Chapter 2: Spade of Kings

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Bat: Hey, can't we rest a bit ? I'm so hungry I can't move anymore. We got nothing to eat ?

"You just got the last bit."

Bat: Damn ! That wasn't much !

The sneaky little guy, he had actually hidden a bit of food, and proceeded to chomp it down, thinking no one would notice.

Bat: *BURP*


Bat: 'Shit... they saw me ?'

"Bat... You're not exactly sneaky, you know ?"

Bat: Eep !

Kenshiro: ... !

"Ken ? Something wrong ?"

Kenshiro: ... Look down here...

Bat: What the... Ah !

Old man: Sp- Spare me ! I must take these seeds to my village no matter what !

Punk: What ?

Old man: If these seeds produce any fruit, we can give them to you. Just wait ! I can finally return home. I've been looking for them for a week and ate nothing since.

Punk: Oh really. I want to eat these seeds even more now !

Old man: I- I beg of you ! Please spare me !!

Bat: well, are you going ? This doesn't concern us.

"Getting involved in what doesn't concern us is kinda what got us here. Be right back."

Kenshiro: Hey you. Baldy.

Punk: What ? Who the hell are you ?!

Kenshiro: Let the old man go.

Punk: Hey dummy ! Don't you see this crossbow here ?!

Kenshiro: Let it go. Your arrow is nothing but a little twig against the merciless Hokuto Shinken passed down from generations before me. I'm a skilled fighter, you can't kill me.

Punk: I don't give a damn about your Hokuto Shinken !!

"No really, you should. I almost lost a hand to it, and even there, I got lucky as hell."

Punk: W- What ?! Where are my men ?!

"Oh, they're here... And there... And there... I think there's an arm on your shoulder."


"Nope. Sorry, but way too sloppy."

Kenshiro: I am giving you one last chance. Aim well. If you miss, I'll take your right eye !

Punk: Yeah right ! Shut up !!

Kenshiro: Hokuto Shinken: Nishi Shinku Ha ! (The two finger space)

Punk: Wha-

And, well, taking his eye he did, by a mere flick of his wrist, sending the arrow right back at his opponent.


"But really, which one in your school thought you needed a named technique just in case you needed to catch an arrow aiming for your forehead between two fingers ?"

Old man: Aah... Tha... Thank you... Ta... This... To town... I beg you...

Bat: Ye- Yes ! I am certain ! They are the Kings !! That gang is known for their ferocious atrocities, they control the Kanto region, I'm sure of it !

"... is there any kind of gangs in this age that isn't known for their atrocities ?"

Bat: ... Ehhhh... Good point.

Old man: The... These are rice seeds...

Bat: Yeah, we already heard you. But why don't you eat that rice ? If you die, what's the use ?

Old man: N- No... Today's provisions will be exhausted tomorrow. But... But with these rice seeds, we can cultivate rice. Every year... Every year we would have a rice harvest. No one would die of starvation and we would survive longer. That way, there wouldn't be any argument over food. We need to think about tomorrow rather than today.

Old man: For... For six months, I've searched and I could only find a handful... Ple... Please, take it... To the village.

"... He's unconscious... Man really put his life on the line for these seeds. Ken ?"

Bat: Wha- What are you doing ? You... You're not gonna ca-

Kenshiro: Let's go ! Let's go to your village, old man.

Bat: Tell me, why ? Why are you doing this ?! Why go through all of this for a lonely old man you don't even know ? I don't get it at all !

"... Tomorrow rather than today, huh ?"

Bat: What ?

Kenshiro: It's been a long time since we've seen a human being...

Bat: ... Human... ?

Old man: ... This way... There would be no arguments...

Punk: Spade...

Spade: Ggggrrr ! they're gonna pay ! I'm gonna annihilate those pathetic scumbags !!

Old man: Oh, over there.

Villager: Ah ?! There ! isn't that Misumi ? Incredible ! Did he find anything ?!

Villager: YEAAAH ! Seeds ! Rice seeds !!

Villagers: Bravo ! Bravo old man !! With this, we are saved. We won't have to worry about food anymore !

Old man: I... I am very grateful...

Bat: He he ! I think we'll be rewarded ! Eh ? ... Guys ? Well ? Hey ! But ? You're leaving already ?!

Bat: But what's got into you ? We could've...

"Bat. Yes, they surely would've rewarded us. But what would be the point in taking something from those who already have nothing ?"

Bat: ... Huh...


"Isn't that that guy from earlier ? And he's flipping us off... And he's going for the town... And fuck."

Kenshiro: The town... ! Shit !!

"Exactly !"

Spade: Ahah !!

Old man: Ah ! Th- This ! At least this !

But he had no chance of escaping. The spear of the invaders pierced through his chest from behind, leaving him bleeding out on the ground.

"Old man !"

Spade: There they are !

Old man: Aah... Ah... To- Tomorrow... For tomorrow...

Spade: You, too, are gonna die !!

"... Ken, this one's mine. You bastard... Lost the right to live, just now !"

Old man: Ooh... You... You have... You have returned... Thank you... As... As for me, I think this is the end. But, I... I want the seed planted...

