Chapter 9: Hunter hunted

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Bartender: Wha- What are you saying ?

"You heard that correctly. Please take care of the children for a while."

Bartender: Huh ?! But, but... I hope you're joking. I can't it's impossible.

"Oh, and why is that ?

Bartender: Gi- Give me a break... I just can't... hehe...

Kenshiro: I see...

Bartender: Aah ! What did just you do to me ?! It can't be ! You're trying to kill me ?!

Kenshiro: No, you're not going to die right now. But in one month !

Bartender: One month... No way ! How can I prevent it ?!

Kenshiro: Only I can. We will come back in one month. Until then, take good care of these children.

Bartender: I- If I do this, will you heal me ?! B... But what will happen to me if you don't come back ?!

"You will die. Simple as that. Make sure that they are never hungry.

Bartender: Ah ! Wa- Wait a second ! ...

Bartender: ... But man, they really put me in a bad situation.

Orphan: Mister, I'm hungry...

Lin: M- Maybe... They won't come back this time...

Bat: Nah, they will They can't abandon the kids... 'Guys... I trust you. Destroy Jackal and his band.'

Punk: We wasted too much time. Tomorrow we'll have to join the others...

Punk: Who cares with all the rations we brought with us... Hmm ?

"Shhhhh... Do us a favor, and don't scream too much, okay ? You guys are Jackal's underlings, right ?"

Punks: Hah ?! Why you! Ba- Bastard ! Move your foot !

"ORAAA !!"

Punk: ... Ple- Please, wait a minute. Jackal's the one that killed the hag, I had nothing to do with it.

Kenshiro: Then who are those people next to your feet ?

Punk: Uh... Ah ! They wouldn't give us their rations so... But that doesn't concern you !

Kenshiro: Is that so...

Punk: Ple- Please, spare me !

Kenshiro: Alright. But I'll turn you into my messenger...

Punk: Huh ? Your messenger ?! Wh- What ? What did you do ?

Kenshiro: Go. Your body will be our message to Jackal.

Punk: He... hehe ! I'll remember this ! I'll definitely kill you !

"... You know Ken, I've always been quite admiring how you can make them die right when and where you want."

Kenshiro These mangy dogs. They shouldn't be allowed to live.

jackal: What's wrong ?

Punk: JACKAL !! It's these guys !! The one with the 7 scars on his chest, and the one with the key pendant !

Jackal: Whaaat ?! And then ?

Punk: A message !

Jackal: A message... So what is it ?

Punk: It's... It's my... My body is the message.

Punks: You... Your head ! Your head is... !

Punks: Wha- What is this ?! Lord Jackal !

Jackal: Fufu... I see,so this is their message. They're challenging me !

Punk: Do... Does that mean they'll kill us all like this ?

Jackal: yep. I can imagine how angry they must be. I think we might have struck a nerve of them...

Punks: Bu- But, why don't they leave us alone, these guys ! Their relentlessness is ridiculous ! This is bad ! These guys came from the area where Fox went hunting ! We have to alert him as soon as possible !

Jackal: There's no need for that. If they run into Fox it'll allow us to get away farther.

Punk: Huh ? But... Isn't Fox your right hand man ?!

Jackal: My right hand ? My right hand is right here. Fufu... Anyways, Fox isn't just some normal guy. He uses some bizarre martial art. I think he could at least put up a bit of a fight. We're going !!

jackal: 'I'm Jackal ! I can fool god himself !'

Villagers: there's someone lying there ! Did he just fall to the ground ?!

Villagers: Whoa ! Look at that ugly mug ! He must've been one hell of a villain ! We can't let him recover, let's finish him off to be sure. One, two, and three !!

Villagers: Huh ?! He disappeared !

Fox: What was that ?! Saying me, master Fox, is a monster ?! DIE !!

Fox: Hyu Choutouchihai ken ! (Fist of the flying blade with back to the ground)

Fox: Hey ! All that's left are the women and children ! Gather all the rations !

Punks: OK !

