Chapter 8: Jackal

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Punk: Jackal, can we take over the water ?

Jackal: Don't be so hasty ! We needn't risk our lives to fight the elephant, as long as we eat his meat in the end !

Punk: Hey ! The lookout squad went by themselves !

Jackal: ... Fools ! They have no idea who they're against. Look closely... And you'll soon see why you should fear them.

Punks: YEEHAW ! Water !! Move it, twerps !

Toyo: Those hyenas ! Have they already gotten the scent of water ?

Punks: This is great ! With this much water, we won't have to keep traveling !

"Glad to hear it. Now drink your fill and then leave at once."

Punk: ... And who the hell are you ?! Huh ? You think we'd up and leave a great waterhole, just like that ?! Listen, this place is ours from now on ! Anyone who complains is dead !

"You sound like you're complaining."

Punk: Hmm ?

Punk: AARGH ! My... My nose !!

"Looks to me like you've got some hearing problems."

Punk: Y- You bastard ! You better not be pickin' a fight with us ! I'll show you... !

"I do have a question. Are you using the singular 'You', or the plural 'You' ?"

Punk: What ?!

"Oh, no matter. Ken ?"

Kenshiro: The "Amnesia fist of nothingness". I've erased the past few days from your memory.

Punks: Wh- What ?! Duuuuuuuuuuuuh...

Kenshiro: Bat, lead them to the desert, and lose them.

Jackal: We'll bide our time... The water will still be there.

Bat: Phew ! Can't relax for a second with guys like that roaming around.

"I just hope they were only passing thugs..."

Toyo: I do, too. But not to worry ! If worst comes to worst, I have this !

Lin: Whoa !

Toyo: He he. There are still a few more bullets, to.

Kenshiro: ... ... ... ...

"... If we stay, it will only bring evil upon them, isn't it ?"

Kenshiro: ... That's something you should teach me...

Orphan: Hmm... ? Oh ! Y- !

Toyo: Shh. Let them go in silence. They are ones who must keep on walking... In this world, there are many people like us, all waiting for their arrival. May god be with you...

"... You two can stop trying to be sneaky now."

Bat: Heh ! If you think you're gonna leave me behind, you've got another thing coming !

Lin: I... I'm going, too !

"Seriously, you kids..."

Kenshiro: As you wish...

Jackal: ... Heh heh... If they're that far away... They'll never hear the brats' scream... Our problem is gone ! Let's go !!

Orphan: Granny, wh- what are they ? An army of monsters ?!

Toyo: it's all right, don't worry. 'I didn't think that such a mob was after us ! If I kill the leader, they might fear the gun and run away...'

Jackal: Listen up ! Kill the hag and all the brats !! Geh heh... Hmm ?

Toyo: God be with us !

*BANG !!

Jackal: YEARGH !!

Orphan: Did you get him ?!

Jackal: ... Old... Bitch...

"... Was that a gunshot ?"

Lin: What ? A gunshot ?!

Bat: I didn't hear nothin'...

Kenshiro: It can't be !

Toyo: Go away or I'll shoot !

Jackal: Geh, heh. Shoot all you want, hag ! But you and your brats will be blown sky-high !

Toyo: D- Dynamite !

Jackal: HAA ! Ha, ha ! Ha ! What are you going to do, bitch ? Shoot ! Kill me if you can !! Old hag !

Orphans: Gra... GRANNY !!

Jackal: Whaaat ? I barely touched her. This way she can die slowly.

Orphans: GRANNY !

Jackal: HAHAHA ! As of today, this area is our new base !


Jackal: No more drinking rain water !! We have all the water we could wish for now !! Hahaha !

Punks: YEAH !!

Jackal: FOOOOOOOX !! This is your chance to prove yourself as my army's commander !

Fox: Yes ! You can count on me, lord Jackal.

Toyo: Ugh... Why... Why do they always abuse the weak...

jackal: Fox, what's the best way to get rid of this bitch ?