Spade: Shut your mouth, you old bastard !!

Old man: I... I am... Asking you...

Bat: Oh, damn it ! What's got into these morons ?! Ah.. Th- They're in trouble !

Spade: Ha ha ! That idiot fell into my trap !! Ha ha ha !!


Spade: BUAHAHAHAHAHA ! We got him !

"Adorable. Ken ?"

Kenshiro: Yes, they're all yours. I will not intervene.

"Perfect. First thing first... HAMON OVERDRIVE !!"

Spade: It's no use, you can't do anything now !



Bat: What was that... ? It almost looked like some sort of electricity went through the chains...

Kenshiro: This, is Hamon.

Bat: H- Hamon ?

"Sorry about the underlings, but when I can, I tend to go for the big guys first."

Spade: Ba- Bastard ! Don't fuck with me !! YOUUUUUUU !!

"Haa... Sendô... SHINZÔ NO HANTEN !! (Cardiac inversion)"

Spade: Gh... W- What ?!

"Lately... Ken has been nice enough to let me learn about the vital points of the human body. Combining this with my knowledge of anatomy and my Hamon, I could evolve Sendô way further, beyond its original purpose."

Spade: M- My chest ?!

"I've struck one of these points just now. And by doing that, I forced your heartbeat to be inverted. You barely have a few seconds before your heart and all the veins in your body explode. Think of all your sins during this short span."

Spade: No... Wait.... Please... I beg you. N- I don't want to ! I... I don't wanna die !! I DON'T WANNA DIIIE !!

"Ah. It looks like I still need to work after all."

Bat: What was that ? That "Hamon" stuff ? And "Sendô" ?

"Originally, it was specifically designed for fighting people who believe themselves to be of... Well... 'Mystical persuasion' if you want... By adjusting your breathing, you unleash the power dormant within your bloodstream."

Bat: I see... I don't get it at all !!

"Uhh... Magic sunlight punching."

Bat: Oh ok.

Bat: What are you doing ?! If we don't get the hell outta here they'll be back with reinforcements.

"For once I agree Ken. By staying here, we not only expose ourselves, but also every survivor from the assault. I would be extremely surprised if that Spade was the leader of such a feared gang."

Kenshiro: ...

Bat: Hey ! These seeds won't grow if you plant them here.

Kenshiro: They will... because this is where the old man's resting.

Punks: Put some spirit into it !! Work ! Harder ! Come on !! No slowing down !! It's cuz of us you people are still alive, pathetic worms !!


Punks: Gu- Guys ! Spade got ki... !! SPADE GOT KILLED... !!

???: What ? Spade ?

Punks: Ye... Yes...

King: And you two ran away...

Punks: Aah ?! For... Forgive us ! Ki- Ki... King...

???: What should we do, King ? Should we look for them ?

King: No, that won't be necessary. Sooner or later, they will come after us.

???: Hu huhu...

Bat: We have to hurry ! They won't let us get away with it. We have to leave their area right away. I told you to not meddle in other people's business !!

"Hey... What is that over there... ?"

Bat: That ? Bah ! Nothing at all. Just a peasant from somewhere. Wonder why they'd hang him in such a remote location though... Ah ! Wh- What ?!

Kenshiro: Aah !

"... *To the man with the seven scars on the chest and his companion ! As long as you keep running, I will carry on with these summary executions !! King.*..."

Bat: Thi... This means this guy was bait to lure you out ?!

Kenshiro: Yes, and he's probably not the only one. This sort of execution will be everywhere to get my attention...

"So... Our new destination..."

Villager: Ooh... It's... It's horrifying...

Dia: Ha ha ha ! So what ?! You know if you don't try harder, your dad will die !! So, how does it feel to have your life on your daughter's shoulders ?! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Little girl: A- Ah.. Da... Dad...

Villager: Sp... Spare us, please... Wh- What wrong have we done that you would hurt us ?!

Dia: Why ? We don't need a reason, pest ! We do as we wish !!


"... On one hand, fucking bullseye... On the other hand, I want that guy's dentist address."

Dia: Huh ?! They finally show up !


Dia: It's you, right ?! You are the bastards that defied the King !

"Yeah, yeah. We're just passing by, so just pretend you didn't see us, deal ?"

Dia: ... GWAH HA HA ! King already issued the order to kill you ! You're done for ! No way out ! I, Dia, am different from that worthless Spade !! Can you block my staff ?!

Dia: Heh heh heh... I've heard that you use some martial art... Well ! Can you dodge this ?! Can you even follow the staff's movements ?! HA HA ! DIE !

Kenshiro: It's so slow I yawned.

Dia: Wh... WHAT ?!

Ken grabbed the staff, and with only one hand, managed to lift it in the air, his enemy still griping it for dear life.

Kenshiro: Die ! Clown face !

Dia: Ho... How can he lift me with one hand ?! AAAHHH !!

Kenshiro: KOSHYU HAGAN KEN !! (Cross fist and death blow)

Dia: Wh... What the... This is... The legendary Hokuto Shinken ? Huh... ?!


Kenshiro: King... Time to finish this once and for all !

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