Fox: Phew... Hehe... I always feel the need to piss after I kill people.

Fox: Hmm ? What the hell are these noises ?


Fox: WAH !! AAH ! IT'S YOU !! He... hehehe... Y- You... You look well... HIBEEEEE !!

Fox: AGAGAAA ! Ba... Bastard.. THAT HUURT !!

Kenshiro: ATA !!

Fox: BUH !! Hah... Hah... Ah.. Ahahaha ! Le- let's forget about this ! I have no intention of opposing you ! Here, I'm not pulling your leg ! I don't wanna fight you ! I won't ask you to just spare my life for free. In return for your kindness I'll tell you where Jackal and his band are.

Kenshiro: Weren't you Jackal's right hand man ?

Fox: Ah ! Don't be ridiculous, I'm no body part of his ! I only stick with him because it's easier to live that way. We both use each other !

Kenshiro: And to live, you kill innocent people without mercy...

Fox: He- hey... Wait up ! Don't you want to know where Jackal's hiding ?

Kenshiro: I've got no problems with making you confess by force. And as soon as he's done dealing with your grunts, I'm sure Y/n would like to have a word with you as well.

Fox: He... hey ! I told you I don't want to fight you ! Any of you ! Here, look ! It's the truth ! Say ! You... You don't intend to kill a defenseless man like me ? Right ?!

Fox: 'Now then... Come ! Come closer. If you take another step without noticing, you're done for !'

Kenshiro: ... Hmm... Y/n, if you're done, can you come here ?!

"Want me to bring the boulder ?!"

Kenshiro: That's the point ! I need that boulder ! Could you send it first ?

"And one boulder coming for Mr.Kenshiro, one !"

Fox: Wha-... !

Kenshiro: The Choto Chihaiken. You think you can fool me with this ? A dirty technique that captures the enemy off-guard. That's your fist alright.

Fox: So... Son of a bitch ! Huh ?! Where is he ?!

Kenshiro: Rigth here !

Fox: Geh ! H- How did you get under me ?! GYAAA !

Kenshiro: Your weakness lies in the abnormal position you use to jump. The Choto Chihaiken allows you to concentrate all your power on the enemy thanks to the solid defense on your back provided by the ground. But after the jump, your back becomes a dead angle. Your little show won't work twice in a row ! Now tell me where I can find jackal !

Fox: Huh ?! Who's going to tal... Tata... ta... What the hell ?! My mouth... It's moving on its own... Speaking...

Kenshiro: I touched the Shinichi pressure point... You can only tell the truth now.

Fox: Jackal is on the way to villainy prison...

Kenshiro: Is that so ?

Fox: Yes... It's a high level security penitentiary where the most dangerous criminals used to be imprisoned. Jackal escaped from there.

Kenshiro: I understand.

Fox: Wh- Why is my mouth... !!

Kenshiro: I told you I'd make you talk by force. Now then, let's start your execution...


Kenshiro: Finally showing your true colors... Vermin.


Fox: BUGYAA !!

Kenshiro: That's one vermin less... Thanks for the boulder !

"Don't mention it !"

Jackal: Old man ! Water !

Old man: I don't have any free water left for you.

Jackal: Whaaaat ?! Hey, bastard, are you nuts ?! How dare you talk to me like this ! What happened to your usual warm welcome ?!

Old man: I have no need to welcome you warmly anymore.

Jackal: What's that supposed to mean, you have a death wish ?!

Old man: Hah ! You're the guy hunted by the Shinigami. It seems that him and the man with the 7 scars on his chest is following you.

Jackal: Ho... How do you know ?!

Old man: the rumors about them are wide-spread... Everyone knows what they did... Your life has just about run its course. Just look over there, they even left a little souvenir.

Jackal: Whaaaat ?!

Jackal: FOX ! Fox was... he was here ?! Nuuuuh... FUCK ! These brats... they won't leave me alone. Are they trying to torture me or something ?!

"Until now, he's been a beast that hunted his prey to kill it... let's see how he likes it, now that he just became the one being hunted."

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