Salem, Massachusetts

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A young boy, Thackary Binx is suddenly awakened. He looks around the room for his sister, Emily. "Emily? Emily?!" From outside he can hear the sultry voice of Sarah Sanderson singing to the children of the village. He runs outside. "Emily?" He then runs over to his friend. "Elijah! Elijah, has thou seen my sister, Emily?" He asked. "Nay, but look." He points to the Sanderson cottage in the woods where smoke comes from the chimney. "They conjure." Thackary looks and sees Emily following Sarah into the woods. " Oh God, the woods!" He runs closer to the edge of the village. "Emily!" "She's done for." Elijah said. Thackary grabs Elijah by the shirt. "Not yet! You wake my father! Summon the others! Go!!" Thackary follows Emily into the woods. "Emily!!" Thackary manages to fall down several hills and wade through shallow creeks to get to the Sanderson home. "Come child." Sarah said. Emily follows Sarah into the house. Thackary looks in the window and sees Emily surrounded by the Sanderson Sisters, Sarah, Mary, and Winifred. Winifred is the leader of the sisters, she has red hair and dresses in shades of green. Mary is next, she's a little on the plump side. She has black hair and dresses in shades of red. Sarah, is the final sister, and she seems a little ditzy. She has blonde hair and dresses in shades of purple. Emily spots him and sits up. The sisters turn to the window but Thackary ducks out of sight. Sarah and Mary go and look out the front door to look for Thackary, but he's hiding and they can't see him. Winifred throws open a window and looks around. "Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick! Sisters!" Winnie shouted. "Yes Winnie?" Sarah asked. "Coming Winnie. Right away. Sorry." Mary said. "Must have been an imp." Winnie goes over to her spell book and talks to it like a child. "My darling, my little book. We must continue with our spell now that our guest of honor has arrived. Wake up. Wake up, darling. The book wakes up. "Yes, well come along. There you are. Mary!" Winnie said.

"Right here, Winnie. Right here. Sorry." Mary said. "Hello, hello." Winnie said to her spell book. "I notice sister Sarah isn't helping." Mary said. "I lured the child here." Sarah said. Winnie grabs Mary's ear. "Leave her be, she has done her chore." She let's go of Mary's ear. "You're right, I'm wrong." Mary and Sarah make faces at each other. "All right. 'Tis time!" The book opens and flips itself to a certain page. "There it is. 'Bring to a full rolling bubble. Add two drops oil of boil." She moves to pick up the oil of boil but Mary is there before her. "I got it. It's heavy. You do that, I'll do this." She adds the oil of boil to the cauldron. "Six, but the hour with the herb that's red. Turn three times, pluck a hair from my head." Winnie said. Thackary sneaks inside and watches the witches from the second floor landing. "Add a dash of fox and a dead man's toe. Oh, a dead man's toe and make it a fresh one." Winnie said. "Dead man's toe." Sarah begins singing. Then Mary and Sarah begin tossing toes at each other. Finally Winifred has had enough and steps in to stop them. "Will you two stop that? I need to concentrate." Winnie said. "Sorry. She needs to concentrate." She pauses and takes a sniff of the air. "I smell a child." Mary said. "What doest thou call that?" Winnie points to Emily. "A child?" Mary asked. "Hah! Sisters, gather round. One thing more and all is done, add a bit of thine own tongue." They each take a bite of their tongues and spit them into the cauldron. "Oh, Winnie, thou art divine." Mary said. "'Tis ready for tasting." Winnie takes a spoon and dips it in the potion. "One drop of this and her life will me mine. I mean, ours. All right, girl. Open up your mouth." Winnie said. "No!" Thackary shouted. The sisters look up in surprise.

"A boy!" Sarah said. "Get him you fools!" Winnie shouted. "I got him! I knew I smelled a boy!" Mary shouted. Thackary manages to escape and runs over to the cauldron. "Get away from my potion." Winnie demanded. Thackary turns the cauldron over, and the potion spills out. "Ahhh! My potion!!" She shouted. "Emily!!" Thackary almost reaches her but Winifred hits him with blasts of electricity and he drops to the ground. "Winnie? Winnie, look." Mary points at Emily who has somehow ingested some of the potion. Emily's life force is glowing. "Sisters, prepare thyselves. 'Tis her life force. The potion works. Take my hands, we will share her!" Winnie said. "Oh Winnie, how generous of thee." They go over to Emily and begin to suck away her life force. "Sisters, behold!" Winnie said. "I am beautiful! Boys will love me!" Sarah said. "We're young!" Mary claps her hands. "Well, younger. But it's a start! Sisters!" The sisters begin to do a little dance. "Winifred, thou art a mere spring of a girl." Mary said. "Liar. But I shall be a spring forever once I suck the lives out of all the children of Salem." Winnie looks at Thackary. "Let's view another batch." She said. "You hag! There are not enough children in the world to make thee young and beautiful." Thackary snapped. "Hag?" Winnie hissed. "Uh oh." Mary said. "Sisters, did you hear what he called you? Whatever shall we do with him?" Winnie asked.