Fox: Hmm, let's see... How about we start killing off the brats in front of her one by one ?

Jackal: Hmm, yeah. That would be amusing.

Toyo: I... I beg of you, at least spare the children !

Jackal: Hehehe ! Do you know why I didn't kill you right away ? It's because I'm gonna punish you for trying to kill me with that rifle ! I'll kill these kids one by one, so pay attention !

Toyo: N- No, please !

Punk: Come one ! Hurry it up a little ! everything's ready, hehehe.

Jackal: Good ! Start with this one here !

Orphan: U- UWAAAA ! I don't want to ! I don't want to !!

Punk: Hiehehehe, calm down ! There !

Toyo: Pl... Please stop it.

Jackal: Shut up, hag !

Punk: C'mon, c'mon, hihi !

Orphan: Uwaa... It... It hurts...

Punk: Hihi... Hihi ! Die ! Huh ? Gue !! Hagaga...

Bat: Whew, that was close.

Jackal: Hah ?! It's... !

"Bastards... Hell is too kind for scum like you !"

Jackal: Tch ! They probably hurried back here after hearing the gunshot... Let's get outta here.

Punk: H- hey ! Hey ! It was just a joke, I wasn't being serious ! Say, how about you let me go ? Huh ? Huh ? Co... Come on, please. Let me go, everything's alright... I am not a bad guy, don't you see ?!

"The last words of scum isn't something worth listening to."

Punk: Huh ?!

Kenshiro: You're going to die.

Punk: B- But that's... WAIT !! URGH !!

Jackal: Fuu... Fufu. I have no intention of fighting you. Let's go ! We'll use the brats to ensure our escape !

Punk: Please wait a minute, lord jackal. Why should we run away from these runts ? I dunno what kinda kung-fu they're using, but I'll crush them by myself.

"They never learn... They just keep coming, one after the other..."

Punk: Hoho ! Hey, shrimp !

Jackal: That idiot.

Punk: You wanna try me out ? I used to be a pro boxer !

"And I used to be slaying deities, but none of that will matter now. Hey, you really don't mind if I kill that guy first ?"

jackal: Whatever you want.

Punk: Ya goddamn brat, die !!

"The 'Brat' is almost 40, and will now school you. First lesson, never try attacking stronger than you. Ketsuatsu ten ! (Blood pressure point)"

Punk: What ?

Jackal: Y'all seeing this ? This is Hokuto Shinken.

"Not quite. But it won't change the fact you guys are next."


Fox: Don't move !! One more step and I'll blow these shrimps up !

Kenshiro: Dynamite !

Fox: Fuhaha ! You can't move a single inch ! Unlike you, Lord Jackal is clever !

Jackal: Fufu. Now then, everyone get on your saddles ! I'll tell you once more. I have no intention of fighting you. So you have no reason to follow us.

Fox: That's it, scram !

Bat: Hah ! I can't believe they'd do that !


Kenshiro; It's... It's no good ! there's one left !

"Goddammit, I hate dealing with explosives like that !!"


"GH... !!"

Bat: H- Hey ! Are you alright !!

"... I'll manage... This is only second-degrees burns... I've had worse. And I'm not the one you should be worrying about..."

Toyo: Ugh...

Kenshiro: Grandma ! Are you alright ?

Bat: Old hag ! Hey, get yourself together !

Toyo: B... Bat... I know why... Why you left the village... You're older than the other children... You eat more. If you're not around, your share could go to the others... You left thinking that me and the other kids... Would have one mouth less to feed... You... You're so kind...

Lin: That's why Bat...

Bat: Gra...

Toyo: B- Bat, take good care of yourself...

Kenshiro: Bat... Call her mother, for the last time.

Bat: Mo... Mother... MOTHEEEER !!

Bat: Huu... Bu... WAAAAAAAA !!

"Those bastards... You can hide all you want, even the deepest pits of hell won't keep you safe !"

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