Chapter 2

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   "So, who's your next target." Peggy asked as I walked through the door and headed for my office.

   "No one." I replied, closing my office door and locking it.

   I set the file on my desk and paced around it.

   "Don't you dare do it." I said to myself.

Sadly, though, I didn't listen. Instead, I slowly sat down at my desk and closed my eyes.

With a long sigh, I opened the folder, locking eyes with the small picture clipped to the top corner.

Then, I looked lower. "Erika Conway..."

   I marched out of my office and slammed the file down on the long table.

   Peggy looked up from her spot behind her computer. "Are you ok?"

   I rested my hands on the table. "Erika Conway, thirty-seven years old, never married. Spent most of her life in college, majoring in chemical engineering and nuclear physics to name a couple. She's a literal rocket scientist. She worked for NASA for five years, then seemingly quit out of the blue. She later found a job at The Rain Corporation, a company that makes bombs. She worked there for three years before being let go, no one's seen her since."

   Peggy slowly stood. "What's going on, Carlie?"

   I closed my eyes and shook my head. "I can't do this one..."

   She walked over to me, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Just calm down, ok? She gave you half upfront, right?"

   I nodded.

   "Then, you can't back out, you know the rules."

   I sighed before sitting down in one of the chairs lining the table, resting my head in my hands. "You haven't seen her yet."

   She sat down next to me and pulled the file to her, opening it up and scanning the contents.

   "Wow, she's gorgeous..." Then, her eyes snapped to me. "... You didn't."

   I slowly nodded. "I broke my one rule..."

   She stood up then, pacing around the room. "So? Now what?"

   "I don't know."

   "We're in this, Carlie. We've already accepted the money, there's nothing we can do."

   "I know..."

   I hated to admit it, but she was right. As soon as I took that money, I entered us into a contract and if I backed out now, there was no telling what would happen to us.

   My hands were tied and I had no choice but to go through with the hit, even if it was the last thing I wanted to do.

   I stood up. "Her last known location is somewhere in London. Call up April, I'm gonna need a private flight out there."

   Peggy nodded and headed back to her desk as I made my way to the equipment locker.

   I walked inside and started pulling things I'd need off the shelves, packing them in a duffel bag before making my way out.

   "April will be here in twenty." Peggy said.

   I nodded. "The envelope on the table is yours. Maybe get outta town for a few days. I'll call you when this is over."

   Then, I was out the door.

A short while later, April's car pulled to a stop in front of me.

April Allure was an old friend. She's been out of the game for a long time, but she was one hell of a pilot. I only used her when I needed to go overseas, commercial airlines usually had a problem with a bag full of guns on their planes.

I threw my bag in the trunk before hopping in the passenger seat.

She looked over at me, a look on her face I didn't like.

"How many people have you killed?" She asked.

I sighed. "Let's not do this now."

She shook her head. "There's only one rule that you have to follow. One rule that can't be broken."

I lowered my head. "Look, it wasn't my intention, ok? But, there's nothing I can do about it now. I'll take care of the hit and we'll be outta there before anyone's the wiser."

She faced forward and started the car. "You'd better be right, 'cause I'm not bailing your ass outta trouble again."

Then, we hit the road, headed to her private runway.

After loading my things in the plane, we hopped in and she started it up.

"I know a guy who'll stash the plane for a few days once we're there. That's your window, if this isn't done in seventy-two hours, you're fucked." She said.

I just nodded. "I'm gonna need a car, something fast."

"Already done." She replied before flipping a few switches.

Then, we took off down the runway, pulling up into the sky.

I must've fallen asleep, because when I woke up, we were already flying over the London countryside.

"We're making our descent." She said, flipping a few more switches.

We touched down on an isolated runway shortly after, pulling the plane into a small, rundown looking hanger.

I stepped out of the plane and grabbed my bag from the storage compartment.

"April, it's been years." We heard.

An older man walked up, pulling April into a tight hug.

"How's it been, Oliver?" April asked.

He smiled. "Boring since you've been gone."

She chuckled before turning to me. "This is my friend, Carlie."

He stuck his hand in my direction. "Oliver, it's a pleasure."

I nodded. "Likewise."

Oliver stood back and looked between the two of us, then clapped his hands together. "Anyway, time is of the essence and you're still in need of a car. Follow me."

He walked to a back door of the hanger and stepped outside, April and I following close behind.

A tarp covered car sat in front of us.

"Are you a movie fan?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

"Good, then you'll like this." He said before giddily pulling the tarp off the car.

"A 1977 Aston Martin V8 Vantage, just like the car James Bond drove in The Living Daylights."

A small smile lit up my face as I ran my hand over the fender. "Is it fast?"

He nodded. "She has a three-hundred and seventy-five horsepower engine and a two-hundred-seventy-three kilometers per hour top speed... or roughly a hundred and seventy miles per hour for you Americans."

I nodded back. "That'll work."

He smiled and handed me the keys. "Happy hunting."

I popped the trunk and set my bag inside.

"Remember, seventy-two hours, then we're outta here." April said as I got in the drivers side.

"I'll see you then." I replied before starting the car and heading off in search of my target...

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