Chapter 10: Devil

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Punks: Fox was also killed so easily... It seems his Choto Chihaiken didn't work at all. At this rate, we'll be the next targets !!

Jackal: He- Hey !!

Punks: This ain't no joke ! We gotta get the hell outta here !! Run for your life !!

Punks: Th- The fuel ! All the tanks are empty ! Sh... Shit !! That truck ! That's gotta be them !! Hey, return it !

Punks: Ah ! Ah ! Shit ! Where are they ? Where ?! HAH !!

Punks: W- When that man targets someone, he's guaranteed to die ! 100% ! We only have one way to get out of this...

Jackal: Fox, you bastard ! Why the hell did you tell them about this place ?! It's all your fault, asshole !

Punks: ...

Jackal: Wha... What ?!

Punks: We're here for your head. If we give it to them, we might just get out of this alive.

Jackal: Ugh... What... ?

Punks: You had no problem betraying your own men. Now it's your turn ! Just accept it !

Jackal: Ha... hahaha... What are you trying to say... Hey, Hawk, don't you get it ? he'll track us all down, no exceptions.

Hawk: Even so, it's better if he's going after you first.

Jackal: ha... Hahaha. COWARD !!


jackal: hehehe... They're all retarded...

"They were just following you."

Jackal: Ah... Hahaha ! it's you... I was just looking for you, you know... I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. How about we just forget this ! Whaddya say... hehe, forgive me... DIE !!


Jackal: .. AH ?!

"Haa... You're not a bright one, are you ?"

Jackal: Y... You blocked the blade with your hand.. H- Hey, let go !

"Now, tell me... Where exactly do you plan do flee ?"

jackal: H- HAAAA !!


Jackal: G- GYAAAA !! H... he's not human ! He's a monster !!

"Hm.. So this is the notorious high level security jail... Where the most dangerous criminals used to be imprisoned, villainy prison..."

Jackal Fufufu... I don't have any choice left, I have to let him out !

Guard: Ja... Jackal ! What are you doing here ?

Jackal: Give me the keys to the dungeons !

Guards: Huh ?! The keys ?! No way, you're not gonna...

Jackal: I am ! i'm gonna release him !

Guard: Jackal... Are you nuts... Yo- You know what'll happen if you release him...

jackal: Hurry up !!

Guard: N- No way.. there's no way you can control him. he'll kill you !

Jackal: I always had a trick up my sleeve for a day like this ! I have to risk everything to survive. Now do as I say !

Guard: Gulp... Damn... I don't wanna risk anything ! I don't wanna die just yet...

Jackal: SHUT UP !!

Kenshiro: What happened here...

Guard: Ha... ha... Ja- jackal went to release the demon ! HAAA !!

"What could be down there... ?"

Jackal: Hah... Haa... Gufu... To beat a demon, you need a demon ! Gufufu... I... I can hear his heartbeat... Be free ! Hahahaha ! You who dwells here in villainy prison, the devil incarnate !


Jackal: he's murdered over 700 people and has been executed 13 times ! But he always survived ! The electric chair, hanging, nothing worked on him ! His last verdict was 200 year imprisonment ! It's time to live once more, devil !

???: It's dark... Why... Why was I imprisoned... Light... Give me light !

Jackal: Haa ! The... there's only one thing on his mind... His hatred for the people that imprisoned him !

Devil: It... It's dark here... I don't like ! I hate them... Those... Who caged me... You ?! Are you the one that caged me ?!

Devil: It is you !

Jackal: Hawawa ! A... A real demon ! 'But he's the one that can beat them ! I'll do the big brother act to coax him !'

Jackal: I missed you so much, my little brother ! Did you already forget the face of your older brother ?! Hugh ! Wa- Wait ! I came here to save you ! Lo- Look at this picture ! it's me, your big brother !

Devil: Mu... Mo- mother !

Jackal: That's right, it's our kind mother ! E- Even with all the atrocities you've committed, she always wanted to protect you !

Jackal: 'Hehe... It's working ! I managed to steal this thing from him when I was still a prisoner here, it's turning out to be useful now !' We were separated when we were still small ! It's only normal you can't remember me ! Nevertheless, I, your big brother, want to free you from this prison even at the cost of my own life ! I want you to smile for me, just like you did when we were young ! Look ! I will now release you from here ! I will show you the Blue sky !

Jackal: 'Ugh... ease up on the squeezing, moron... I can't take any more... he... he's strangling me...'

Devil: Uh... Uuh... The sky... You... You gave me light...

Jackal: 'I... I did it ! Just one more push !'

"Impressive performance. A disgusting human being, but outstanding actor."

Jackal: They're here !

Kenshiro: So this is it. This monster, the last trick up your sleeve...

