall?!" Hyuuga asked

"With the most expensive kinds of chocolates?!" Nebuya looked speechless.

"Aka-chin and Mido-chin are 2 of the richest students in Teiko. Though Aka-chin's family is more rich. Kise-chin, Aka-chin and Mido-chin buy us the most expensive kind of chocolates" Murasakibara said like it was nothing.


"I am so jealous of your old captain now!"

" It also has fluffy white colored marshmallows cause you get annoyed with marshmallows that weren't white last year, then it also has different expensive nuts you haven't even heard of with a touch of vanilla." Akashi explained further.

"I wish you would also buy me one Midorimacchi!" Kise complained

"Yeah me too Aka-chin!" Murasakibara begged to her captain.

"No!/No." Akashi and Midorima replied sweatdropping.

"I'm really jealous of your captain now!"

"Shin-chan will you make one for me too!"

"In your dreams Bakao!"

"No i am not going to make you one also Kotaro."


"I am also not buying some for you Eikichi, that goes the same for you Reo."



"Thats right Akashi, you should also give your poor senpais."

"Rakuzan is a school for rich kids and you can buy it yourselves."


"Thank you Shinka and Seira but where is-"





"Hahaha! Did you practice that or something!"

"Actually yeah, we did"


Then Nijimura had to accept each and every single one of the chocolates cause Akashi and Kise had convinced him that it would be a shame if he was the reason the hearts of a million girls had been broken while Midorima went to get the other 3.

"GIRL POWER!" All the girls in the room exclaimed.

"And that was the last one." Nijimura sighed as the last girl went out of the gym. Beside him was a big mountain of chocolates and gifts.


All of the boys felt jealous cause of how many girls want to be with him and most of them cant get a single girl or even just a box of chocolate that wasn't from the GoG.

"That is not a lot compared to the gifts he got when it was his birthday! This always happens and we have to help him finnish it but i have no complains as long as i get the most share." Murasakibara corrected him as she ate another chip.

"No fair! Murasakibara always gets the biggest share when it comes to food!" Kise complained to the others.

"Hey! Kise-chin said that she was on a diet anyways!" Murasakibara poated when Himuro sent his 'Im so dissapointed glance' at her.

Then 4 figures flew through the door.



"Oh...." Momoi, Kuroko and Aomine realized their angry captain was already there and realized the time.

"How did you not realize the time?!"

"And why do you look like you went in a food war?!"

"So sorry?"

"Why the fuck do you look like....that?!"

"Happy valentines Nijimura-senpai!" The 3 presented a one layer chocolate caramel cake with extra sweet chocolate flavor and frosting.

"Oh that explains it..." Imayoshi sweat dropped

"What explains what?!"

"Momoi and Aomine both can't cook for their lives and Kuroko can only cook an egg."

"Wait you guys cooked that?! What poison did you put in this time?!" Nijimura looked at the cake like it was radio active trash.

"Thats mean senpai!" Aomine complained

"We've been learning!" Momoi added

"I like how Kuroko din't even try to defend even himself. That is a very Kuroko like thing to do." Kagami noticed

"Its because he is Tetsu, you really are a Bakagami!" Aomine smirked



Then they both wince in pain as Kuroko jabbed them.

"What the fuck Tetsu?!"

"What was that for Kuroko?!"

"Thats why i had to ordered Shinka to go and help you?" Akashi raised her eyebrow.

"And why i arrive to the home economics lab to see different ingredients everywhere which I had to clean up and then bake the cake for you on time for the girls to be done distracting senpai , nanodayo!" Emphasizing on the I part.

"Midorima and Akashi are snitches i tell you!" Aomine complained.

"I know right! Shin-chan always snitches on me!"


"MIDORIMA! WHYY?" Aomine whinned.


"Oh, so Shinka made it, its super good then. Thanks, I will eat it later along with the other chocolates i got and donate some to the orphanage."

"Wow so if Katsuki, Tetsu and i make it, its trash. When Midorima makes it, its suddenly great."

"Of course! We can't even cook or bake anything that will turn out edible, only Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara can bake and cook however i can only bake but i still help fine in the kitchen" Akashi raised her eyebrow.

"You're Akashi-kun, Akashi-kun! You're in a different league! Don't try to compare us with you" Momoi whinned

'Nijimura Shuzo-senpai, Even if he came from a poor family, he is VERY popular not only with the girls but the boys also and is also popular with the teachers

All the boys wished they would get that popular except Momoi and Himuro

Cause they are both already as popular as Nijimura more or less and recieve the same amount of chocolate more or less.

Not only he has good looks, he is understanding and kind. He always volunteers in community cleaning events, orphanage donations, also does other kinds of donations to the poor and sick too.

