Chapter 3: Southern Cross

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"So this is it... This is where that 'King' is..."

Bat: Yep... That's "Southern Cross", the King's city.

Kenshiro: The Southern Cross ?!

Bat: Eh... Well... ? What's wrong...?

Kenshiro: Hmm... No, it's nothing.

"In any case, we should wait until nightfall..."

And just as planned, by nightfall we snuck our way into the city, gliding through the darkness, like some sort of knight, punishing crime and... That sounds dumb as hell.

Bat: Whoaaa ! Amazing ! You can do anything, can't you ! You're a real pro, like a ninja !

Kenshiro: Hokuto Shinken is a fist of assassins. It's best used in the darkness.

"If we forget all the corpses you're leaving behind..."

Bat: yeah, that's the scary bit.

"What was that one ?"

Kenshiro: I hit the vital points called "Zusetsu". He'll forget everything once he's back to normal.

"Sides of the head, just in front of the ears... Noted."

Bat: Wait, really ?

So of course, Bat being... Well, Bat, started unleashing the full power of his unyielding fury and power at the poor brain-dead punk, in the form of a few kicks to the tibia, mostly because that was the only area he could reach...

Bat: Take this !


Clover: Next !

Right on cue, the next helpless victim was brought into the arena by even more punks, soon stumbling at his executioner's feet.

Clover: Come on ! I told you if you can even touch me for just one second, I'll let you live.

Villager: Ah ! Ah... AAHHH !!

Clover: yeah, that's it ! Fight me with everything you got ! Spade and Dia got killed, but I'm different ! Those idiots disregarded their training while I trained everyday. LIKE THIS !!

And just like that the villager's life was done for, when his executioner's claws completely shredded through his shoulder. But even there, he managed to muster the strength to grab the attacking wrist.

Villager: I... I got him !

Clover: ... Insect ! A worm like you dared to touch me ?!

"These guys really are scum..."

Bat: Around here, the weak are regarded as cattle. The strong kill them for sport.

"Well... You're about to see kind of the same thing, but way more satisfying."

Bat: Huh ? Where did Ken go ?!

Clover: Who's next ?


Clover: What the hell are you doing ?! Get your as out here now !!

And so the two punks exited the shadowed part of the area... before heavily dropping on the ground, as dead as one can be, one menacing figure towering over their lifeless forms.

Clover: What ?! Ah ?! What the hell do you want ?!

Kenshiro: I got something to ask you.

Clover: Hmm... You're not from around here ! Keh keh keh ! Otherwise you would've never had the guts to defy me ! Clover !

Kenshiro: Like they say, the weaker they are, the more they bark.

Clover: What ?! I, Clover, will chop you to pieces !!

Kenshiro: GOSHI RETSU DAN !! (5 finger bullet shot)

After one light touch at the base of his fingers, they all exploded, rendering Clover's claws utterly useless.

Kenshiro: So, is that all you've got ?


Kenshiro: HAAAAAAAA...

A masterful knee to the back, which somehow caused it to bend itself, and not in the correct way.

Clover: Ah... What did you do to me ?!

Kenshiro: I hit the vital point called "Meimon", a secret point known only to Hokuto Shinken. You have one minute to live.

Clover: Ho... Hokuto Shinken ?! You're the one who killed Spade and Dia !

"That is not exactly correct, but I don't think it matters anymore at this point."

Clover: Wh... What the hell ? My... My body !!

Kenshiro: Your spine will shatter under the pressure of your own muscles within one minutes.

Clover: Wh- What ?!

Kenshiro: If you wanna live, answer these questions.

Clover: A- Alright ! I'll tell you whatever you want, but save me first !

"Don't you think you just made a huge mistake ? Time's ticking, you know ?"

Clover: Whoaa ! Alright, ask away, dammit !

Kenshiro: Who is this infamous "King" ? And where can we find him ?

Clover: He- He's at Southern Cross at the king's castle... King... No one really knows who he is ! He uses a terrifying martial art !

