The Black Flame Candle

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Dani and (Y/n) come down the stairs with Max following. "Let's go, hurry up. The bewitching hour's about to begin." Dave called. Dani and (Y/n) quickly run into him screaming. "That's very scary, wow! What about you, Max, what are you supposed to be?" He asked. "A rap singer." He said coldly. "Oh, well your hat should be on sideways shouldn't it." Dave fixes his hat. "Say Halloween." Jenny said holding the camera. "Halloween!" Dave, Dani and (Y/n) said. Max is walking Dani and (Y/n) around trick-or-treating. The people in Salem obviously love Halloween and it's obvious in all the decorating that they do. "Lighten' up, Max." (Y/n) said. "Can we go home now?" He asked impatiently. "No." Dani said. Max spots Jay and Ice and some of their friends harassing kids for candy. "Let's just go this way." Max said. Dani walks to Ice and Jay, ignoring Max. "Dani!" (Y/n) called worriedly. "Ding ding. Ding ding." Ice holds up his leg so Dani can't pass. "Stop and pay the toll, kid." Jay said. "Ten chocolate bars, no licorice." Ice said. "Dump our your sack!" Jay demanded. "Drop dead, moron." Dani said. "Yo, twerp. How'd you like to be hung off hat telephone pole?" Ice threatened. "I'd just like to see you try it. Cause it just so happens I've got my big brother and sister with me. Max! (Y/n)!" Dani shouted. "Hollywoods. Oh no." Jay mocked. "So you're doing a little trick-or-treating?" Jay mocked. "I'm taking my little sisters around." Max said, and (Y/n) rolled her eyes at being called little.

"That's nice. Whoa, I love the costumes. But what are you supposed to be? New Kids on the Block?" Ice asked. "Shut up!" (Y/n) snapped. "For your information, he's a little leaguer! And she's a witch!" Dani shouted defensively. "Whoa, a little leaguer and witch!" They mocked. He and Ice fake a baseball play then imitate spooky nosies. Dani tries to walk by again. "Wait a minute. Everyone pays the toll." Ice said. "Stuff it, zit face." (Y/n) snapped. "Why you little..." Ice moves to hit (Y/n) but Max steps in the way. "Hey, Ice..." Max shoves a bag of candy at him. "Here. Pig out. Come on girls, let's go." He said. (Y/n), Max and Dani walk off. "And Hollywood...the shoes fit great." Ice shouted. (Y/n), Max and Dani walk up the steps to another house for more candy. "You two should have punched them." Dani said. "They would have killed us." Max said. "At least you would have died like adults." Dani said. "Hey! You both just humiliated me in front of half the guys at school! So collect your candy and get out of my life! Both of you!" Max shouted angrily. (Y/n) felt tears string her eyes and she quickly ran to another house and tried to hold back her tears. Dani quickly followed her then collided into her into a hug. (Y/n) hugged her back as she heard her sob. Max quickly catches up to his sisters.

"Girls I'm sorry. It's just that I hate this place. I miss all my friends. I wanna go home." Max said angrily. "But this is our home now Max..." (Y/n) said softly. "Yeah. Give me one more chance?" Max asked. "Why should we?" Dani asked. "Cause I'm your big brother." They look at him as he gives a pouty face, making them laugh. The three siblings hug each other. Max looks up at the sky. "Whoa, check that out." He said. "What?" Dani asked. "Something just flew across the moon." Max lied. (Y/n) and Dani look up and Max jumps at them and scares them. They all laugh. "Let's go, jerk face." (Y/n) said. They turn and look at the house to see a mansion. "Whoa!" The trio said. "Check out this house." Max said. "Ah, rich people. They'll probably make us drink cider and bob for apples." Dani said. The three nod and go in. "Trick-or-treat?!" They shouted. They spot a huge cauldron full of candy and go over. "Jackpot!" (Y/n) said. "Max Dennison." Max looks up and spots Allison dressed in Victorian standing on the second floor landing. "Allison!" Max said. "Oh, Allison, huh?" (Y/n) asked smirking. "I thought you weren't into Halloween." Allison said. "I'm not, I'm just taking my little sisters, Dani, and (Y/n) around." Max said. "I'm not little, Max!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "We're the same age!" She protested. Max ignored her protest.