"Let's Bar-B-Q and filet him." Mary suggested. "Hang him on a hook, and let me play with him." Sarah suggested. "No! Book. Darling, come to mommy. Yes." The books floats over to her. "His punishment must be more foolsome. More lingering. Dazzle me, my darling." The book flips open to some pages. "Amnesia, bunions, chill breaks, cholera. We can do better than that I think." The books flips again. "Yes, let's see what we have...oh! Perfect." She shuts the book and hands it to Mary. "As usual. His punishment shall not be to die, but to live forever with his guilt." Winnie said. "As what, Winnie? As what?" Mary and Sarah asked. "Jump back!" They do and she begins a spell. Sarah and Mary say some magick words. "Twist the bones the back. Trim him of his baby fat. Give him fur black as black. Just..." "Like" "This." They each hold their hands over Thackary and he begins to groan with pain. He shrinks down and is turned into a black cat. Sarah goes to pet him and he hisses at her. The others laugh. Suddenly there is a pounding at the front door. "Open! Witches! Daughters of Darkness!! Open this door." Someone shouted. "Hide the child." Winnie said. Mary covers Emily with a shawl. "Witches? There be no witches here sir." Mary called. "Don't get your knickers in a twist. We are just three kindly old spinster ladies." Winnie said to the villagers.

"Spending a quiet evening at home." Mary added. "Sucking the lives out of little children." Sarah shouted. Winnie grabs her and tries to choke her. The villagers now have the sisters out by a tree. The sisters have nooses around their necks, and are standing on barrels. "Winifred Sanderson?" Mr. Binx asked. "Yes?" She asked. "I will ask thee one final time." He continued. "Yes?" She repeated. "What has thou done with my son, Thackary?" He demanded. "Thackary?" She pretends to think. "Answer me!" He shouted. "Well, I don't know. Cat's got my tongue." Winnie and her sisters burst out laughing. "This is terribly uncomfortable." Sarah said, referring to the noose. "Sisters, sing." Winnie said, and the three began to sing as the villagers began to cover their ears. "Cover your ears! Listen to them not!" Mr. Binx shouted. A man holding the book drops it to cover his ears and the book lands at Winifred's feet. It opens and she sees the spell. "Fools! All of you! My ungodly book speaks to you. On All Hallow's Eve when the moon is around, a virgin shall summon us from under the ground. Oh, we shall be back. And the lives of all the children shall be mine." Mr. Binx gives the signal and the barrels that the sisters are standing on are kicked out from under them. Thackary, now a cat, goes over to his father and rubs against his leg. "Away! Away beast!" Mr. Binx shooed.

"Poor Thackary Binx, neither his father, his mother, nor anyone else ever knew what became of him, those 300 years ago." A teacher said. A room full of High School students sit listening as she tells them about the Sanderson sisters. "And so the Sanderson sisters were hanged by the Salem town folk. Now there are those who say, that on Halloween night, a black cat still guards the old Sanderson House. Warning off any who might make the witches come back to life. Ha!" The teacher then throws something at one of the students, causing her to yelp and (Y/n) to giggle. "Give me a break." Her brother scoffed. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at her older twin brother. "Uh huh. We seem to have a skeptic in our midst. Mr. Dennison, would you care to give your California, laid back, tie-dyed point of view?" The class laughs, along with (Y/n). "Okay. Granted that you guys here in Salem are all into these black cats and witches and stuff..." Max began. "Stuff?" The teacher asked in disappointment. "Fine. But everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by the candy companies. It's a conspiracy." Max said and everyone groaned. "It just so happens that Halloween is based on the ancient feast called All Hallow's Eve. It's the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to Earth." Allison said. The class cheers and claps, and so does the teacher.

"Well said, Allison." (Y/n) said, Allison smiled at her. Max gets up and goes over to Allison with a piece of paper in his hand. Max hands Allison the paper. "Well in case Jimmy Hendrix shows up tonight, here's my number." He said. (Y/n) snorted a laugh at her brother's lame attempt. In return Max glares at her. The class groans and whistles. The bell rings. Allison takes the paper, and then gets up and leaves. "Max, fat chance." A boy said before leaving. Max grabs his stuff and runs out of the room with (Y/n). Later Max and (Y/n) are on their bikes heading home and Max spots Allison and rides over to her. "Allison." He said. "Hi." She said. "Hi. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you in class." Max apologized. "You didn't." She responded. "My name's Max Dennison. And this is my younger sister (Y/n)." Max said, introducing the two of them. "Yeah, younger by two minutes!" (Y/n) protested, glaring at Max, who ignored her comment. "Yeah, I know. You two just moved here, huh?" Allison asked. "Yeah, last week." (Y/n) said. "Must be a big change for you both." She said. "Yeah, that's for sure." Max said. "You don't like it here?" Allison asked. "Oh, the leaves are great, but...I don't know, it's just all this Halloween stuff." Max said, and (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "You don't believe in it?" She asked. "Seriously? Max is like the biggest skeptic you will ever meet." (Y/n) admitted.

