Chapter 6: Godland

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kenshiro: Fanatics of Godland ! Your existence is coming to its end !


Bat: yes, they told us to wait here.

Bartender: ... Wh- What are you thinking ? You guys are lucky to still be alive. Those guys in Golan used to be infantry officers of the red berets regiment. It's suicide.

Bat: The re... The red berets...

Bartender: Yeah, they say that each one can kill 500 men. Even if they're strong, they have no chance...

Bat: hey ! Wait ! You can't do anything for them !

Bartender: ... Even a Kung-fu master can't defeat the infamous sergeant. They'll just get slaughtered.

Sergeant: GWU WAHA HA HA ! YEAH, THAT'S IT, FIGHT EACH OTHER !! Listen to me !! You're training for deadly combat. If you beat your opponent, you can kill them !

Trainee: Gwah !! Ha... hah...

Sergeant: ... What are you waiting for ? Kill him.

Trainee: Huh ? But isn't this just training... ?

Sergeant: ... I see, this guy is your little brother... YOU BEAT HIM AND THEN FINISH HIM OFF !! IT'S THE ABSOLUTE LAW !!

Trainee: Oh... Oh no...

Sergeant: It feels good, doesn't it ? It's this way because you're tougher. YOU GUYS GOT IT ?! In the country of God, only superior beings will have the title of Golan !! If you wish to be chosen, kill your opponents ! You must survive to build the country of the chosen !! God chose us to lead this war !!

???: I don't remember choosing you.

Sergeant: Wh- What ?! WHO SAID THAT ?!

"... Shinigami."

Trainees: What do you think you're doing, bastard ?!

"ORAA !!"

Trainees: GUBUAH !!

"I told you. I'm a Shinigami, here to make you atone your sins."

Sergeant: He he... Yes, you succeeded in infiltrating this far... But it's over. I'll show you what we learn in here. A LESSON FROM MAD SERGE !!


"A straw..."

Sergeant: Ghu hu hu... It's impossible to escape the blood sucking needle knives of the red berets !! GWA HA HA HA ! You will die from losing all your blood. It'll just spill out all over the place now !

"That would be intimidating if removing the straws wasn't an option."

Sergeant: Wha- ?!


Sergeant: H... HOW ?!

"The very essence of Hamon, is the total control of the bloodstream. Your techniques are useless against me."

Sergeant: Hoo... Bravo, bravo... This is your chance ! Show me how much your training's worth !

Trainees: YES, SIR !!

"... Those who don't want to die can step down now. You're no match against me."

Trainees: Mff... Hehehe. Ha ha ha ! What an idiot ! You think you can take on all of us at once ? You're the one who's gonna die, bastard !!

Trainees: I've always wanted to kill somebody. He he he, i'm gonna cut him into pieces. Considering our numbers, we'll wipe him out without leaving a trace.

"Haa... Guys like you, they never understand until it's too late. Have at it, then."


"... Sendô..."

Trainees: YAAAA- GUH !

"KEN O KIRU HAMON !! (tendon-cutting ripples)"

Trainees: A... Arg... My body...

"So ? Any more volunteers ? I won't be as nice this time."

Sergeant: Stop. I'll take him. You really have superhuman powers. It's rare to see such a strong prey. So now it's up to me to take care of you.

"That was only the basics. Sendô and Hokuto Shinken go far deeper than that."

Sergeant: Sendô, Hokuto... Like I care ! I'm the best of the red berets at handling knives... You will taste the killing art that finished off thousands of guerillas ! YAHAYAA !!

Sergeant: Ha ha ha ! Dodging me like that won't get you anywhere !! My knife strikes are endless, they'll cut you apart the instant you slow down !

"Then let's finish this quickly."

Sergeant: GOT YOU !! Huh ?

"Sorry, I'm not here to play, but to ask questions."

Sergeant: L- Let go of my knives ! Hnngh... I said... LET.GO ! HNNNNNNGH !

"Shibire Jinsokuna ken !! (Numbness swift fist.)"

Sergeant: Wh... No... Impossible !!

"Your strength on the battlefield may be feared, but in front of me, you're like a baby."

Sergeant: You... You'd kill bab- ARGH ?!! Why can't I move the way I want to ?!!

"Just like your men lost control of their limbs, your body can't stand anymore. If you don't want to drown, tell me who and where your boss is."

Sergeant: Agloub glob ! Buhaaa ! Up... Up there ! The colonel is in that tower ! Ev... Even though you've beaten me, he's got supernatural powers, you can't defeat him !

"That's not up to you to decide. The colonel, huh... Better go tell Ken about that."

Sergeant: Idiot ! You thought that just by sparing me you would walk out of here alive ?

"Kind of. Mostly because you're already dead."

Sergeant: Wh- What ?! Ku ku ku ku ! You're just talking shit...

Sergeant: HAARRGGH !! He... Hgelp... AAAHHH !!

"I did say I was here to make you atone your sins. Filth."

Kenshiro: That tower ?

"You see anything else ?"


"... 3rd one on the left."

Kenshiro: Let's see... ATA !!

Trainee: BUGAH !

"... Hide all you want, your breath can always gives out your position."

???: I'll keep that in mind. Impressive. You guessed which statue the guard was hiding in.

Colonel: Hum... They say a good hunter can find its prey in the air's movement. You seem to be excellent hunters.

Kenshiro: Yet I've never let my prey get this close to me.

"I take it you're that infamous 'Colonel'."

