Chapter 4; Bonding time!

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"Traitors!" Kise said to them as they were taking their dinner after Akashi made Kise and Aomine do extra training aka hell.

"I haven't that much training ever since the early days of our 3rd year of middle school!" Aomine after finishing her 20th Burger burped.

'How much can you eat?!' The others stared at the girl infront of them in shock.

'How does she not get fat?'

"Thats all you're going to eat? Weak." Kagami said just finishing his 21th burger.


"YOU'RE ON!" Aomine and Kagami glared at each other as they raced to see who can eat more as Akashi facepalmed as she went to take a night shower.

"How many burgers can you guys eat?!" The others stared at them still eating burgers when they came back from the shower.

"58 burgers..." Everyone's jaws dropped as they watched suprised by the iron stomachs of the two aces.

They knew they could eat alot but this is in a whole nother level.

"Okay, stop now. You guys might get sick if you continue on with this game of yours." Akashi said to them entering the room.

"But then who wins?"




"Okay, so listen up everyone! I will announce your room and roomates asigned in this paper." Riko announced waving a piece of paper to them.

"Okay so room number 1, Sakurai, Izuki, Moriyama, Furihata, Fukuda and Kawahara"

Izuki, Sakurai and Moriyama looked at each other and nodded.

"Yay!" The 3 were delighted to hear that they were roommates.

"Room number 2, Mibuchi, Nebuya, Hayama and Kiyoshi."

"Wow the crown kings are in the same room!" Takao whispered to Midorima.

"Do i look like i don't see that Takao?" Midorima answered back.

"Room number 3, Himuro, Hyuuga, Takao, Imayoshi, Kasumatsu and Mayuzumi."

"There is one member of each team in that room!"

"Thats what you noticed! I noticed most of them as the partners of the gom!"

"I'm not with that Bakao!"

"Bleh! Too bad. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life~" Takao tackled Midorima.

"Wait a minute... me and Imayoshi?! Eww..." Aomine complained to her captain.

"And i thought we are close Aomine-san~"


"Whatever you say princess~"

"Since when did i become partners with Kise?" Kasumatsu complained.


"Well i don't mind being partners with Muro-chin. He is always so nice to me plus he gives me sweets when i behave." Murasakibara said.

"T-thanks Atsushi, i do not mind being partners with you too." Himuro answered back a little flustered by the compliment by the purple haired girl.

"Aren't you going to complain or something about being partners with me?" Mayuzumi raised his eye brow.

"Nah, you are fine Mayuzumi-san."

"Ahh, i see. You are back to your regular self again."

"Well.. i wouldn't call it my 'regular self' since it is part of me."

"I see."

"Room number 4, Midorima, Kuroko, Akashi, Aomine, Murasakibara, Kise, Kagami and Momoi!"

"The generation of miracles are in the same room?! You gotta be kidding me?!"

"That is so interesting!"

"I'm happy we get to sleep in the same room again even if its with that Bakagami!" Aomine said huging Tetsu.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A BAKAGAMI?!" Kagami said a vein popping out of his head.

"I can't breath Aomine-kun." Testu complained tho still emotionless as always.

"Oops sorry testsu"

"Well i for one am happy to be with you guys again."

"Awww thanks Akashicchi!" Kise tackled her captain.

"Get off of her Kise-kun" Kuroko said trying to help her team mate not get even more punnished by Akashi that she already was.

"Its fine, in fact i miss you guys."

"Ooh Akashi is showing her soft side~" Bakagami teased not knowing that the 'i'm not going to punnish you' special treatment dosen't affect him.

"500 push ups Kagami Taiga."

After they announced the rest of the groups they all went to their seperate rooms but not after Kagami did 321 push ups before he passed out due to him barely recovering from his punnishment with Aomine a while back.

They had to wait until he wakes up cause they weren't going to carry a sweaty, hairing, tall, heavy guy to their room like a princess.

(Gom's sleeping arrangement
Murasakibara Kagami  Midorima  Akashi       Kuroko   Kise
       Momoi  Aomine )

The Gom's room is a large plain white old-style based room with 8 traditional japanese matresses with corrosponding colors to their hairs with 8 tables with food and a lamp on top of them in the middle of the room, 4 matresses on the left middle and the other four matresses on the right middle facing each other.

There was a big balcony connecting at the end of the room and on the right side of the room is the entrance to 2 restrooms and 2 mirror tables with make up and all the nessesary hair/ make up products plus beauty masks and games like jenja and snakes and ladders.

Then at the left side there was 8 big closets with their corosponding color.

"THIS IS SO BIG!" Kagami exclaimed amazed, immidietly going to his matress and laying down on the soft matierial which was the matress closest to the restroom suddenly forgeting his tiredness from a while ago.


"Wow the restroom is so fancy and acually clean!" Aomine said as she looked at one of the restrooms.

The bathroom was designed with a crystal chandelier with gold and crystal walls and designs with a bathtub. A shower with mulitiple showers so that the user could spray any part of the body they wish at the temperature they want. Then there was a table in the side with 8 colored towels and then different flavor/colored shampoos, soaps, bubble baths, conditioners, body washes and lotions.

"OH MY GOSH! LOOK AT ALL THE DIFFERENT MAKE UP AND ALL THE DIFFERENT CLOTHES!" She said opening the closet that was labeled Kise in cursive to reveal all different kinds of shirts with different, colors, designs, sleaves, texture and brand as well as different kinds of pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, watches, hats, shoes, inside slippers, robes, bags, and accessories like bracelets and earings.

