Chapter 1: Hokuto Shinken

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*How long as it been... How long will it last... There are such mysteries in life... The sleep lost... The hunger...*

"And here I am, talking to myself in the middle of the night, after spending yet another day overlooking blueprints for an amusement park... I swear, Jean-Pierre, you really want Polnareffland to go beyond everything else... But I think it's enough for today..."

"... 9 years... Can't believe it's been 9 years since then... Since Giorno took over Passione... Trish and Mista have been dating for a while... Narancia could finally enter highschool... Fugo's taking his meds... Polnareff is going... Turtle things... I think... ?"

"... And nine years since I got this. Now with five out of six, and I know Jotaro got the last one... My stand has evolved and absorbed the power of the arrow, and They're all secured, so why... ? Why do I feel so empty ?"


"Bored as I am, might as well experiment with the arrow. But the only Stand I've got my hands on right now is Core... That'll have to do. Let's go, [DARKEST REQUIEM] !"

"Alright, that's one thing done. Now, taking the key in my right hand... Open up! [CORE REQUIEM]- !!"



"Where the fuck am I ?!"

"Okay, no, must keep my composure and assess the situation calmly... In all likeliness, it's Core that transported my from my room to... Wherever this barren wasteland can be... Now, Core's effect is usually to open a pocket dimension... It 'Distorts' the very fabric of space for that... So, Core requiem..."

"Must've distorted space so much it created a connection between two separate points of space... Oh god, I just created a wormhole..."

"Question now, is how I'm going back... Activating it another time should do. Now I just need to look for the plot. It should be somewhere in the area..."


"Yep. A group of mohawked punks with leather jackets, spiked shoulder pads and riding motorcycles, metal bats in hand and yelling 'Gyegyegye"... Something's telling me that if I go to where they were, I should find something interesting."

"Well... Going there I did... And something I did find..."

"The entire area reeks of blood... Hey, you awake ?"

???: Julia... Julia...

"What in the... How can someone be still alive with such wounds... I don't think I've got time to ask this, better patch you up right here and now, big guy !"

???: I- I love you ! I'm yours ! I'll be your forever !

???: JULIA !! Haa... Haa... What...

"Easy there. I've patched you up, but if you move around, the wounds will reopen-"

???: ATA !

"GURF- Hey, what the hell ?! Snap out of it !"

???: H- Huh... ? Wait, what... What happened... Shin ? Julia ?

"Listen, I can easily understand how lost you are, but sit down, okay ?"

???: Um... You...

"Yes ? No wait, let me guess, 'You... Are already dead...' isn't it ?"

???: You... You are already dead... What ?!

"What ?!"



???: Huh, you... What... ?

"Okay, I think we went on the wrong foot here, so let's start this over. First off, who are you, and what were you doing back there ?"

Kenshiro: K... Kenshiro... And...

*In the year 2010, the world was covered with atomic fires. The seas have dried, the earth has cracked... All forms of life seem to have disappeared off the face of the Earth. And yet... The human race didn't disappear.

Civilians: URGH !!

Punk: Bwa ha ha ha !! Water !! And food ! There's enough here for a feast !!

Punk: Here, here. They even still have these pieces of paper... You're kidding ! It's completely useless !!

*In this world, a new era of violence has begun...*


Punk: ZEED !!

Zeed: Yeah ?

Punk: The... The reconnaissance patrol !! They w- They were attacked !!

Zeed: What ?!

Zeed: Wh- Who ?! Who could've done this ?! NO ONE MESSES WITH THE Z GANG AND GETS AWAY WITH IT !!

Punk: Z, their bodies are weird. Half of them have no external injuries, like they exploded from the inside... And the other look like they've been burned alive, yet there's no trace of gasoline anywhere...

Punk: Zeed ! This one is still breathing.

Zeed: So !! What happened ?!

Dying punk: Ho... Hokuto... Sendô...

Zeed: What ?

Punks: Wh- What was that ?! A- A time bomb in his head ?!

Zeed: No, there are no such sophisticated weapons anymore. But what happened... And what are these things ? Hokuto... ? Sendô... ?

"I feel like... No, it's just thirst making me go insane..."

Kenshiro: Wa... Water...

"Do your best not to fall unconscious, Ken. We're almost there."


"Well. Shit."

Kenshiro: Wa... Water...


Villagers: You will stay in prison 'till the patriarch comes back.

Bat: Hey ! So yet other idiots snapped.

Villager: Lin ! Give them some water.

Kenshiro: Th... Thanks...

Bat: Come here ! Qu- Quickly, the keys !! What the hell are you doing ! You also came to this town to steal ! If you don't flee, they will kill you !!

"Let her go."

Bat: Wh- What are...


Bat: GAAAAAAH !! Fu- Fuck !! What did you do to me ?!

"Warn you."

Kenshiro: Sorry. Can we still have some water ?

Bat: Aah ! You're fucking strong !! It hurts ! Why did you do this... ?

Kenshiro: If you run away, who will take care of her ?

"And, you should be happy it was me and not him, 'cause otherwise you'd already be dead."

Bat: What ? Hey, how can you talk like that in that era ? I wonder how you've survived 'till now ?

