Chapter 4

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As day turned to night, I found myself still waiting outside Erika's apartment building, pistol trained on the entrance.

   The longer I sat in that car, the more unsure I became about this whole thing. The reasons for Miss Rain wanting her dead were unknown. Wether or not I could even trust Rain was iffy at best. But, something about this didn't seem right. Why would she send a tail? Just to make sure I completed the job? Did she not trust me?

   There were to many questions and no answers, I was becoming more suspicious the longer I sat there. Every single possibility, every outcome playing through my head.

Then, I noticed something. A figure moving in the shadows. It was a woman, she had long dark hair and wore all black.

   I watched her pull something from her vest. The shine of the blade catching in the street lights.

   That's when everything started making sense. This was a setup.

   I quickly pulled the scope off my pistol as I made my way out of the car.

   I quietly approached the woman, who stood a few feet from the door, no doubtably waiting for Erika to come out.

   I was almost to her when the door opened. The woman got ready to strike as Erika made her way out. Luckily, she stopped in the door way. Unluckily, she noticed me pointing a gun in her direction.

   We locked eyes and I shook my head.

   She quickly backed up and slammed the door, causing the woman to turn to me.

   I let off a few shots, but she was quick, disappearing just as quickly as she arrived.

   "Shit." I said before making a beeline for the entrance.

   I kicked the door in and sprinted up the stairs, in search of Erika.

   I found her on the second floor, sprinting down a hallway.

   "Erika! Wait!"

   She stopped in her tracks and turned to me. "Who are you? And how do you know my name?"

   "We don't have time for that, I just need you to come with me. Your life's in danger."

   As she pondered my statement, I saw the woman from outside approaching from the other end of the hallway, pistol in hand.

   "Get down!" I yelled as I ran towards her, sending a few more shots at the woman, she smoothly turned the corner, avoiding my shots.

   I kept my gun trained at the corner as I knelt down next to Erika. "Please come with me, I'm the only help you've got."

   She looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

   I stretched my hand in her direction. "Please."

   She finally took my hand and I helped her to her feet before sprinting back down the hallway towards the stairway door.

Before I could open it, a bullet whizzed past our heads, colliding with the door.

I spun quickly and squeezed off a few more shots as Erika pulled the door open.

We ran in and slammed it closed.

I slid my pistol through the handle, blocking the door from being able to be pulled open.

"C'mon, that won't hold forever." I said, taking her hand and quickly leading her back down the stairs.

As we made it to the bottom, we heard a loud bang. Most likely coming from the woman trying to pry the door open.

I ignored it and pulled Erika outside, leading her to my car.

We got in and I started it up, speeding off to the runway...

Once we were outside the city, Erika turned to me. "Alright, start talking. I wanna know who you are and what the hell just happened."

"I'm a hitman. I was hired by a woman named Miss Rain to assassinate you-"


I raised one hand. "Look, just calm down. I'm not gonna kill you, ok?"

"That's exactly what a killer would say."

I rolled my eyes. "That woman back there was a highly trained killer. After she was done with you there was no telling what she'd do to me. This Rain is setting me up and it clearly has something to do with you. So, until I figure out why she wants you dead, you're stuck with me."

"Let me out."

I glanced at her. "What?"

"I said let me out of this car!"

"Were you not listening? There are people trying to kill you-"

"And you're one of them!" She cut off.

I shook my head. "I was one of them. But, now, I'm the best friend you've got. I'm the only chance you have of surviving this."

She calmed down a little, lowering her head. "How can I trust you?"

"Because, If I wanted you dead, you'd already be. I've had plenty of chances. Hell, I could blow your brains out right now and be done with it. But, I haven't and I won't because I need you just as much as you need me."

"What do you need me for?"

"Rain wants you dead and until I figure out why and put a stop to it, I'm next on her hit list."

She just sat back in her seat, silently staring out the window.

We pulled behind the hanger an hour later and got out.

I threw the tarp back over the car before walking through the door.

Luckily, April was still awake.

She looked over at us as we approached. "Who's this?"

I raised my hands. "Look, before you get pissed-"

April got to her feet. "This is the target, isn't it? And you brought her here? Alive!"

"Listen, April, I was set up, ok? But, I don't have time for details, you just need to get the plane started so we can get the hell outta here."

She folded her arms over her chest, looking between the two of us. "...Fine."

I sighed in relief as April quickly got the plane ready for take off.

She backed it out onto the runway before Erika and I piled in.

April turned to me. "Whatever's going on, I want no part of it, understand?"

I just nodded.

Then, we were off, heading high into the sky, making our long journey back home...

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