The Quidditch Superstar

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Character Information

Full Name: Zachary Wheeler
Nickname: Zack
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: 29 April
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Basic Appearance: Black hair in a crew cut, dark brown skin, hazel eyes, lean build that fills out as he gets older in game, small scars on his hands, taller than average

Personality: An extrovert to the extreme who can't keep a secret to save his life, Zack is constantly on the move and constantly chatting to anyone who will listen, the other person's House be damned. He is your textbook case of ADD, fluctuating between hyperfocus and being utterly incapable of focusing on anything at all. He loves putting on a show of bravado, albeit in a less extreme way than a certain future DADA professor. His levels of sarcasm and sass are off the charts.

Backstory: The son of a chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, Zack was raised to be an expert in all things Quidditch, from game statistics to the right formations to use. He wants to follow in his mother's footsteps, albeit for a different club. Hasn't decided which.

Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Chestnut, 13 1/2 inches, surprisingly swishy and unicorn hair core
Patronus: Non-corporeal
Boggart: Himself in a dress with long hair and makeup
Animagus Form: No, but he is a metamorphmagus

User Information

User Name: LuckyCharm98
Full Name: Zayn Robinson
Age: 16
Gender: Transgender (FtM)
Sexuality: Straight
Country of Origin: Scotland
Birthday: 18 June

Appearance: Black hair in a crew cut, dark brown skin with vitiligo, dark brown eyes, shorter than average, lean build that he's hoping will fill out as he gets older

Brief Personality: A being of pure snark and sarcasm, Zayn isn't afraid of telling you precisely what he thinks. He also isn't afraid to deck you if you piss him off. He is a massive extrovert, loving to party and keeping his geeky side a very well kept secret.

Brief Backstory: Only child of extremely wealthy and extremely understanding parents, Zayn never felt the need to come out to his parents. He just simply told his parents that he was a boy one day and that was that, his dad soon signing him up for soccer and treating him like a son. He's always been a Harry Potter fan, even if he didn't care for JK Rowling. He only recently got Hogwarts Online as a birthday gift.

Preferred Form of Social Media: Instagram and Snapchat

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