Chapter 11: Nanto Suichoken

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Punk: Hyahaha ! Wait up lil' girl ! A hot babe like you should sell for a good price ! Hahaha !

Punks: Wow ! She's a real beauty ! I'm getting excited !

Woman: Would you happen to be carrying any food ?

Punk: Yeah ! Be a good girl and we'll give you some !

'Woman': I see ! Then I'll be taking it from you right now !!

Punks: Geh... A- A guy ?!

Guy: These days, you have to dress up like a woman to make vermin like you come out ! But even trash like you have their use. Bringing food right to me !

Punk: Ba- Bastard ! Ya makin' fun of us ?! Go ! There's just one of him ! KILL HIM !

Guy: Oooooh... SHOUUUUUU !!

Punks: HA ?! GEH !!

Punk: Tha... that technique, it's... ! NANTO SUICHO KEN !! (Nanto's fist of the bird and water)

Punk: The... There's no mistaking it, it really is the Nanto Seiken's school, Nanto Suicho Ken ! Even though the movements are more fluid and elegant than a water bird's, it's power is without equal. It's a horrible and cruel killing fist !

Rei: Sounds like you're pretty knowledgeable.

Punk: Heh ! Knowing these kinds of things isa necessity if you wanna survive in this era ! Jujuken Nun-chucks ! (Crossed sabre Nun-chucks) No one's ever managed to evade my Nun-chucks !!

Rei: heh... Then I'll be the first to do so.

Punk: DREAM ON !! Huh ?! Wha ?!

Rei: Hey, you forgot something !

Punk: Hieh ! NAAAAAAAA !!

Rei: there's no one that can catch my movements !

Punk: Hiii !


Rei: ... Nothing ! Hey ! Do you know a man with 7 scars on his chest ?!

Punk: I- I don't ! He- Help me !!

Rei: I see... Then you're of no use to me ! I'll just take your rations...

Punk: Eh ? BUGEH !!

Rei: ... the man with 7 scars on his chest... I won't rest until I kill him... Whatever it takes, I'll survive until then !

Your POV:

Bat: I- IT'S YOU GUYS !!

"Hey, easy there."

Bat: But... The gang ?!

Ken: yes. It was taken care off.

Lin: KEN !! i'm glad... i'm so glad you're alright...

Bat: So... What does it feels being third wheel ?

"I'm used to it. With that, your grandma is avenged."

Bat: Ah, we have good news too ! We found a village where the children can be looked after !

"Really ?"

Bat: Yeah, but there's a condition... The village is being attacked by a gang of armed thieves. The villagers have guaranteed they'll look after the children if we chase off the gang.

Villagers: Quick, we gotta raise the barricade ! C'mon ! Don't just stand there ! Clear out ! Clear !

"Is this gang so dangerous you need to build a bulwark all around the village ?"

Elder: You'll understand once you see them... In this village, everyone is able to lead a good life. We managed to build up what we aimed for. You must be tired. Come, let's go inside.

Lin: AH ! Ba- Bat, look ! Flowers !

Bat: Wha ! It... It's true ! ... I understand why the thieves are interested in this village. Compared to the outside world, this place seems like it's made in heaven...

Lin: ... 'I... I thought I'd never see flowers again...'

???: Those flowers indicate you have a blessed future ahead of you.

Lin: Huh ?!

Woman: Hello. Do you like flowers ?

Lin: I remember... There were flowers when I went out with Mom and Dad.

Woman: There are hardly any children like you who still remember.

Mamiya: My name is Mamiya... And you are ?

Lin: Li-... My name is Lin.

Bat: Hey, guys ! Come see ! Flowers, you'll be surprised ! Haha !

Mamiya: See you later, lil' Lin.

"Uhh... Ken ? You alright there bud ?"

Kenshiro: 'Ju... Julia !'

Villager: Hmm ?

Rei: Ho~... This village looks pretty nice...

Kenshiro: 'The... There's no way Julia could have come back to life... But... She looks just like her...'

"Ken... Earth to Ken, are you there ?"

Mamiya: Lin, if you want to, come by later and I'll give you a haircut.

Lin: A... Alright !

Mamiya: ... Excuse me ?

"Yes ?"


"... That was uncalled for. Plus, that hurts."