"He really is prince charming tho-"

He may be strict and may be come off as cold-hearted is extremely kind-hearted, is a complete gentleman. He is also selfless and smart, always helping others in need but sometimes he is a little bit akward in socializing with new people but people find it cute so its fine.

"I dont get girls anymore.."

"Since when did we get them?"

"True tho-"

He is also overwhelmingly decent in lots of sports. He is also so talented in all areas like studies,his social life, in the kitchen, he is also good at buisness and he is great at drawing! '


"He is really is the Generation of Miracles' senpai!"

"We totally have the best gift!"

"Oh no Aomine bad move, you started the war."

"No me and Shinka do, its bigger and more expensive!"


"You also joined the arguement about this silly topic?!" Mayzumi facepalmed losing his sanity as the girl in question smiled mischiviously.

"Price dosen't matter! I din't give away my chocolate to Shu-chin just to not have the best gift." Murasakibara poated


"OURS IS HOME MADE!" aomine exclaimed

"I helped you make it, nanodayo." Midorima raised her eyebrow.

"Besides ours is home-made too." Akashi added.

" WAIT! Akashi, Midorima! You made that! Its bigger than my Tv!"

"Its not that big compared to the other chocolates we made for him though." Akashi admitted

'How damn rich and talented are these two?!'

"I am serious i wont make one for you Kotaro no matter how many times you give me the puppy dog eyes."

"No, i also wont give you one Takao."

"Awwww" The two said as they sulked in the corner.

then they all looked at Nijimura for an answer.

"Oh no, he's in trouble..."

Nijimura only looked at them fondly.

'Not going to say it directly to them but i'm going to miss them next year when i go.'


Kise and Momoi were already teary eyed at hearing those words.

"Still think ours the best tho- GAHH TETSU! STOP JABBBINNNG MEEEE"

Everyone laughed Kagami's laugh being the loudest and Kuroko's and Mayzumi's being the softest (only chuckling.)

"Your captain seems like a good guy."

"He really is!"

Then another scene was displayed in the screen.

"Another flashback?"

Nijimura was lying on a tree in a grassy field with young Aomine's head sleeping on his left shoulder with Kise Sleeping on Aomine's legs until Nijimura's chest.

Then on his right shoulder Murasakibara's sleeping head rested with a young Midorima sleeping on her legs until Nijimura's chest beside Kise's head.

Then there was Akashi hugging Midorima's chest her head on Nijimura's right thigh.

"Shin-chan peaceful. I mean you were always beautiful but..." Takao said in shock blushing slightly at the image of her sleeping.

"Honestly..... I never imagined i would ever seeing you like this Aomine-kun. I guess you were beautiful ever since middle school huh~" Imayoshi teased his seatmate

Midorima and Aomine blushed bright red in embarassment from the compliment as Akashi smirked as Murasakibara looked at them with interest.

"Senpai! Why cant you complement me like that?!" The copycat complained

Kasamatsu just ignored her.


Kasamatsu sighed

"You look cute when you sleep." He complemented his eyes looking away from hers in embarassment as he flushed red.


"lets go back to the film." Kagami sighed in expiration.

'Oh my girls, oh have you grown into wonderful women, with unique personalities. Never backing down, never giving in. I'm really going to miss you guys when i leave for highschool. I'm sorry i wont see you anymore.. i wont see how you grow... i'm sorry i wont be able to go to your graduations....i wont find out who you marry.... i wont be able to see your kids. But this is for the best..maybe we might see each other again... i really hope so... but i want you to always remember... i love you girls so much.' He thought as he looked at all their faces.

At this point....every Gom was crying as their team mates looked upon them with concern.

'Even Akashi is crying!'

It was Nijimura's graduation.

"1rst Honor. Nijimura Shuzo, basketball varisity."

He got up and got his certificate and medals with his Auntie since his parents and siblings have already left and are waiting for him in america.

His auntie congratulated him and gave him a hug as they went down the stage.

'I wonder how are the girls' To be honest, he hasn't went to the gym ever since their win in the inter high championship. He along with the other 3rd years did not participate in the wintercup nor their club activities due to their exams and pre-exams.


"Thats wierd... dont we usually resign at the end of winter cup?"

"I think i know the reason why..." Riko trailed off.

"What do you think is the reason?" Akashi questioned interested to know what the coach had in mind

"Well since none of the 3rd years were regulars anyway i guess teiko would do something like this since the 6 should have no weakness and Nijimura was certainly a weakness so they had to make a gap between you guys and nijimura."

None of the old teiko memebers could say anything cause they knew seirin's coach was right.

Though he still hang out with them outside of club activities he noticed something strange about them.

