Chapter 5: Golan

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-of

Your POV:

*Suddenly, in the desert, a city has risen.. Will this city be a heaven of peace... ?*

Bat: What's all of this ? For a small town, it's rather lively.

"An oasis."

Bat: Oasis ?

"They must have a water source. And cities with water have plenty of people, making it a place to exchange information and other stuff."

Bat: If you say so. But then, this means we'll be able to finally eat ?! And for that, let me take care of it. I'll be your manager.

Kenshiro: ... Heh.

"Yeah, it's nice to catch a break from time to time."


"Well, speaking of break..."

Bat: what the...

Giant: So, you're still not going to offer me a meal ?

Bartender: I... Ahhh...

Bat: See, just when we were talking about food. Hey, are you the boss ?

Bartender: Y- Yes, that's me.

Bat: How about this? I'll beat this giant for you for two days worth of food.

Bartender: What ? This giant, how will you do it ?

Bat: Don't worry about that.

Bartender: Nn... No. Not for two days.

Bat: Oh well... I'll leave you with your client then. But you're dumb 'cause this monster will eat more than two days worth of food !

Bartender: Wa- Wait ! I understand. Today and tomorrow, Ok ?

Bat: ... Arf, you're even bold enough to cut a deal. Oh well, it's a deal. Hey ! You heard what I said ? If you don't wanna suffer, get out of here

Giant: He he he... yeah, I heard, you were making fun of me. You've got guts, shorty. I'm gonna decapitate you !

With a single of his enormous hand, he absolutely flattened the car that was parked here

Bat: M- Moron, I'm not your opponent. They are. 'My bodyguards, my bodyguards !!'

Giant: What's wrong with you ? Get lost if you don't wanna be crushed.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that's the right attitude if you want to eat for free."

Giant: Yeah right ! With these huge arms, in this era meals are free. i'm gonna erase you with one hit, bastards !

Kenshiro: is that all you got ?

"Don't worry, this isn't gonna hurt. Hamon Overdrive !"

Giant: Wha- When did you get on my shoulders ?!

"Ken, I've done the anesthesia. Have at it."

Kenshiro: HATAH !!

Kenshiro: Hokuto Gokin budan Kyaku ! (Iron muscle-severing kick)

Giant: Wh... What ?! He he, your hit didn't affect me at all. You think you'll beat me with thi... Huh ? My arms ! Heavy...

Kenshiro: You'll work like everybody else to survive, we left you enough muscle for that.

Giant: Uhooooo...

Bat: he he he...

"You... Actually use that massive safe to store your stuff ?"

Bartender: Obviously, with all the barbarians around here, I can't have a display case like before. Here you go.

Bat: What ? This is it ?!

Bartender: That's already too much.

Bat: Stingy bastard, you stole this stuff anyway, didn't you ?

Bartender: Stolen or not, it doesn't matter. Food is food. Let me tell you one thing. With me, any grub can be changed for whatever you want. That's why i'm a good businessman. In fact...

Bartender: I also have alcohol. You want it, you can exchange it for the provisions you just got.

Drunk: Urk !


"... Sorry to break it to you, but that's medical alcohol. It's gonna kill you if you drink it."

Bat: You... You're nuts !!

Kenshiro: say, we're looking for a big city around here. Where we can find enough food for a month.

Bartender: Nah, that doesn't exist. And it's the same everywhere... Well... There is one actually. But once you go in, you never get out.

Bat: What's that ?!


"... What is the local BDSM club doing here ?"

Bartender: They come from the city I just mentioned.

Whip: ... Any women ?

Bartender: No... Not today...

Whip: ... Then, I'll come back.

Bat: Just who are these guys... ? What gang do they belong to ? What an attitude...


Bat: Lin... That was Lin... What's she doing there... ?! G- GUYS !! LIN ! I SAW LIN !!

"What ?!"

Bat: i'm sure it was Lin ! She was in their truck !

Kenshiro: But, what's she...

Bat: She must've not been able to forget you and came after you.

Bartender: Is it a girl you know ? The poor...

Bat: Why are you saying that ?!

Bartender: They're part of a powerful gang that thinks they are god's chosen people. And they want to create a country called Godland, reserved for God's chosen people.

