Chapter 1

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   I sat perched atop a clock tower, the heat of the jungle was starting to get to me.

   I slapped the back of my neck, hopefully killing the mosquito that was there.

   Then, I looked down at my watch. "Dammit, he should be here by now."

   That's when I heard the sound of an opening door.

   I quickly looked through the scope of my sniper rifle, scanning the building in front of me for movement.

   "There you are." I said to myself as I lined up my scope at an older man in a fancy suit.

   I flipped the safety off. "Brazil says hello." Then, I pulled the trigger.

   Hundreds of birds flew from nearby rooftops as the man, the former drug lord running this small town, collapsed to his knees then rolled down the front stairs of his mansion.

   As his bodyguards sprung into action, searching every roof top for me, I made my silent escape, never to be seen in Brazil again...

   My name is Carlie North and I'm a hitman. I kill people for a living and I'm pretty damn good at it.

   There's only one rule to live by in this business, don't get attached. It doesn't matter who the target is because they're nothing more than a paycheck.

   This business isn't for everyone. You can't have any remorse, no care in the world for human life, because your next target could be a school teacher or a librarian. Bottom line, you can't think to hard about the target, because if there's even one doubt in your mind, you're screwed.

   I've been doing this since I was a teenager. Never once have I grown attached, never once have I missed my target, and never once have I missed a payday.

   A target is just a target, that's always the way it's supposed to be, I never ask for names and I never look at their pictures for to long.

   I may've lived by those rules for a long time, trying to turn myself into a stone-cold, killing machine. But, deep down, I was still human...

   "How was Brazil?" My assistant and best friend, Peggy, asked as I walked through the door of our hideout.

   "Good." I replied as I set my equipment bag down next to the gun locker and made my way to the big table in the middle of the room.

   Peggy sat down in front of me. "So? How much did we get?"

   I gave her a small smile as I pulled out two stuffed envelopes. Each one housing a little over two million dollars.

   'Fifty, fifty, just like always.' I thought as I slid her one of the envelopes.

   She opened it with a smile. "Damn, I never get tired of this."

   "Well, you're gonna have to spend it lightly, I'm thinking about taking a vacation." I replied.

   Peggy chuckled. "You? Vacation? Good one, your next meet is already on your desk."

   I laughed a little as I stood. "Thanks, I'll check it out."

   She gave me a salute as I made my way to my office.

   There was a post-it-note stuck to my computer screen with an address and a time scribbled onto it.

   I memorized it before tossing it into the fireplace...

   As day turned to night, I made my way down to the garage, looking over the line of cars I owned, trying to decide which one I wanted to take.

   That's when my eyes landed on my orange 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge.

   With a smirk, I jumped in the drivers seat and started it up, hitting the garage door opener before speeding off into the night.

   I found the destination with ease and parked under the bridge as rain started to fall.

   I took a quick look around, but no one seemed to be here yet. So, I leaned my seat back and got comfortable...

   I must've drifted off, because the knock on my window startled me awake.

   I shot up, pulling the pistol from next to my seat, aiming it at the woman outside my window.

   She raised her hands. "Miss North?"

   I just nodded before holstering the pistol and stepping out of my car, coming face to face with the woman.

   She looked to be older than me, with long blonde hair and pretty features.

   "You know my name, but I don't know yours."

   She smiled as she looked around. "Call me... Miss Rain."

   I rolled my eyes slightly. "Alright, Miss Rain, why don't you call off your lapdog? I don't like her breathing down my neck."

   Rain smirked before nodding at the woman behind me.

   She walked out from the shadows under the bridge and took her spot next to Rain, not once taking her eyes off me.

   "You have a name?" I asked her.

   She just stared at me, arms folded over her chest.

   "She doesn't actually, we just call her codename Blaze." Rain replied.

   A slight smile spread on my lips. "Are you guys for real? This must be some kind of joke, right? With your cute little codenames and the menacing glances."

   "No jokes here, Miss North. Trust me." She said, pulling an envelope from her pocket and handing it to me.

   "Five million now and five million when the job is complete." She added.

   I ran my finger over one stack before looking back at Rain. "Alright, let's see 'em."

   She snapped her finger and Blaze stepped forward, Manila folder in hand.

   I took it and opened it up, passing all the personal information and looking for a picture. That's when my eyes froze, taking in the the picture of the woman who was to be my next target.

   'Wow.' I thought.

   "Her name is-"

   "I don't need it, I'll call you when it's over." I said before I made my way back to my car, money and file in hand.

   Then, I was off, not once looking back.

   The image of that woman was burned into my brain, her long dark hair, and those big brown eyes.

   "Pull it together, Carlie. She's just a target, a payday, nothing more." I said to myself, but the urge to open her file suffocated me.

   I had to see her again. Hell, I wanted to know her name.

   And, that's when I felt it... doubt...

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