While Murasakibara directly went to her matress which was the one in the left most closest to tne window directly infront of Kagami and looked at the different kinds of treats and chips that were there for her to eat and started eating.


"Stop saying nonesense thing Kaga-Chin or i will have to crush you."

"Enough crushing for today." Akashi reminded her past team mate as she sat on her matress as Momoi went to his own matress which was right beside Kuroko's.

"Yay! I get to sleep beside Tetsu-san!"

"Shut up Katsuki!"

"And i won again... nice try though Midorima. Almost had me there, i was barely able to counter it. It was an excellent try none the less." Akashi said as Midorima cleaned up the shogi board after about 10 rounds.

'She is just saying that! She didn't even looked affected by that move at all!'

"Someday i'm going to beat you, Akashi." Midorima smirked at the red head.

"I'd like to see you try." Akashi said smirking back at her.

"How do they make boardgames look so... intense?" Kagami said as she, Murasakibara and Momoi watched them taunt and tease each other.

"I honestly have no idea." Momoi said as he looked at the two.

While in the other side of the room, Kise was making costom face masks for the group and Aomine trying to keep up with the expert but failing miserably.

"How do you even fucking do this?" Aomine said showing Kise her bowl that was... oddly colored and had big chunks with... different textures.

"What in the world did you put in this?! This is no good!" Kise said as she showed Aomine again how to make the face mask solution for the millionth time.

"Are the face masks done Kise-kun?" Kuroko asked her suddenly appearing beside the blonde.

"AHHH! SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" They both jumped away in shocked.

"I was here the whole time."

"To answer your question, yes we are done Kurokocchi!" She said bringing the mask solution SHE made to the others with the help with Kuroko.

"Aomine! We ordered food! Its probably outside now!" Midorima shouted to Aomine across the room.

"Fine!" Aomine answered back as she got the food.

"Aominecchi! Don't drop it!" Kise said as Aomine almost drops the plates of food that came in.

"Aomine-kun, hold it properly please."

"I'm trying!"

"Okay lets never have i ever!" Kise said as she finished putting Murasakibara's face mask on.


"Sure, why not."

"Whatever you guys want to do, Nanodayo."

"Game on!"

"I'm ready!"

"Okay, let me start! Never have you ever... been to teiko!" Kagami starts earning a groan from all the people around him.

"No fair! You were the only one who din't went to teiko!" Kise complained

"Thats the point you baka!"

"Never have you ever went to America." Midorima went next and Kagami then put down a finger.

"How about you Akashi? I mean your family is rich and famous and their are lots of news and articles and magazines of you in other countries!" Kagami said trying to get the empress to lower down a finger.

"I have mostly went to Europian countries." Akashi explained.


"Nice try though!"

"Have you ever... ate your own booger!"

Kagami and Aomine put down a finger.



"I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR YOU AHOMINECCHI!" Kise backed away from the girl beside her.

"Aomine! That is unplesant mannerism for a girl! But thats no excuse for you Bakagami! That is just plain disgusting!" Midorima said crossing her arms.

"Mother hen strikes again!"

"I'm not a mother hen!"

"Though Midorima-kun is right Aomine-kun and Kagami-kun." Kuroko said to them.

Then Akashi slowly lowers her finger.

"AKASHICCHI?! WHY ARE THEY ALL NEAR ME?!" Kise said moving to Midorima's left side, right beside Murasakibara.

"Akashi! You too?!" Midorima said her glasses cracking as she faints.

"Mido-chin! Are you alright?" Murasakibara said as she catches her green haired best friend.

"Akashi-kun! I was expecting Bakagami-kun and Ahomine-kun but you!" Kuroko said giving up on life.

Meanwhile in the New-fashioned styled room.

"This is so cool!" Takao said jumping on top of his bed. "Ooh!"

He then beggan jumping on his super comfortable bed loving the texture and fragrance of it.

"Don't jump on the bed Takao!" Hyuuga shouted at the boy.

"This room is so extravegant! The bathroom is bigger than my apartment!" Kasamatsu pointed out pointing at the bathroom which was two times bigger than his apartment.

"This is a big bathroom if i do say so myself." Imayoshi said before sitting down on his bed.

"So what do you guys wanna play?" Himuro asked while fixing his things beside Mayuzumi who was quiety reading light novel.

"Wait... what kind of book cover is that?!" Takao bursted into laughter.

"That looks like something a little princess would read. Ooh~ Are you are little princess? Maybe we could call the police." Imayoshi taunted but Mayuzumi was still un-fazed.

"Imayoshi-" Himuro tried stopping him from taunting the poor boy more than he already was.

"Maybe we should bring HER back to HER mommy. Little baby wabby is reading a book! Want me to translate it for your little girly body? Cause maybe you wouldnt understand it being the airhead you are." Imayoshi then tried again making a vein pop up the offended boy's forehead.

"No you din't you little prick." Mayuzumi broke his Kuroko like composure for once and tackled both Imayoshi and Takao playfully beating them up.

"O-oh! P-please S-s-stop!" The grey haired boy then begged when they all teamed up on tickling him starting from Himuro.


Laughter and Mayuzumi's begs for forgiveness was then heard around the room. Thank god for the sound-proof rooms!

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