"... And all those women ?"

Bartender: They've been kidnapped to guarantee the lineage of the chosen. Women, young girls, children, all with the same fate...

Lin: ... Ke... Ken...

Bartender: Their name is "Golan" !

"And where can we find them ?"

Bartender: Their city, Godland, is about 10 kilometers south of here. But you... But you're not actually going, right ?!

Kenshiro: We're following them.

"I know."

Bat: Ah !! Wa- wait for me. I'm going too !

Bartender: ... That won't help. The commanders of each division are killers with their own unique fighting style. It'll only be a few more corpses.

Skipping a little bit in the future, the Golan convoy was under attack.

Whip: Pff... Insects ! They come to take their woman back.

Civilians: Give me back my wife !! And my fiance !!


Girl: PAPA !!

Woman: DEAR !!

Whip: ... Who is the daughter of this man ?

Girl: I... It's me ! I beg you, don't kill my papa !

Papa: Ri... Rima...

Whip: I must ! Starting today, you're part of Golan, the chosen people. You must renounce your past. Family, friends, you must forget them all. It's the law of Golan. You must forget his impure blood.

Girl: PAPA !!

Papa: RIMA ! RI-

Lin: How terrible..

Rima: Pa...

Whip: Another one ! Who's the wife of this guy ?

Woman: Don't kill him ! I beg you, don't kill my husband !

Civilian: KEI !

Whip: Mf... I see why her husband wants her back. Well, from this day on, you are my wife.

Civilian: What ?!

Lin: Oh no... Save me... Help... Ken...

Lin: KE... KEN !!

Whip: Huh ?

Bat: She totally ignored you.

"That was to be expected. After all, it's Ken who saved her."

Lin: Ken ! Kill them, kill them all !

Whip: What do you want ? Pfff... You came here to get killed too ?

"Sorry to disappoint, but no... That's what's going to happen to you."

Whip: Mff... just another loud mouth.

Once again, his goons raised their arms, throwing knives at us.

"Throwing knives... Man, that takes me two decades ago. Nunchaku, Ken ?"

Kenshiro: Nunchaku.

Whip: Hmm, I see... martial arts. It has been an eternity since I last saw somebody that strong...

Kenshiro: yes, and I'll be the second last man you'll see.

Whip: Ha... How funny, bring it on. When you hit, your hand will go flying... Wait, second ?

"You, are already dead."

Whip: Wha-

Whip: Su... Such speed... Gah... Can't move... I... My body...

Kenshiro: This isn't Hokuto Shinken...

"Correct. I didn't hit any pressure point, I simply overloaded your entire nervous system with Hamon, disrupting it. So, how does it feels to be the one being executed for once ?"

Whip: W- What ?

"Look. Now the entirety of his muscle system is without any control. So, what should I do with that ? Let his heart stop by itself ?"

Kenshiro: I have an idea.

Whip: Wha... What're you... !! AHHHH !!

"I see. I've sent Hamon through your triceps muscles. Now your arms will move away from each other."

Whip: AAAAH... Wa- Wait, help me !!

"How many have begged for their lives before you ?"

Whip: AAR-


Kenshiro: Lin...

Lin: Ken... KEEEEEEENN !!! I wanted to see you again ! i've looked for you everywhere. And then, those men captured me...

Kenshiro: Lin... Why did you come ?

Lin: B- Because...


Woman: Rima, calm down, please !!

"She just saw her father's head go flying right in front of her... It'll take more than just that..."

Woman: Ah ?!

Kenshiro: She's Ok... I just pressed on the point Teishin. She'll calm down.

Lin: ... N... Now this girl is like me. She'll be alone when she wakes up... With nowhere to go.

Kenshiro: ...

Bat: Ah ! Ken ! Where are you going ?

Kenshiro: To the country of god.

Bat: Wha... WHAT ?! Wh- Wh- Why ?! What' the gain in destroying such a place ?

Kenshiro: So there won't be any more sad youngsters like Lin.

"Ken, I think you're mistaken on something there. You aren't going to Godland."

Kenshiro: Hm ?

"We are going to Godland."

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