Rasmus Ristolainen ~ BUF

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College AU: It was before lecture time and you were looking at pictures of cute puppies and you hear Rasmus going 'aww'... (511 words)


"Oh my god, that picture of the two Goldendoodle puppies is so adorable!" My best friend 'awwed' at the picture that came up on my phone and I was so in love with the picture. 

"Ooh, what about this one of the baby husky?" I pointed towards the blue-eyed husky puppy and she just cooed at it like it was a little baby. 

I heard footsteps getting closer and I saw my boyfriend, Rasmus sit down in his seat next to mine. 

"What are you guys looking at?" He smirked at us as he got his textbooks out of his backpack and looked at me. 

"Oh, we were just looking at pictures of these adorable puppies..." I pointed out a picture of a cute puppy to him and he chuckled. 

"That's why you weren't answering my texts!" He laughed and I ignored him. "Which breed did you like the best, Y/N?" 

I exited out of the picture and showed him an adorable picture of a F/B/N dog. He gently took the phone out of my hand and looked at the picture. His blue eyes widened and I heard him making an 'aww' sound. 

Turning around in my seat, I looked at him in shock and he looked at me weirdly. "What?" 

"Did I, Y/N L/N," I smirked and crossed my arms, looking up at my 6'4" boyfriend, "just hear my boyfriend making an 'aww' sound at a very adorable picture of a puppy?" 

Rasmus blushed tomato red and he gave me my phone back, "shut up!" 

"Well, I think it's really adorable!" I giggled as I leaned up and pressed my lips onto his cheek. 

"You really think so, Y/N?" He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes and I nodded my head. 

"I really do, Rasmus," I held my hand up to my mouth to stifle my laughter, "I really do find it adorable!"

"Wait a minute..." He looked at me suspiciously for a second, "you're laughing, aren't you!?"

I shook my head in denial but he just started to attack me with a bunch of kisses and I begged him to stop. Well, he didn't stop until 5 minutes after when the professor came into the lecture hall and looked at where we were sitting... 

"Ristolainen! L/N! While you may be the most adorable couple on the campus, what's the tickle war over!?" The professor asked us as he set up for the lecture and looked us for an answer. 

"Uh-well-we were looking at pictures of adorable puppies before class was starting," I started off, "and I heard Rasmus here 'awwing' at a picture and I was teasing him..."

"Ohh, well, it's good to know what happened...Anyways! Class, today we're going to talk about the sport of hockey..." 

"Psst, Y/N..." I felt Rasmus poking my arm and I looked at him. 

"What?" I asked him as I was taking the notes. 

"I love you..." 

"Well, I love you too, Rasmus." 

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