Chapter 4: Nanto Seiken

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kenshiro: I've been looking for you.

Shin: Hmm.. To get killed again ? I am curious, how did you actually manage to survive ?

Kenshiro: ...

Observing their exchange safely from a distance, both Bat and I were anxiously waiting for whatever would come next.

Bat: I wonder what happened between those two...

"I barely know more than you. But every time Ken told anything, the name 'Julia' always appeared."

Bat: Julia ?

Kenshiro: And Julia ?

Shin: Hm... You want to know ? I will tell you if you can get to me.

Kenshiro: ... So now you're in the pig breeding business ?

Shin: He he he ! You've improved, Ken. But you're still no match for me.

Heart: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! You're the guy who uses Hokuto Shinken or something like that ? And you even dare to call me a pig ?

Kenshiro: Yeah, a real pig... But I don't talk to pigs.

"... In a post-apocalyptic world where finding anything that's edible is already hard enough, how in the hell did you manage to get so fat ? I don't think there is any animal in a 50-mile radius around here !"

Heart: There are plenty of animals in this town.

"... Please, I don't care who, but someone tell me this isn't what i'm thinking..."

Heart: Gruh huh hu ! That's what I love ! That look of terror and incomprehension on my prey's face. This will be fun.

"Ken, it's true you don't have time to lose with a pig, so I'll be the one to put him in a slaughterhouse, where it belongs. Sendô... SHINZÔ NO HANTEN !!"


"Wh- What ?! My arm, his belly..."

This ain't no ordinary flesh... rather, his belly felt like hitting rubber... It trapped my arm in immediately.

"Shit !"

Shin: Oh ? I guess I now got my answer, you got lucky someone could find you in time. But let this be a lesson, Kenshiro, even you wouldn't be able to beat him with your fist. You're about to find out the flaw of Hokuto Shinken.

Kenshiro: What ?!

Shin: Unlike what you think, Hokuto Shinken is not perfect. This man's body is unique. He softly absorb exterior hits. I take it you've been trying to learn the knowledge of vital pressure points from Kenshiro, haven't you ?

Shin: Sorry to break it for you, but this is useless. All hits will absorbed by his flesh before reaching his points.

Heart: Gwehehe ! I've destroyed all kinds of fists because of my body. The king's fist, Nanto Seiken, is the only thing that can beat me !

Bat: Na... Nanto Seiken ?!

*Between sky and Earth, there are two supreme stars, Hokuto and Nanto. The North star and the South star. In the universe, two opposite components form a pair: Man and woman, Yin and Yang, the two Nio statues. The same goes for the fists of assassins: Hokuto Shinken and Nanto Seiken !*

Shin: Hokuto Shinken is hitting the vital points and thus destroying the body from within, let's call it Yin. Nanto Seiken would be Yang. It is about hitting the body and simply destroying it from the outside. Despite his body, my hits can rip Heart's flesh and shatter his bones.

"Thanks for the explanation... But you were wrong on one point. I do not use Hokuto Shinken. My fist is my own, and here's the proof ! ORAA !!"

Heart: That's it, keep struggling ! Your hits can't hurt me !

"Did you know ? The human body is composed of 65% of water. And by creating ripples, you can take advantage of the incompressible nature of liquids, to render it as hard as possible."

Heart: Hoho ! But that won't bring you anywhere ! Cut the shit already.

"You don't get it, do you ? Under my hits, your soft flesh can become as fragile as glass ! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAA !!


Heart: W- What ?! My... My flesh !

"Sendô... KÔKA SHITA NIKU !!" (Hardened flesh)

Heart: HUH ?! BUARGH !!


"You were so proud of your soft flesh, then you will die as hard as a diamond."

Unlike what would happen against Ken, he didn't explode, his body broke down like a glass panel, and fell to the ground in pieces.

"If you can't even lay a hand on me, think about how foolish you were to think you stood against Ken."

Shin: I see... Apparently, he's not the Kenshiro of long ago.

Kenshiro: Ju- Julia !

Shin: I was thinking of showing her this old scene again, where her fiance gets killed, but you had to butt in and ruin it.

Bat: Fi- Fi... Fiance ?!

Kenshiro: She's still alive... Julia ! It's me !! It's Kenshiro ! Julia !

Julia: ...

Kenshiro: Julia...

Shin: Pfft. She doesn't remember you at all. Back then, she saved your life. It's thanks to her that you only got 7 scars.

"Ken... ?"

Kenshiro: It's okay if she forgot me. As long as she is still alive.

