The Sweetheart Slytherin

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Character Information

Full Name: Persephone O'Neil
Nickname: Seph, Legolas
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: 14 February
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Basic Appearance: Curly red hair that goes to her waist and is usually up in an intricate braid with flowers woven in, pale skin covered in freckles, baby blue doe-like eyes framed with long eyelashes, shorter than average, skinny as a stick in the beginning of the game and slightly curvy by the end

Personality: A complete and utter angel with a tendency of handing out homemade biscuits to whoever she thinks may want, Persephone is definitely the odd duck of her House. She doesn't outwardly seem like the kind of person who would be sorted into Slytherin, constantly seen smiling and a massive romantic. Don't be fooled though. The girl is just as cunning, resourceful, ambitious and shrewd as anyone else in her House. She just subscribes to the mentality that nice people get further in life than a-holes.

Backstory: The youngest child of 7, Persephone was always seen as the baby of her household, the child that everyone underestimated and vowed to protect despite her being perfectly capable of protecting herself. This instilled in her a deep seated need to prove herself. Her parents are both Purebloods who work in the Ministry, her mom having been in Gryffindor and her dad in Hufflepuff. She's the only one in her household to be sorted into Slytherin.

Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Ebony, 13 1/2 inches, Dragon Heartstring and Pliant
Patronus: Grizzly Bear
Boggart: A thunder cloud
Animagus Form: Nope, but she is a parseltongue

User Information

User Name: PepperPotts
Full Name: Virginia "Pepper" Kingsley
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She's not sure yet
Country of Origin: Canada
Birthday: 27 September

Appearance: Curly red hair that goes to her chin and usually has a flower crown in it, pale skin covered in freckles, dark brown eyes that border on black, skinny as a twig, about average height

Brief Personality: Beyond shy in real life, Pepper is nowhere near as fiery as her nickname, the girl likely to squeak and run away if you so much as look at her weirdly. She's doing her best to gain confidence, going both to therapy for it and volunteering at animal shelters to force herself to interact with other humans. It hasn't been going very well.

Brief Backstory: An only child with parents who are away from home more often than not, Pepper is used to having to entertain herself though imaginary friends alongside TV, video games and books. She got into Harry Potter after her grandmother gave her the first book as a gift, buying Hogwarts Online soon after. She hasn't gotten further than the first book though, meaning she has no clue what's coming up ahead.

Preferred Form of Social Media: YouTube and Instagram

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