"Technically, I'm two minutes older." Max bragged, and (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Yeah, so old." She mocked, causing Allison to chuckle. "Well that's very nice of you." Allison said to Max. "I always do it." Max lied. "Our parents made him." Dani said bluntly, causing Max to nudge her and (Y/n) to laugh. "Do you guys want some cider?" Allison asked. "Sure!" "No." "No thanks." The trio said at the same time. Allison goes to get two cups. One for her and one for Max. She comes back and hands the other to Max. "Thanks. So, um, how's the party?" Max asked. "Boring. It's just a bunch of my parent's friends. They do this every year. I've got candy duty. By the way, Dani, (Y/n), I love your costumes." Allison said. "Thank you. We really like yours too. Of course, I couldn't wear anything like that because I don't have any...what do you call them Max...yaboos?" Dani asked. Max chokes on his cider, while (Y/n) and Allison laugh. "Max likes your yaboos. In fact, he loves 'em." Dani said. "I'm really into witches." Allison said, changing the subject. "Really? Us too. We just learned about those sisters in school." Dani said. "Oh, you mean the Sanderson sisters?" Allison asked. (Y/n) nods. "I know all about them, my Mom used to run the museum." Allison said. "There's a museum about 'em?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, but they shut it down because a lot of spooky things happened there." Allison said. "Well, why don't we go to this old Sanderson house?" Max asked. (Y/n) and Dani shake their heads no, Allison looks at him.

"Well come on, make a believer out of me." Max challenged. "Okay, let me change. They'll never miss me." Allison goes upstairs. "Max, I'm not going up there. My friends at school told me all about that place. It's weird." Dani protested. "Dani, this is the girl of my dreams." Max said. "So, take her to the movies like a normal person." (Y/n) said. "(Y/n)!" Max scolded. "Look girls, just do this one thing for me and I'll do anything you say. Please? Please?!" Max asked. "Okay, okay. Next year we go trick-or-treating as Wendy, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, with tights, or it's no deal." Dani said. Dani and (Y/n) were about to walk away, until he quickly grabs them. "Okay, okay, deal!" He said. (Y/n) smiles and pats him on the back. (Y/n), Max, Allison, and Dani walk up outside. "Legend has it that the bones of a hundred children are buried within these walls." Allison said. "Oh, great." Dani said. Allison unlocks the door and they go in. "I can't see a thing." (Y/n) said. "Well there's a light switch around here somewhere." Allison said. Max finds some lighters and picks one up and lights it. "I found a lighter." He helps Allison find the light switch and the lights come on. "Whoa!" "Here's the original cauldron, and upstairs is where they slept." Allison said. They walk over to where the 'book' is in a display case.

"This is the spell book of Winifred Sanderson. It was given to her by the devil himself. The book is bound in human skin and contains the recipes for her most powerful and evil spells." Allison narrated. "I get the picture." Dani said, causing (Y/n) to chuckle. Max points to a black candle. "What's that?" He asked. "Oh, that's the black flame candle." Allison whispered. Max walks over and reads the sign. "Black Flame Candle. Made from the fat of a hangman. Legend says that on a full moon it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Halloween light." Max pulls out his lighter. "So let's light the sucker and meet the old broads." He mocked. (Y/n) quickly shook her head mouthing the word "no" "Wanna do the honors?" He asked Allison. "No thanks." She said, rolling her eyes. Max moves to light the candle, but is attacked by a black cat. He throws the cat off and stands up. "Stupid cat!" He snapped. "Okay, Max, you've had your fun. It's time to go. Come on, Allison. (Y/n)." Dani said as the three of them walk toward the door. "Max, she's right, let's go." (Y/n) said. "Oh, come on, it's just a bunch of hocus pocus." Max said. The trio turned around. "Max, I'm not kidding this time! It's time to go!" Dani shouted. Max scoffed and prepared to lit it. "Max, no!!" (Y/n) shouted. Max lights the candle and the flame turns black. "Uh oh." Max said fearfully.