Colonel: Mff... Through wars, I've explored all the secrets of the art of killing ! Men with a broken spirit are no match for me...

Kenshiro: Before you're sent to hell, I want you to answer some questions. Why did you you build this insane place called Godland ?

Colonel: ... Mff. You think you can defeat me ? Bah, since you're leaving this world anyway, I'll answer your questions.

*The red berets were a battalion of elite soldiers, a part ofa war machine. And they had great conviction, they were true patriots of their nation. But... One day, when I went to a general to submit my report... they were all drunk...

General: You're very clever, Colonel, but your men are just a side dish. No matter how many of your type there are, you can never be my equal. I can launch missiles by just pushing a button. BWA HA HA HA HA !!

The people there were in fact those who controlled the nation: Government official, industrial tycoons... I saw the true faces of those who were controlling and ordering us !*

Colonel: But our life-threatening training was underestimated by those repulsive pigs !!

*And it was those pigs, for their personal gain, that opted for the dumbest possible solution !! The button that should never be pressed... they tested the ultimate solution with that device !! Then everything was destroyed... The pigs perished by their own hands, and we survived because of our training ! God chose us !!*

Colonel: Do you understand... We must NOT make the same mistake twice. That is why we need elite people, united by the same beliefs.

Kenshiro: Don't you realize that this is already a mistake ?

"Such a shame... You had everything to make the world a better place... But you forgot a soldier's duty is to protect the citizens of it's country... You had to put that god nonsense in the mix,,,"

Colonel: WHAT ?! Let's see if you can counter this...

"Ken, behind you !!"

Kenshiro: Huh ?!



Ken: Wh... How ?!

Colonel: Hu hu... Hmf... I can read your movements. I can even predict how you'll move !!

Sergeant: The Colonel has supernatural powers.

Colonel: Here I go !! It's time to die !!


Kenshiro: ... Where ?

"... 10, 5 and 8 O'clock !"

Kenshiro: ... Hukuto shinken Kukyoku Ryobu. (dance of the air current). You can attack wherever you want, it won't work anymore.

Colonel: Why ? Why do you risk your life to try to defeat me at all costs ? What's pushing you to do it ? What's your aim ?

Kenshiro: I no longer have any ambition. I am a man who lost everything. Yet... When I see what you fanatics do to your victims, the children's tears... the sadness in their eyes... That is what brought me here... And here your ambition will end !!

Colonel: I see. Then you're the man who uses the infamous Hokuto Shinken, fist of assassins. I've studied almost every deadly technique and I've mastered quite a few of them. There is one in particular from a Chinese martial art that I've mastered perfectly. You must know it. it's the world's deadliest fist; Nanto Muonken !

"A branch of Nanto Seiken..."

Colonel: Hu hu hu... Even if you graze me, you'll die, cut into pieces !

Kenshiro: AHTATAH !!

Colonel: Hua ha ha ha ! Don't forget that I can predict your movements !! I'm going to cut you into bits slowly !

Kenshiro: Fhhhhhaaaaaaaa... FUAAAAH !!

Colonel: ... What's that ?

Kenshiro: You can see my blows through my eyes and muscle movements. But if I erase my presence, you can't predict anything.

'... Igh't imma put a little more distance between them and me, if he's going so far...'

Colonel: Feuh... I too am erasing my presence. You're going to understand the superiority of a red beret. How will you fight with your eyes closed ? Now, you're nothing but a lifeless puppet.


Kenshiro: Step back. You can't fight against one of the branch of the Nanto Seiken yet. This is a lesson.

Colonel: URK ! W- What ?!


Colonel: It... No... Impossible ! How... How did you manage to touch me...

Kenshiro: You actually do have supernatural powers, but they're the results of 20 to 30 years of training at best. But it's more than just knowing Hokuto Shinken. In my body runs the blood that has been passed down from generation to generation for 2000 years. When I was born, I was already an assassin.

Colonel: Th... That's...

Lin: KEN !!

"L- LIN ?!"

Lin: I... I'll help you fight too !!

bat: That idiot, I've got nothing to do with this !

"You need to get out of here, Now !!"

Colonel: he he he... It seems go... God hasn't given up on me yet. FHU HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!

Lin: AAAH !!

"... Not on my watch."

Lin: Y- Y/n... !

"Well, would you look at that, you do remember my name... ... ..."

Lin: E- Eh... ?

"... ... Ow."

Bat: Y- Your arm !

Colonel: Fhu ha ha ha ha ha ! What an idiot, compassion diminishes your ability !

"... Ken, if you may ?"

Kenshiro: Then please cover Lin's ears, at the very least. it's already done anyways.

Colonel: A- AHHH !! I... I'm hurt... GYAAAHH ! MY EYES ! MY EYES ! MY EYES !! HAOUWAAA !!

Kenshiro: I took care of your eyes a while ago. Now, it's your turn to be afraid of the dark.

Colonel: AH !! U... WAAA ! Don't come near me, dooon't !!

Kenshiro: Stop your waving.

Kenshiro: Hokuto Keikoken. (Break the bones/Bone removal)

Colonel: Wh... Why ? Why... ? With... With your power, you could... Build a Godland like the one I wanted... Yo... You do this... Without regrets... AAOOORRLL !!

Bat: ... Will you be alright ?

"This is a scratch to the bone, but a scratch nonetheless. If so little could take me down, I would've died long ago."

Lin: I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

Kenshiro: ... We won't have any regrets...

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