Jackal: Wait ! I won't let you touch my little brother ! Bastards ! You still want to imprison my little brother ?! If you plan on imprisoning my precious little brother in the dark again, you'll have to kill me first !

"... that last point can be arranged."

Jackal: Bro, it's them ! They're the ones responsible, the ones who imprisoned you here ! But don't worry, I'll protect you even at the cost of my life !!

Kenshiro: Your acting just took a dive to the awful side.

Jackal: 'Guhoo ! Act all mighty while you can ! I've succeeded in taming the devil ! I have nothing left to fear in this world ! I am its master !'

Devil: It's you... The ones who... Put me in a cage, huh ?!

Jackal: Devil, kill them ! Kill them !

Kenshiro: Heresy.

"Eh, what's he gonna do, crush us ?"

Devil: DIE !


"... I stand corrected. That fucking hurts."

Kenshiro: HOA ! ATAH !!

Kenshiro: What ?!

"He blocked it ?!"

Jackal: Ooh ! Haha !!

Kenshiro: He- He's fast : And his movement ! What the hell is he...

Jackal: Fufu... Moron ! Don't think he's just a mindless giant brute !

Kenshiro: These moves... this stance... Thi- This is Rakan Niou-Ken ?! (Rakan= Achiever of Nirvana, Niou: The two guardian Deva kings.)

*A technique with a history of 5000 years originating from ancient India, it's an assassin's martial art. Its destructive power is limitless. The techniques were so cruel and atrocious that the contemporary emperor forbade the usage of this martial art. Theoretically it hasn't been used since, but... !*

Jackal: Wahaha ! No matter how strong a giant is, he can't kill 700 people with just his strength. "200 years in prison", to the devil incarnate, that is the title of his fist ! I'll watch your defeat from here !

Kenshiro: Very well. If the Niouken technique is the incarnation of the devil... I'll teach you that, Hokuto Shinken is the incarnation of Indra !

Jackal: Haa ! Wha- What's up with your body ?!

Kenshiro: extraordinary strength is hidden inside the bodies of mortal men. Normal men can only use 30% of this strength, but I know how to use 100% ! That's the secret of the Hokuto Shinken's respiration technique, "Tenryu" !

Jackal: Fu... Fuhahaha !! Even if you know how to use all of your strength, your martial art is useless if you can't touch your enemy !! Devil, show him the power of Niouken !!

Jackal: Uwahaha ! He can control wind pressure at will ! You can't escape !

Devil: FUSATSU KONGOU KEN !! (Gold and metal fist of the killing wind)

Jackal: You... You got him ! Uwahaha !! Both of these bastards have been crushed ! Hahaa ! This is how you get rid of pains in the ass ! We have nothing left to fear ! First, we're going to go back to the village and kill all of the old hag's kids ! And then we'll seize the well ! Hahaha ! Let's go !


Jackal: Wha- Wha- Im... Impossible !! he was thrown so powerfully into the wall !

Kenshiro: the secret of the Tenryu respiration technique lies in the transformation of the static state into movement... And whoever finds out this secret must die ! With a single exception to this day.

Jackal: Exception...


"... It still fucking hurts."

Jackal: urk... De- Devil, go ! Kill them ! Don't let them hit you ! Crush him between your hands !

jackal: WHAT ?!

Devil: I... Id hurdz !

Kenshiro: To think he assimilated Hokuto Shinken is such a short time... It's not his strength that makes him a terrifying opponent... He can adapt to any fighting style, learn it so quickly... Terrifying potential...

"Ken, he's all yours ! Finish him up !!"

Kenshiro: ... ... HOKUTO SHICHISHI SEITEN !! (The seven points of the star of death)

jackal: Wha- Wha- What ?! De... Devil...

Kenshiro: the Tenryu enables you to concentrate your strength to its sharpest. By hitting the vital points you cause all the ribs to implode... It's certain death !

Jackal: ... ha... hahaha ! You... You are the messiah ! You- You succeeded in killing the devil ! This is how the people will be saved !

"Wasn't he supposed to be your little brother ?"

Jackal: You... You gotta be kidding me ! A monster like this ?! U- UWAAA !!

Devil: Bi... Big brother...

Jackal: I- Idiot ! Let go of me, it's not true ! i'm not your big brother, dammit !

Devil: Big brother, big brother, it huuuuurts !

Jackal: He- hey, do something ! I beg of you, please save me !

"Why don't you try to convince him again with that little act of yours ?"


"If you can do that, maybe you'll save yourself."

Jackal: I- idiot ! Stop messing around !! Hold up ! Hey ! Dammit ! Wait... Please wait ! Sa- Save me ! I- It's gonna explode ! I... i'm gonna die... Aah... Aah... AAAAAAAAH !!

"... There's no point paying for scum like these. On another note, you need to stop exploding your shirts like that, I don't have an infinite stock."

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