Chapter 3; Episode 2 part 1

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"Um.... i'm sorry.... for all the things that happened" Kise broke the silence finally looking at them.

"Kise is apologizing?!" Kagami 'whispered' to Kuroko earning the attention of half of the people present as she jabbed her light for being too loud.

"I'm sorry too... the way i acted was out of the line and it caused the team to fall apart." Aomine also apologized, suprising alot of people.



"I'm also sorry, especially to Aka-chin, Kuro-chin and Mido-chin." Murasakibara stopped eating for a second to apologize.

"I also apologize in fact... the way we were acting was foolish and it hurt Kuroko and all of us in the process..." Midorima bowed to her fellow GOMs.

"Shin-chan is apologizing?!" Takao said recording the moment in his phone along wih the other Shutoku members.

"Oi! Delete that you imbeciles!"

"I am sorry too." Kuroko bowed next shocking the other GOMs

"Oi! Testsu! Its not your fault! Its ours!" Aomine intercepted her but was jabbed by Kuroko who is magically by her side now.

"Don't inturupt me Aomine-kun. It's also my fault.... i was selfish and scared... Sure you guys have done alot of wrong things but... i did not do anything to stop it... i just stood there and left you guys when you guys needed me the most." Kuroko said looking at her fellow GOM members who stared at her in awe.

"Besides, you girls have to understand its not all your faults. Teiko and their policies made you guys think that winning was everything and that everything will be okay as long as you guys win and that is not okay." Kiyoshi said to them making them more shocked.

"You are right Teppei-san, here is many things that happened and each side of our story will probably be shown so i'm happy and sure that Chinsun-san over here will show us.... so we could know each part of our storys but before we continue I also want to say sorry, I was wrong"

Not only the GOM but All of the people in the room even Chinsun, felt the impact of the rare side of the proud emperess.

"Now we got that cleared up let's see the next episode!" Kise said trying to get the mood back to normal.

"The next one isn't that much of a dramatic one." Chinsun announced.

"Aren't we going to continue the Teiko events?" Riko asked.

"The episodes will be played as a pattern, alternating from a dramtic one to a not so dramatic one but there are some exceptions but for now that's the pattern we are going with."

"Now I'll play this in 3, 2, and 1!"

Tittle of the episode: Stop being such a love critic!

"What kind of tittle is that?"

"WAIT!" Midorima turned pink from embarrassment as she realized something.

"Dont tell me..." Aomine paled.


"Oh no." Even Kuroko showed a hint of nervousness and embarrassment though most of them did not notice but Seirin, Momoi and the goddesses sure did.

"I still don't get it" Atsushi tilted her head as she looked at Himuro who clearly remembered it and was blushing, trying not to act wierd

It was a bright day in Serin, the 1rst years and 2nd years were having a friendly match and it was 4 to 4 so far when Kuroko's phone rang.

"TETSU IS THE FIRST! YES! ITS NOT ME!" Aomine shouted in relief as Kuroko was suddenly more pale than usual that i dont even think was possible until now.

"I am confusion."

"Huh?" Riko picked up the phone and it was Kise calling.

"OH! I REMEMBER THIS NOW!" All of the Seirin memebers except kagami suddenly remembered it now as they started laughing.

"I am still confusion."

Riko ignored it.

"Even you Rikocchi! Traitor!"

Then after a few seconds the phone rang again.

Riko sighed as she picked it up and was greeted by a panicked voice.



"Oh its Rikocchi! Akashicchi is our old captain, Akashi Seira! Can you please inform Kurokocchi?!"

Her voice was oddly super fast paced and full of panic but she managed to get the point before Kise suddenly ended the call.

"Slow down your voice geez!" Kasamatsu reprimanded the blonde.



"Is she also a generation of goddesses?" Kagami asked as Kuroko was talking to the coach.

"Yes, Akashi Seira is well known as the captain of the generation of miracles she is also known as the point guard empress of the Generation of Goddesses." Hyuuga answered

"She also has never EVER lost in her whole entire life in ANYTHING!" Koganei added over dramaticly.

"Sorry! Sorry! SORRY!"

They all laughed as Koganei bowed to Akashi who was flustered at the amount of apologies.

"Its fine! Really... no need to apologize."

Time skip to after their practice.

The team was eating in a traditional restorant. Though Kuroko and Kagami were in another table since even a single big table couldn't fit all of them so they decided to play rock paper scissors.

"So Kuroko.." Kagami started.

"Whats the news about your old captain visiting soon?"

"I honestly... do not know.. i could never predict what she is thinking..."

"To make you feel better Akashi couldn't always perfectly predict you, in fact. NOT THAT I CARE NANODAYO!" Midorima said carelessly making her tsundere side show once again.

A tsundere that is one of the only people who Akashi SOMETIMES lets get away when she says something that usually if said by other people would end up having a pair of scissors on their necks.

After all it was a rare sight to actually see Midorima's true side, her motherly side which was suppressed cause of her tsundereness and pride.

So yeah... Akashi just glared at her closest best friend instead of making her feel like hell (Instead just ask Aomine, she would know alot about that.)

"UwwwwU. Look what i seeeee is Shin-chan showing her caring si-"

"Shut up takao!"

"Hello, happy greetings though it is rude talking about people when they dont know about it."






"Hmn... so this is your potiencial love interest... interesting... though he seems a little bit of a dumbass... you could also use someone who is better looking and has more muscle though you do like Tan boys who play Basketball i didn't imagine you really potecialy dating on-"

"WAIT A MINUTE! Shut up and slow down! I cant understand what your saying.." Kagami said to the empress.

"Once a Bakagami always a Bakagami."



"Akashi-kun what are you doing here?!" Kuroko asked her former captain even though she is still visibly flustered by Akashi's words.

'I mean i do like him... but i don't want the whole world to know about it! Dont show that much emotion.'

"Why are you so red Kuroko? Are you sick?" Kagami put his hand on her head to check his shadow's temperature.

'Oh my god... i think my heart skipped a beat...'

"You're not sick though.."

"YOU'RE SUCH A BAKAGAMI!" Riko hit Kagami

"WHAT DID I DO THIS TIME?!" Kagami asked her, still confused about on whats going on.


"You." Akashi pointed to Kagami


"No me." Aomine said sarcasticly as everyone laughed at Kagami's cluelessness.

Akashi then pulls Kagami down.

"If you hurt Tetsuna i will hunt you down and oblibrate you piece by piece."

"Aw so you do care Akashi." Mayzumi teased his former captain.

"Do you want a death threat?" Akashi glared at her former member

"Aw so you do care" Kise and Aomine joined in the teasing making Akashi more irritated as they realized their mistakes.

"Thank you your highness for caring for us slaves."

"Extra trainning"



"Should we help them?" Furi asked concerned

"Nah, they should have known better." The rest of the generations told them as they just watched as Akashi punnished them.


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