Chapter 12: The Kiba clan

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Villagers: Ugh... Why... Why him ?!

Mamiya: ... ...

Rei: Phew... What a woman ! You have a fine leader... She doesn't even blink while watching a villager get killed. I like her cool-headed she is.

Villager: What the hell do you know ?! You don't get it at all ! She is probably the saddest one in this village right now !! This boy... Koh... Koh was miss Mamiya's only sibling !

Rei: What ?!

Mamiya: Father... Mother... Will these killings continue forever...

Elder: Miss Mamiya... It's ok to cry at a time like this.

Mamiya: Elder... No, this is not the time to cry. I still have to protect everyone.

Elder: ... yes, of course.

Mamiya: 'Father, mother... I find myself having to build another new tombstone next to you. Koh is coming to join you... That reminds me... Today was his 15th birthday'. I was sure I had already learned to live with such sadness... But it's so hard to be alone...

Punk: Tch ! Why do I gotta keep an eye on the village from here ?! Hmm ?! ARGH !!

Kenshiro: tell me where the rest of your band is or die.

Punk: So- Son of a bitch !! UGHOOOH !! At... At the other side of this cliff !

Kenshiro: I see. Now, don't move. I pushed your Shinfukumen pressure point. You take another step... Boom !

Punk: Don't fuck with me, I'll kill you- BUGAAAH !!

Punk: Hihi... Damn traitor ! You came here to die...


Punk: Hmm ? AH- GUH !

"This 'Rei' guy... He's a peculiar one..."

Punks: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Coming to our camp all alone, this is the first time I've ever seen such a dumb fuck !

Rei: vermin ! In front of Nanto Seiken, you are nothing but garbage ! And I don't know why, but I really feel like killing you today...

'He's the kind of guy to only take action when there's something in it for him... Why is he here... ?'

Punk: Pfft... Don't think the Kiba family is just another regular band. Wolves attack their prey in well organized groups. No matter what the strength of the animal is, it doesn't stand a chance against a pack of wolves ! Watch ! The deadly technique that's originated from the Chinese martial art Shokeiken (Figure Punch) ! KAZAN GUNROUKEN (Chinese mountain wolf pack fist) !!

Punk: You dared betray us... And kill our brothers ! Now we'll avenge them ! We're gonna tear you to shreds !

Rei: How 'bout you stop barking and start fighting !

Punks: What ?! Hehe... What an idiot ! I'll admit you're strong, but all the strength in the world won't save you considering you came to us alone !!

Rei: You couldn't beat me even if there were a thousand of you.

Punk: Wha- What ?! Don't look down on us damn you ! The Kaiba family uses an invincible martial art, that-

"For a pack of wolves, you sure do love to talk."

Punk: What ?! What the... You... Whe- When did you... ?!

"Go on, don't mind me. I'm just here sightseeing."

Rei: ...If you're planning on helping me, there's no need.

"I figured so already. I was just curious, why did you come here ?"

Rei: Hmph. Same reason you are, I suspect. Well, you and that Hokuto guy. I think we all have a weakness for a woman's tears...

"Hmm. When you've lived on for long enough, you'll know when you need to fight."

Punk: Wha- What ?! What's with those attitudes ?! That's not how people that are about to die should act !

"... Correct."

Rei: You really do have a death wish, huh ?

Punk: NGAH !! We'll show you how fearsome Gunrouken is !! WOOO !!

Dwarf: 'That fool ! Now !!'


Dwarf: Ah !

"You really expected these childish tricks to work ? Ketsuatsu Ten !!"

Dwarf: HIEH !!

Rei: Pfft... A giant and dwarf working together, huh ?

Punks: Shit, let's do a group attack ! Charge !! WHUOOH !!


Punk: Geh ! Aah...

"Well, looks like you're the only one left."

Punk: Heh, morons, you think I'm te last of the Kiba family ?!

"... If those are your last words, you should've chosen them more carefully."

Punk: Hii ! AAH !!

"Sendô... KEN O KIRU HAMON !!"

Punk: Guh... Uh- Huh ? I'm not hurt... I don't feel a thing...

"Don't worry about this. You only have a few seconds left to live."

Punk: No... No way ! It's... GURGH !!

Rei: Then die now !

Kenshiro: So you were doing some cleaning as well ?

"Yep. I'm astonished at how much pests you can find around these parts."

Rei: Heh. Hmm... I never thought I'd meet a Hokuto Shinken user here, to be honest... Nanto is the Yang... Its branches have spread throughout the world. Hokuto is transmitted to but a single man, there are no branches. Those are the destinies of Nanto and Hokuto... Thirsty ?

Rei: But I must say... What is your fist ? It kinda looks like Hokuto, but it's not... I could feel similarities with Nanto, but that's not it either... Who are you ?

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. But if you consider Nanto to be the 'Yang' and Hokuto to be the 'Yin'... Then I guess my 'Sendô' would be the in-between... That frontier separating Hokuto and Nanto."

Rei: Heh. You were right, i'm having trouble believing that.

Kenshiro: ... tell me, why are you pursuing the man with the 7 scars on his chest ?

Rei: Do you know what this is ?

Kenshiro: No...

Rei: It used to be white. This is a wedding train ! Now it's stained with the blood of all the people I killed... Do you know who was supposed to wear this ? This... This was for my sister... My sister Airi, who should have worn it at her wedding !

Rei: In this rotten era, a beautiful woman is priceless ! When I was away, some guy visited my village and killed my parents... he also captured Airi, who was so close to achieving happiness !

Rei: I don't know what the guy looks like, but with his dying breath, my father said to me "The man with 7 cars on his chest"... I will find this guy and kill him ! Until then, I will continue to fight, even if this cloth turns completely red from blood ! .. maybe I should accept the obvious, that Airi is already dead... But I can't believe that at all ! I... I can see her ! I can see her crying face... Even now I can hear her voice calling out to me !

Kenshiro: ... Rei... How about... if I had 7 scars on my chest as well... What would you do...

"ACK- *Cough Cough*"

Rei: What ?! You have seven scars on your chest ?! ... ... Hmf... bad joke... You see, I've been around some pretty nasty people. Upon looking into one's eyes, I can tell what sort of man I'm up against.


Rei: Hmph... Plus your companions... the innocent eyes of children can see through a person's character !

Mamiya: 'Goodbye, Koh... Goodbye...'

Kenshiro: We must be alert. The Kiba family is much better organized than one would think.

Mamiya: ... I know that well ! Koh's death will not be in vain ! No, not his death !

Mamiya: Here, yet another villager lost his life ! But we have to protect this village at all costs ! Not only for the ones living in it, but also for the ones who gave their life protecting this village !

Villagers: We'll fight, miss Mamiya ! We'll fight until the end ! We'll follow your every order !

Mamiya: Thank you, everyone...

Lin: ... Why is miss Mamiya the leader of this village ? She's a woman...

Elder: Huh ? Well... This village, her parents founded it... The water source and cultivated lands gave promise of a good future for the village ! They even grew flowers, and dedicated their lives to this village... And protected it against thieves at the risk of their lives. To miss Mamiya, this village represents the warmth of her parents...

Mamiya: Listen up, everyone ! Prepare for battle !

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