Shin: Hehehehehehe... Kenshiro, I'll send you to hell again. You can't counter my attacks.

Shin: You're really not the same Kenshiro. Why ?

Kenshiro: Obsession ! What changed me was the obsession you taught me !! Give up, Shin, you've already lost. Just give me back Julia.

Notwithstanding what just happened, Shin took the decision to attack head-on, slashing with his bare hands more swiftly and sharply than with swords.

Shin: He he he... ! Are these the limits of your obsession ?

Kenshiro: Shin, I understand all of your techniques. You have lost.

Shin: Gh... I WON'T LET YOU MOCK ME !!

Shin: Pheuh... You've become better at escaping.


Shin: Akk-! Imp... Impossible...

Kenshiro: Don't worry. I missed your vital points.

Bat: That's nuts ! When did he hit him ?

"Considering their skill level, at this point, whoever lands a blow first will win... One second, ORAA !!"

Punk: BUGAAH !!

"No one is allowed to disturb that duel. You can be as silent as one can be, but your breathing will always betray you."

Bat: H- hey, don't throw him that way !

Kenshiro: ... You should stop for your own good, Shin. Let Julia go, now.

Shin: Yes... I see that she is the center of your obsession. He he he... then I'll just eliminate the source.

"What ?!"

Kenshiro: Ju... JULIA !!

Shin: Hmm... What a beautiful face of death.

Kenshiro: Ju... Julia...

Shin: Hah ha ha ha ha ! Even if you beat me, Julia is dead ! Your obsession, your purpose, I've cut it in half !!

Shin: Ke... Kenshiro...

Kenshiro: Shin ! I am going to kill you !

"Uh-Oh... He's really pissed off now !"

Shin: Guh ! DIE, KENSHIRO !!

Having him now in his grasp, it was Ken's turn to attack, completely destroying his hand in the process, and hitting Shin square and fair.

Bat: He... He got him !


Shin: Ho... How...


Kenshiro: It's my rage that beat you. The fury, not the obsession !

Shin: Fury... Ho... How long do I have to live ?

Kenshiro: I hit your vital pints in the shape of a bloody cross. You will die with your emblem. You have one minute.

"Ken... can you come here ? I think you might want to see that..."

Kenshiro: Julia... Eh ? Wha... What's this ?!

Shin: Fuh... yes... Our fight is not finished yet !

"A doll... It's just a doll ! What is the meaning of this ?!"

Kenshiro: Shin !!

Kenshiro: Sh... Shin...

Shin: She's not here... Julia's not here anymore. Our fight will never end.

Kenshiro: What ?!

*Back then... I offered Julia everything I could... I don't even know how many times I robbed and killed...

Punks: King !! We found this, look ! It's all real ! And the dresses, too !

Shin: He he he...


Julia: You're mistaken. These things won't change my feelings. They make me feel even worse.

Shin: ... You're asking me to be like Kenshiro ? I can't. I've already told you, that I can only be myself ! Every man has their own ambition. You'll see, mine won't be crushed like this ! I'll give you a city. No, not just a city, but an entire country ! You are a queen ! And I intend to fully turn you into one ! Everyone will bow before you ! Then, you'll change your mind. I'm certain.

I conquered everything in sight. My organization grew bigger, and my power became absolute ! And then...

Shin: Behold. This is your city, Southern Cross. Everything in this city, dirt, trees, people... It all belongs to you. You don't even need to think, your every wish will be granted. Is there any city like this anywhere ?

Shin: So ? You're starting to change your mind, aren't you...

Julia: My... My feelings will never change. And as long as they don't change, you will continue acting this way. No, you'll get even worse.

Shin: Wha... What are... Julia !

Julia: many innocent people will suffer and die. I... I can't let this go one any longer...Ken.. I wasn't able t keep our promise...

Shin No !! Wh... Why ? JULIAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!*

Shin: I cried... For the first time in my life, I cried. Until the end... Until the very last moment, I couldn't conquer Julia's heart... Because you were always there, deep inside her.

Shin: This city... Southern Cross, I built it for her. And it became her grave. Behold ! Julia's grave !

Shin: But even this city, riches, glory and power...All of it was in vain. The only thing I really wanted was... JULIA !!

"So that's why this doll looks so much like her..."

Shin: Hm... I think my last moment has finally come. But it's not your fist that will kill me ! I will die, by my own terms ! So long, Kenshiro !!

Kenshiro: Shin !

Bat: But why ? Why are you digging a grave for a man you killed ?

Kenshiro: ... Because this man loved the same woman I loved.

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