"You don't even believe in it on Halloween?" Allison asked Max. He smiles. "Especially not on Halloween!" He said. Allison holds up a piece of paper. "Trick or treat!" She said. (Y/n)'s eyes widened. She hands him the paper and walks off. "No way!" (Y/n) says as she runs over to Max to see if she had actually given him her number. He opens it only to see that she's written down his phone number and given it back. (Y/n) smirks as Max glares at her. "Not a word." He said. The twins ride through the graveyard and run into two other High School kids. "Halt! Who are you?" The first one asked. "Max and (Y/n). We just moved here." (Y/n) said kindly. "From where?" The kid asked. "Los Angeles." They give her a blank look. "L.A." Max said for her. The two kids smiled. "Oh, dude..." he said. "Tubular." The second kid said. "I'm Jay, this is Ernie." Jay said, introducing them. Ernie grabs Jay. "How many times I gotta tell name ain't Ernie no more, it's Ice. Ice." He corrected. "This is Ice." Jay repeated, correcting himself. Ice turns around and the word 'ICE' has been cut into the back of his hair. (Y/n) chuckles at this. Jay walks closer to (Y/n). "Wow. Aren't you a pretty one." He said. (Y/n) smiled, although she felt uncomfortable. "Oh, thanks." She said. Ice nodded in agreement. "Very pretty. How about you hang out with us for a while?" He asked. Max stiffened, and (Y/n) could tell that he was getting into his overprotective mode. "Sorry, but we have to get home." Max said quickly.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." Jay said to (Y/n), ignoring Max. "No thanks." (Y/n) said, keeping her kind smile. "Hey, I said-" Max was about to interject when the two approach him. "You got any cash...Hollywood?" Jay asked. "No." Max said. "Gee, I can't hang out with your pretty sister, we don't get any cash, what am I supposed to do with my afternoon?" Ice asked. "Maybe you could learn to breathe through your nose." Max snapped, and Jay burst into laughter, until Ice glares at him. "Whoa. Check out the new cross trainers." Jay said, looking at Max's shoes. "Cool. Let me try 'em on." Ice said. Max and (Y/n) go to leave but Jay stops them. Max is now riding off with (Y/n) but he's not wearing his shoes. "Later, dude! And pretty lady!" Jay shouted. "See you, Hollywoods!" Ice shouted. Max and (Y/n) arrive and Max slams into the house. Their parents are downstairs unpacking. "Hey guys, how was school?" Jenny asked. "It sucked." Max said quickly. "It was fine." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) quickly rushed upstairs ahead of Max, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Hey, hey watch your language." Dave said to Max. "I can't believe you made us move here!!" Max shouted. "He wasn't wearing any shoes." Jenny said. "Well, must be some form of protest." Dave said.

Max goes in and feeds his fish. It appears that someone is watching him from the closet. "Hey guys." Max lays down on his bed. "Oh... oh Allison. You're so soft, I just wanna hug..." Suddenly their little sister, Dani, along with (Y/n) bursts out of the closet. "Boo!" They both shouted. "Dani!" Max shouted. Then he glares at (Y/n). "(Y/n) really?" He asked. "We scared you. We scared you! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!" Dani teased and (Y/n) jumps on his bed. "I'm Allison. Allison. Kiss me, I'm Allison." She teased, and Dani laughs. Max rolls his eyes. "Mom and Dad told you to stay out of our room!" Max shouted. "Don't be such a crab. Guess what?! You're gonna take me and (Y/n) trick-or-treating." Dani said. "Not this year, guys." Max said. "Mom said you have to." Dani pushed. "Well she can take you." Max said. "She and Dad are going to the party at Town Hall." Dani said. "Well you're eight, go by yourself." He goes over to his drum kit and starts playing. "MAX! She's only eight! You can't expect a child her age to go alone!" (Y/n) shouted. "Exactly! This is my first time! I'll get lost. Besides, it's a full moon outside. The weirdos are out!" Dani goes over and gives him a hug. "Come on, Max. Couldn't you forget about being a cool teenager for one night? Please! Come on, we used to have so much fun together trick-or-treating. Remember? It'll be like old times." She suggested. Max pushes her off. "Dani, the old days are dead." He said. "It doesn't matter what you say, you're taking us." Dani protested. "Wanna bet?!" Max snapped, before running up the stairs and sitting on the top. "MOM!"

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