Kenshiro: A terrifying martial art...

Clover: He- Hey... What are you doing ? Help me... You... You promised me !

"Tsk tsk tsk... Tell me, have you ever kept a promise in your life ? Have you ever spared a person that begged for their life ?"

Clover: But... But I... I don't wanna die... I don't...

Kenshiro: Southern Cross... The star of the South... And he uses martial arts... there's no doubt !

King: ... Hokuto Shinken... He survived... ?

Punks: Clover got killed !! The guy with the 7 scars got into the city !! Close all exits ! Kill all suspicious-looking people !!

Little did they all knew, while they were so frantically searching the streets, the three of us were safely hidden underground, spying on them.

Bat: Shit ! What should we do ? They know you're here !

Kenshiro: ...

"You've been even more silent since that Clover guy. What are you thinking about ?"

Kenshiro: Nothing... Don't worry...

"Allow me to doubt these words. What have you discovered about that King ?"

Bat: Ah !! Look ! It's gonna start. Here comes some fresh cattle.

"Cattle ?"

Bat: They kidnap refugees who are looking for the promised land, or wander into the neighboring towns and bring them here. They call it cattle hunting.

"So this is how they they managed to build this city..."

Bat: Let me show you something interesting.

Before our very eyes, the cattle-filled trucks stopped near an immense fire, starting to unload their cargo.

Punk: Come on, get out of there !! Move your asses, you damned animals !

Bat: Now that they're here, they can never leave. Now you can understand that Southern Cross is built and dedicated for that King.

From that fire, white heated, branding pokers were pulled out, soon burning through its victim's skin, earning some blood-curling screams.

Bat: Ouch !

Villager: No, stop !!

Punk: You're all nothing but animals that'll work in our land, you need to be marked.


Kenshiro: ... Ah ?!

Kenshiro: the... Bloody cross ! The cross of blood !!


"... I take it that you saw something rather unpleasant."

Kenshiro: It's him... Long ago, there was a guy who practiced martial arts and who had a bloody cross for an emblem !! I'm sure of it, he's the only one who would build such a city.

Bat: So Ken, you know this King guy ?

Kenshiro: Yes, his name is Shin ! He's the one who put the 7 scars on my chest !

"Wait, Shin ? THE Shin ?!"

Shin: Heh... Beautiful as always, I see.

Julia: ... ...

Shin: He he he. I got some interesting news today. Your Kenshiro is still alive.

Julia: ... ...

Shin: Hmm... I know, you forgot him. It's better this way. You'll never see him again. His fist can't beat Mr.Heart.

Punk: Shit, where could they be hiding ? Bartender, get me something to drink now !

Bartender: Ye- yes !

Punk: Hurry it up you damned bastard !

???: Stop it.

Punk: Wh- What ?

Punk: Mi... Mister Heart !

Heart: Fwaaah ! Useless idiots. Being scared of a couple of ennemies... pathetic.

Heart: Go on, get back to work and just let us know if we bother you. You've got an important job.

Bartender: Ye- Yes...

Heart: Oh, and get me a drink, too.

Bartender: Ehh... yes.

But, by leaning on the counter, he hurt his hand on some glass shards.

Heart: Bl... Blood...

Bartender: Ah, sorry? I will clean...



Punks: He... he's at it again ! The guy goes nuts whenever he sees his own blood and destroy everything ! If we do nothing, he'll kill us all !!

Punk: Listen, we attack together ! We've got to knock him out, it's the only way ! Now !!

Punks: We got him ? Ah ?!

Far from it, actually. In fact, all the bats they threw got stuck into his fat body, soon only leaving the handles out.

Punks: the bats, his body ?!

Heart: heheheh !!

And with a massive *BOING* all the bats got sent back to their owners, with enough force to tear through them like paper.

Heart: Haa haaa, idiots ! You forgot that I'm called the destryed of fists ? Hum... I lost it again... I hate blood...

Shin: Kenshiro... It's been a while.

Kenshiro: Shin ! I've come back from hell just for you !!

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