Bat: say... Honestly, you heard of this town, no ?

"Not really."

Bat: Well, take a look ! There is water in this town ! Lots of it. That means they got plenty of food ! To survive, you need food ! The strong seize it and survive. Survival of the fittest is the only law !

Bat: Here the people formed a militia to protect themselves. But they are amateurs. A well organized group can easily destroy them ! Say, do you want to team up with me ?

Bat: Feuh ! Do whatever you want !

"We don't need your permission."

Bat: Wh- What ? Oh ! Food ?!

Kenshiro: Thank you very much...I feel a lot better now... But, are you going to get in trouble ?

Lin: *Glup*

Bat: Heh ! She's blushing. What a brat !

Kenshiro: I am Ken. And this is Y/n.

"Sup' ?"

Kenshiro: And you, what's your name ?

Bat: Ah ! Don't bother. She can hear you but she's mute.

"Really ?"

Bat: Beh ! It's normal. Her parents and siblings were killed in front of her by thieves. She has no family, she is a burden on the village so she helps like that. In this world, kids are useless. Really, she would be better off dead !

Lin: ...

Bat: Huh ?

Bat: Sor- Sorry. Don- Don't stare at me like that !!

"Pfffffr !"

Kenshiro: Hmm... It must be hard...

Lin: *Shakes no*

Kenshiro: No ?

'She must have seen a lot of horrors.'

Kenshiro: Don't be scared. Don't move.

Bat: Hah... What was that ?

Kenshiro: A technique to give her back her ability to speak.

Bat: Wh- What ?!

"Well, it all depends on her now. The cry of the heart will give her the power to speak."

Bat: Eh. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. It's the first time anybody is being nice to her.


Villagers: Get up ! The patriarch is back !!

Patriarch: ... Where are you going ?

Kenshiro: Doesn't matter...

"We're just passing by."

Villager: And what if they're part of Z's gang...

Patriarch: Search them. If they're with Z, then they'll have a tatoo.

Patriarch: AH !

Villager: Patriarch ? What's wrong ?!

Patriarch: Hokuto... The great bear... Star of death ! 'When the great bear appears, violence will follow !' What an omen...


Villager: W- What ?!

Villagers: DI- DISASTER ! IT'S Z !! THE GANG OF Z !!

Villager: Lin, you are coming too ! You'll fight !!

Lin: *Gulp* ... ...


Bat: Damn ! You really got to her ! Since she knows she is gonna get killed, she gave you the keys !

Kenshiro: Get killed ?!

Bat: yeah ! It's Z and his gang ! Woman, children, they slaughter everyone without distinction ! Well ? Not this one ?

"I know that look too well now, Ken. I'm in."

Bat: Wh... What are... Huh !!

Bat: ... ... ...

"Move, you're in the way."

Bat: W- Wha-

"ORAA !!"


"We're going."

Bat: ... That was a steel door... H- hey, wait ! Where are you going ? The town's people won't last a minute against Z ! We need to run ! If not, we're done for !!


Villager: T- Too bad for Lin, let's fight !


Villager: She... She spoke ! Lin...

Bat: She- She spoke !

"The cry of the heart..."

Bat: Wh- Who are you ?! How can you... What did you do to her ?

Z: Shut up you dirty brat !! Go to hell !!

Bat: The cry of the heart... ? I- I can't believe it ! H- Hey !

"You're doing the right thing by hiding here. Although i'm not sure the blood will splatter this far."

Bat: W- What are you talking about ?

"Just enjoy the show."

Lin: K... Ken...

Punks: What's your problem, what's your problem !! Yeah !! Huh ?! What the hell do you want ?!

Kenshiro: Get lost !

Punks: ... Who the fuck do you think you are ? Bastard !! You'll see, we're gonna kill you !!

Punks; Huh ! You !! Bastard ! You're fucking with us ?!!

Bat: Ha... What ?!

"This is... Hokuto Shinken."

Patriarch: Ho- Hokuto Shinken ?!

Ken: Let the girl go !

Z: You're the fucker who killed my men !



*Hokuto, Hyakuretsu Ken !!*

Patriarch: A long time ago... There was a legend of a horrifying martial art from China, practiced by assassins... Hokuto Shinken... It's secret was to focus all your energy to hit the vital points and destroy the body from the inside rather than from the outside. The techniques were all deadly. And... Now... He is here...

Z: Stop, you are tickling me !! I AM GONNA KILL YOU !

Kenshiro: You're already dead.

Z: What ?! Huh ?!

"See ? We were far enough. Now go clean yourself please."

Bat: W- What the hell did he do ?!

Bat: Ah right ! So he hit his vital points... But, why don't you settle in this town ? With the power you've got, it'd be easy. And they've got plenty of food...

"Does it really matter to you ?"

Bat: ... 'Well, if I follow them, I will always get to eat...' Hey, wait ! My name is bat ! Wait, damn it !

"That kid is way too straightforward for his own good."

Kenshiro: Hm.

Lin: K- KEEEEEEN !! ... Why ?

Patriarch: Wherever the Great bear appears, violence will follow. It's for our own good. They left for that. For this village where you live, Lin. You understand ?

Lin: Ken...

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