"Oh no, he dosent know does he?" Hyuuga grew pale.

"Know what?" The others who dosent know what happened in teiko asked.

'Akashi's eyes.... other than the other coloring in her eyes they seem... cold and lifeless..but there is something had a hint of fear and burden..'

"Fear and burden? What does he mean?"

It reminded him of when he and Akashi had a brief conversation after he convinced the assistant coach to make Akashi captain. It wasn't exactly desame but it was enough to make him have goosebumps.

"Nijimura-san could always know the secret feelings we were hiding... no matter how hard we tried to hide it." Akashi sighed as she answered the question.

It surely wasn't the answer he was hoping for but Akashi was sure it would be revealed soon.

'Shinka's hair... what happened?'

His mind flashbacked to the last time she cut her hair in her freshman year in middle school. She was walking back home after school when he confronted her.

"Shinka! Why did you cut your hair?"

"Its nothing."

"Dont give me that bull-shit Shinka! I know something is wrong!"

"No matter how thick our mask is, he could always see right through us when ever us ourselves cant figure it out..." Midorima said as everyone looked at her with concern, not knowing that so much as a hair cut could have some deep reason.

"When ever i feel alone, i cut my hair." Then she started to walk away.

She was leaving and was already pretty far from him but he knew she heard him.

"You're never alone."

Shinka broke down hearing those words again from her former captain as Takao tried comforting her.

'And the fact that Shinka and Atsushi are sitting on opposite sides of the group and how they seem to talk to everyone except each other concerns me a little. Plus Atsushi's eyes are filled with annoyance probably wishing she din't have to sit beside the other girls.'

Murasakibara looked down in shame as she remembered something as Midorima visibly flinched.

"What does he mean?"

"Like Akashi said, Nijimura knows everything about us even little details like how Midorima and Murasakibara always sit or stand beside each other despite their constant bickering unless they were REALLY mad at each other." Aomine was the one who answered this time remembering something.

'Speaking of Murasakibara, she seems lazier than usual and she seems to be frowning more than not. Her eyes seem... dull...'

A flashback shows her smiling brightly, her eyes filled with excitement as she holds up Midorima's glasses as the poor girl tries to get it as she passes it to Aomine.

The girls and Momoi smiled remembering that moment.

Nijimura had to scold them before they finally gave it back to Midorima but alot happened before that.... but thats for another time. 😉😉😉

Kise was shown next. She was sitting in between Aomine and Kuroko. She was bored out of mind not even bothered trying to annoy or even talk to anyone. Which was really rare.

She din't watched Aomine whenever she was doing something no matter how little it was.

Or annoying Midorima about her lucky items or trying to steal her glasses.

Not trying to steal Murasakibara's snacks.

Not trying to make Akashi give her something.

Not even talking to kuroko!

Kasamatsu looked at his past teammate who looked at the floor like she was wishing that it would swallow her whole.

Speaking of Kuroko, the said girl was inbetween Kise and Akashi as she looked at him with a sad smile.

Kuroko could still remember that moment even if she din't want to.

She was the only one who saw him.

Sometimes it would just appear randomly in her mind. Her past senpai looking at them like they were made of glass and was about to shatter any minute.

But that was not that far from the truth anyways.

By looking at the 5 girls alone he could see how much pain and suffering they went through.

Then there was Aomine who was lazily spinning a basketball in her finger as she ate her burger ignoring Midorima's protests about number 1 bringing a basketball to a formal ceremomy and 2 eating in a formal ceremony which was both banned by the principal.

'Aomine...oh my..what happened to you?'

Her eyes were the dullest of them all, she looked like a machine drained all of her passion.

'What happened to all of you?'

"I LOVE BASKETBALL BUT I WANT TO BE WITH YOU GUYS! SO WE WILL ALL BECOME A PROFFESIONAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS!" A young Aomine screamed when they were shouting there feelings on Teiko's private mountain.

Everyone is shocked as they never saw Aomine's eyes filled with such passion and promise.

"I am HAPPY as long as i'm with you guys, my friends."

"We will become the best team, together! FOREVER!"

"I'm happy with you guys, i'd rather be with you guys than have the most candy in the world.... but Aka-chin and Mido-chin could always give me candy!"



"I dont feel lonely when i am with you guys, in fact!"

"Its amazing how even ever since they were in middle school you still spoke that way!" The Shutoku memebers somehow lighten the mood when they couldn't hide their laughter.

"I hope this never ends!"
A young Kuroko shouted last as they all smiled at each other.

As the screen turned black all of them were speechless at the display.

"Lets go to the next episode.. i guess.." chinsun said sensing the foul mood.

"Wait..." Everyone looked back/front to see Kise who wants to say something.

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