Mamiya: Hm. Not bad. So far, almost every man took it straight in the forehead. But you've got enough skill to be their guardian. Well, let's just hope you don't kick the bucket too fast.

Bat: Wooow ! What a woman...

"What a bitch, yes... Gh."

Bat: But, really... I feel like I've seen her somewhere before...

"I know... Judging by Ken's expression when he saw her, it's not hard to tell..."

Kenshiro: What's wrong, Lin ?

???: Was that your woman, just now ?

Rei: If she is, I suggest you be careful, someone might just come and take her ! My name is Rei... Don't forget it.

Villagers: Elder ! We found another guy who can help us ! Elder !

Lin: Ke- Ken ! Do... Don't let him ! He doesn't have the eyes of someone who helps others !

Bat: I'm with her on that one, he looks like a crook...

"You're talking to a mafia operative... But yes, there is something about him... Something I can't quite put my finger on..."

Punk: He's inside ! That guy, he made it into the village !

Punk: AAAAAIGHT ! Prepare the attack ! Hehe... They have no idea that gorilla is on our side. Tough luck for them, but we met that fearsome guy first.

Kenshiro: Anyone else with a death wish, step forward !

Punks: He... He's a monster !

Rei: ... ...

Punk: Hey... hey ! You... Where'd you go ?! Kill him ! Kill that monster ! Qui- Quick !

Rei: ... I've changed my mind.

Punk: Eh ?! Wha- ?! Trai... traitor !

Kenshiro: Nanto Suicho ken ?!

Rei: Hehe...


Rei: Huh ?!

"Relax. That guy's already dead. Sendô... SHINZÔ NO HANTEN !!"

Rei: Wha- ?! Is this...

Rei: 'Can... Can it be... ?! The only technique able to rival Nanto Seiken, the legendary martial arts transferred only from one generation to the next...' Bastard, you use Hokuto Shinken !

Mamiya: 'They... They're not just bodyguards ?! What in the world are those guys ?!'

Punks: HIII ! They're monsters ! All of them are monsters ! RUN ! We're outta here !!

Bat: Aw crap... This can't be good ! Hokuto Shinken and Nanto Suicho ken ! I got a baaad feeling about this !

"... Let's assume that was Hokuto Shinken I used... Don't you think the fact they knew you is more important ?"

Rei: Hehe... In this world, you need to join with strong people in order to survive. If I betrayed them, it's just that I saw you fighting. I just switched to the strongest side. I have to survive ! Until I kill the man with 7 scars on his chest !

'Seven scars on his chest...'

Rei: I've been betraying and killing people to stay alive for that purpose !

Villager: AAH ! It's a disaster ! They got... They got him... THEY HAVE KOH !

Mamiya: Huh ?! Koh !

mamiya: Ko... Koh !

Villager: they got him when he went to trade for food with the neighboring oasis !

Punk: You maggots ! You dared spill the blood of our family ! Blood for blood for blood ! If someone spills even one drop of our family's blood... We destroy the entire village, woman and children included ! That is our law !

Villagers: Argh ! Bastards ! O- Open up ! Open the door ! We have to save Koh !

Mamiya: Don't move ! I forbid anyone from going to save Koh ! You're not strong enough ! If you go out, you'll be at their mercy !

Villagers: Bu... But !

Mamiya: If Koh was captured, it's because he wasn't strong enough to escape ! You can't sacrifice yourselves for him ! Koh understands it as well !

Villagers: Mi... Miss Mamiya...

"... ..."

Rei: It's useless. If you go now they'll just escape after killing the boy... besides, the woman is right. The weak die first in this world !

"... If that was the case, I would've died long ago."

Punk: Hey ! You gorillas ! Huhu ! They're here ! You bastards... You bastards killed all my cute underlings ! The blood of our family wouldn't have been spilled if it weren't for you ! GOT IT ?! THIS IS PAYBACK !

Punks: GWAHAHA ! D'ya see that ?! Everyone ! Women, children... You're all gonna end up in pieces like him ! Prepare yourselves !

Villagers: KOH !!

Punks: WAHAHAHA ! And this is just the beginning ! We'll slaughter all of you !

"Ken... They're no questioning what happens next..."

Kenshiro: Indeed... the ones who should prepare themselves... Are you guys...

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