Chapter 7: For a few drops of water...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Bat: Aaaah !! Are you insane ? What a waste !!

Bartender: You... YOU'RE STILL ALIVE ?!

Bat: Huh ?! KEN !! Y/N !! What have you been doing since we came back from Godland ?!

"Just putting a few things in order, tying some loose ends... But now, Godland has turned into 'Goneland'."

Bartender: T... Then... It's true ?!

Bat: See ? I told you so. Godland doesn't exist anymore. These guys just aren't normal. they're different !

Bartender: Yeah... I know but... Well...

Bat: So, you got it ? Now do you believe me old man ? Ha ha ha ! That'll teach you !!

???: ... Godland, destroyed...

Lin: Enough with your boasting !

Bat: What, what ?!

Punk: So you're the ones who destroyed Godland... We've been looking for you.

"Oh, really ?"

Punk: We've heard about you. We want you to join our gang. With you, we'll be set. Anything will be possible.

Bat: Wow there ! For this sort of thing, you first need to meet their manager, meaning me !

Punk: Don't butt in, ya snot-nosed brat !

Lin: BAT !!

Punk: So ? Of course, we won't make you work for nothing. let's agree on a deal. I can see that you're built up... ?!

punk: Se... Seven scars on the chest !! It... It's you ?! You're the ones who destroyed King's organization !!

Kenshiro: Hey. Get your filthy hands off me.

Punk: B- Bastard !!

"Ah, that one's for me."

???: Stop it !!

Boss: You're too noisy. Silence !

Punk: Y... yes sir.

Lin: You okay, Bat ?

Bat: No, not okay at all !


Bartender: Eh... Hey there ! I don't want any grubby tykes in my joint !!

"... Haven't we met before... ?"

Kid: I... I beg you, my village... Mammy and the others, please save them.

Kenshiro: Huh ?

Bat: What ? Another weird creature shows up. Bouuuh... this brat's really filthy. Here. At least clean your face !


Kid: T- Thank you.

Bartender: Well, too bad, we have no time to go around helping people. Go back home.

Kid: Here, thanks.

Bat: Don't want it and don't come near me ! Can't be... ... Ah ?! Taki... is that you Taki ? Answer !!

Taki: Aah !! Th- This voice. B- Bat ! Big brother Bat !! You are !

Bat: Th... This voice, you say ? God... You're blind ?

Taki: B... Big brother Baaaaaaaat !!

bat: Wha- What happened to you ? Calm down and tell me why you can't see anymore !

Taki: Ah... from the village, I walked through the desert, and the sand and sun damaged my eyes... But I can see a little bit still.

Bat: What ?! You crossed the desert on foot ?! W- Why ?!

Taki: there isn't any water since the well suddenly dried out. Everybody left the village. But mammy and me, and all the orphans, tried to dig another well.. But we can't do it all alone.

Bat: What ? The old hag's still alive ?!

Taki: We'll find water for sure. But we need men, strong men !

Bartender: And you left looking for labor. But who would help you in this world ?

Taki: Big brother Bat ?

Bat: Eh... Y- Yeah... ?

Kenshiro: Bat... Where's your village ?

Bat: What ?!

Boss: Water... hey, come here.

Punks: Yes sir !

Boss: How many times should I repeat it ? If you want to live a long time, never mess with somebody stronger than you...

Punks: SHUBL !!

Boss: You don't deserve to be my men !



Bat: Phew, what a dump ! Any sane person would abandon this place ! Guys, let's go back !

"You really don't want to be here, do you ?"

Taki: We're here, aren't we, Bat ?

Bat: Yeah, but it's probably too late. The old hag must be dead by now !

Taki: No ! She's just at the new water hole.

"Water hole ? You mean, like that one over there ?"

Bat: Hey ! There it is !

Taki: Granny ! Bat came back ! And I found people who want to help !

Bat: can't you even welcome me back after I came all this way ?!


Bat: Yeow ! W- What the...

Granny: How dare you come back with that smirk still on your face, you runaway fool !

Bat: You old bitch !

Orphans: Bat ! Bat ! It's big brother Bat !!

Bat: H- Hey...

Granny: Thank you for coming. I am Toyo. You must be tired.

Taki: Gr- Granny ?!

Toyo: Hmm ?! W- Why are you all bandaged, Taki ?

"His eyes were damaged by the long walk through the desert... But they should get better slowly, if they're left for a while.

Toyo: Oh... I- I see... But at least you've come back alive ! You left without even a word ! It's late now. Leave the work for tomorrow, and rest. Please, come in.

Toyo: You must be thirsty after your long journey.

Bat: Ooh, thanks !

Taki: ... ...

Toyo: What's the matter, Taki ? Why don't you drink ?

Tali: B- But... But this is...

Toyo: It's all right. I promise.

Taki: O- Okay...

"... You really care for all these children..."

Toyo: yes... They're all orphans, abandoned... Or their parents have been killed. So I'm looking after them. I think of them as my children now. And they are... My precious children.

Bat: ... I never thought I was your kid ! Got that ?!

Toyo: And I don't consider a delinquent like you my son either !

Bat: Bah !

Toyo: Heh... Fools like that are even more precious...

Lin: I... I envy them...

Toyo: ... Do you want to stay with granny ? Hmm ? We can't travel far with the children. We have to stick to the village.

Kenshiro: ... Why didn't the people here try to dig a well ?

Toyo: There is water, i'm positive ! The geologist is the village said so as well. But it's obstructed by a thick rock shelf, and we can't touch it... That's why the others gave up. But... I- I can't give up.


Bat: Guys ! Guys !

"Guh- Huh ? What's the matter ?"

Bat: Taki went to steal water from another village to give to the hag ! If he gets caught with even one swallow of another village's water, he won't come back alive !

"What ?!"

bat: What was that idiot thinking...

Kenshiro: Where's their well ?!

Bat: three kilometers to the East... In the middle of a clearing !

Taki: All right... got to get away quick...


Taki: No... Oh, no...

Punk: Dirty rat ! Die !!

Punk: Heh, heh, heh... Stealin' other people's water, are you ?


Kenshiro: You have no right to say that !

Punk: Who are you ?!

"Taki !! Why... Why did you do such a thing... ?"

Taki: Uh.. Uh... P- Please... T- Take this to... Granny... Granny hasn't drunk a drop of water... She gives her share to everyone else... I don't know if she'll last two more days... She'll die before we can get water...

"Such hardship..."

Taki: You... You can help them, right ? You... can save them... Can't you... ? I'm sure you can... ...

"T- Taki ? TAKI !!"

Toyo: Taki !

"He... Wanted you to have this..."

Toyo: ... Wh- Why ? Why did he have to die ?! Why would such a sweet child... ? He was only seven... OHHHHHHH !!

"... For only a few cups of water... An innocent life was taken..."

Bat: Stop it ! You may be strong, but you can't break that rock !


Bat: I said stop it ! Even you can't split solid rock !!

"ORAAAA !!!"

Bat: He... HE DID IT !!

Lin: Granny !!

Toyo: I remember... Taki called you "God".. But who are you ?

Kenshiro: Don't let anyone know you have water ! You'll fall prey to the bandits if they find out. Hide it at all costs !

Boss: Hmm... Something wet in the village...

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