Suddenly the fake flames of the chandelier pop. The floor boards under their feet begin to move as a green light shines below. Then it stops. "What happened?" Max asked. "A virgin lit the candle." (Y/n) said sarcastically. Max huffed. All the candles in the house light themselves. The fire under the cauldron comes up and knocks the kids back. The kids hide as voices can be heard from outside. Dani hides behind the counter. Suddenly the doors burst open and the Sanderson sisters come in. "We're home. Oh, sweet revenge. Do you see, sisters, my curse worked perfectly." Winnie said. "Oh, that's because thou art perfect, Winnie. Oh, I knew I left this cauldron on, didn't I tell you? Oh, I knew it." Mary said. Sarah reaches up behind a piller and brings down a rat tail. "My lucky rat tail! Right where I left it." She said. "But who lit the black flame candle?" She spots her book. "Wake up! Wake up, sleepy head. Oh, I've missed you. Did you miss me too? Come on now, we've got work to do." Winnie said to her book. "Winnie?" Mary asked. "Yes?" She asked. "I smell children." She said. All the kids look alarmed. "Sick 'em." Winnie said. "It's a little girl. Seven, maybe eight and half." Mary said. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and she worried for Dani. "Oh, let's play with her." Sarah begins her singing but Winifred claps a hand over her mouth. They move over to the counter behind, where Dani is hiding. "Come out, my dear. We will not harm thee." Winnie lied.

"We love children!" Mary slams her hand on the counter and Dani pops up. The sisters are taken aback by her witch like appearance. "I thought thou'd never come, sisters." She said. "Greetings, little one." Winnie said. "'Twas I who brought you back." She lied. "Imagine, such a pretty little... child." Winnie said. "And she's so well fed isn't she." Mary pokes Dani. "Plump. Shish-k-baby." She teased as Dani began to shriek in fright. Winnie takes her hand. "Tell me, dumpling, what is the year?" She asked. "1993." Dani answered. Winnie pushes Dani into a chair. "Sisters, we have been gone 300 years." She said. "Well, Winnie, how time flies..." Mary said. "When you're dead." Sarah said. The sisters all laugh and Dani laughs too. But they then stop and look at her. "It's been great fun, but I guess I better be going." Dani said, standing up. "Oh, stay for supper." Winnie said, pushing her back. "Oh, I'm not hungry." Dani said. "But we are!" Mary said. They begin to struggle as they try to carry Dani over to their pot, and (Y/n) jumps up to save her sister. "Hey! Let go of my little sister." She said threateningly as she slowly walks toward them. "Roast her, Winnie." Mary said. "No, let me, let me play with her." Sarah said. Winnie hits (Y/n) with a jolt of electric energy that holds her against the wall and off the ground. "You, there! I haven't lost my touch sisters!" Winnie said. "(Y/n)!" Dani and Max shouted. "Hmm?" Winnie asked, confused where Max's voice came from. "Mary!" Allison said, getting her attention. "Well hello!" She said. Allison knocks Mary over.

Max suddenly runs over. "You let go of my sister!" He then kicked Winnie hard and she groaned in pain, causing (Y/n) to fall to the floor. Dani helps (Y/n) up and the two make a run for it. Winnie then grabs Max, but then a cat attacks Winnie. "Sister Sarah, get this beast off of me!" Winnie shouted. "Go, get out!" Max shouted at the trio. (Y/n), Allison and Dani run out of the house. Max climes up to the second floor and looks at the sisters. "You have messed with the great and powerful, Max, and now must suffer the consequences. I summon the burning rain of death." He said. "Burning rain of death?" The witches asked. Max flips open the lighter and lights it. "He makes fire in his hands." Winnie said. Max holds the flame under one of the sprinklers and suddenly the sprinklers go off. The sisters run for cover. Oh, oh...the burning rain of death! Come on you idiots! Get to shelter! Come on, you fools!" Winnie shouted. Max makes a run for it, but slips on some water. The black cat jumps on his chest. "Nice going, Max." He spat. His eyes widened. "You can talk?" He asked. "Yeah, no kidding. Now get the spell book! Come on! Move it!" The cat said, clawing Max. "Come on, do something." Mary urged. "It's the burning rain of death. Shut up." Winnie snapped. Max breaks the glass around the book and lifts it out. "My book." Winnie tries to get to it, but Mary and Sarah hold her back. "He took my book! The book!" She shouted. "Max! Max, over here! Come on! This way!" Dani shouted as he ran after the three.

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