Chapter 3

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As I drove into the city, I glanced in my rear view mirror, seeing the black BMW that's been following me since I left the runway.

I smiled to myself. "Try and keep up." Then, I slammed on the gas.

As I pulled away from the tail, I took a sharp left onto a side street.

I made a few more sharp turns until I was sure I lost the tail before making my way to the hotel I'd be staying at.

I parked the car in the back parking lot and made my way inside.

The lady behind the front desk turned to me with a smile. "How can I help you today?"

"Carlie Brown, I have a reservation."

The woman typed away at her computer before grabbing a room key and handing it to me. "Please enjoy your stay, Miss Brown."

I smiled and nodded before making my way to my room.

Once I found it, I headed inside and set my bag on the bed, pulling my phone out first.

I dialed Peggy's number, she picked up after the second ring.

"You there yet?" She asked.

"Yeah, touched down an hour ago. They're here to." I replied as I pulled my laptop out and sat at the small table.

"Who is?"

"Someone working for the client, they've been tailing me since I left the runway."

Peggy sighed. "Just be carful and remember the rule."

I rubbed my forehead. "I know, you be carful to. I'll call you when it's done."

"Alright, talk to you then."

"Bye." I said before hanging up.

I let out a long breath before opening up my laptop and started typing.

To be a hitman nowadays you had to have an expert knowledge of technology. You had to be able to hack cameras, phones, anything that would help you locate a target.

I usually stuck to the CCTV cameras, they were on every street. No one could make a move in the city without being seen by one.

After some short work, I was able to hack into the city's traffic cam database. I spent the rest of the day reviewing all the footage I could stand to look at, looking for any place she might spend time, a hotel, a restaurant, a gym, anywhere I could get close to her.

It was around midnight when I finally spotted her walking out of a coffee shop. I wrote down the address and time stamp on the footage and decided to swing by tomorrow morning...

I walked through the front door of the coffee shop and headed straight for the front counter.

"What can I get for you?" The young man behind the counter asked.

"Coffee, black."

He nodded and got to work on my coffee.

After handing it to me, I made my way outside and sat at one of the tables in front of the building, pulling out my laptop.

She didn't know what I looked like, so I wouldn't need a disguise, I just needed to blend in.

After a couple hours and a few coffees, I finally saw her approaching.

My eyes widened when they landed on her. She was even more gorgeous in person, long brown hair, big brown eyes and delicate features.

I was so paralyzed by her beauty, I didn't even realize when she walked up to me.

"Do I know you?" She asked.

I shook myself back to reality. "N-no... Uh, sorry, you're just really stunning."

She flashed me a small smile, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Oh, thanks... You aren't to bad yourself."

I felt a smile pulling at my lips. "Thanks."

She looked around the nearly empty sidewalk before looking back at me. "You look like you could use some company, mind if I join you?"

I shook my head. "Not at all."

She smiled again. "Alright, I'll grab my coffee then I'll be right back."

"Ok." I replied, getting lost in her eyes again.

She nodded before walking inside.

I watched her leave before dropping my head to the table. "Pull yourself together. She's just a target, just a paycheck."

She rejoined me after a minute or two and sat down in the empty chair in front of me. "So, what brings you here?"

"Uh, coffee." I replied nervously.

She chuckled a little. "I mean London. You don't have an accent, I'm assuming you're a tourist?"

I quickly nodded. "Oh, yeah, I just needed to get away, have some time for myself, you know?"

She nodded, taking a quick sip of her coffee. "I know how you feel."

"Are you from around here?"

"Used to be. My parents still live around here and I figured I'd come up for a visit. I needed a break from work."

I leaned back in my seat. "What do you do?"

She seemed to ponder my question for a second before answering. "I work in an office building. Being trapped in that cubicle for ten hours a day drives you a little mad after a while."

I let out a small laugh. "I don't doubt it."

She laughed a little in return. "How about you? What do you do for work?"

"I work at a law firm."

"You're a lawyer?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "Hell no, I can't stand lawyers. I just do the paperwork."

She smiled and nodded. "That must get pretty boring."

"After eleven years it does."

We laughed again before falling into normal conversation, getting to know each other. Which, in case you didn't know, is definitely against the rules.

After about an hour, she checked her watch, then got to her feet. "Hey, sorry to do this, but I have to run."

I stood up as well. "Oh, no problem. It was great meeting you."

She smiled. "Likewise, maybe I'll see you again in the future."

I returned her smile, but it was a painful one. "You can count on it."

Then, she was gone, throwing a small wave back before turning a corner.

I sighed before making my way back to my car and following behind her.

She eventually stopped at an apartment building and made her way inside.

I parked in front of the building and sighed before reaching into the back, grabbing a small case from under the back seat.

   Popping it open, I pulled a pistol out. It had a scope attached to the top and I screwed a silencer onto the end.

   I rested it on the passenger seat and peered through the scope, watching the entrance to the building.

I decided not to waste anymore time. If I was gonna do this, I'd have to do it soon, before I changed my mind...

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