Chapter 15: Family business

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"As always... just a tad too late."

Kiba: What ?! H- How...

"Your next line will be 'How did you manage to sneak behind, you fucker !' isn't it ?!"

Kiba: How did you manage to sneak behind, you fucker ! AH !!

"Deceiving and tricking my opponents, so they can be right where I want, right when I want... It's too bad for you, you drew the losing card right from the start !! If this was poker, let's see..."

Rei: I think I know. "Three of a kind, Aces."

Kiba: Gh... Fucking bastards ! Nobody, and I mean nobody, fools with me !! But I still have my trump card !!

Kiba: KAZAN KOGAI KOHO !! (Fiery mountain steel armor breathing)

Rei: What's this ?! His entire body is turning black !

Kiba: Heheheh... Now my body's as hard as steel. You ain't even gonna be able to scratch me.

"Well, let's see... ORAAA !!"


"Urk... Fuck, he's not kidding..."

Kiba: Hehehe... try all you want, nothing you will do could ever... Bleurf !!

"Sorry to disappoint. But there's a good reason why it is called 'Hamon'. Ripples go through even the strongest armor, and cause internal damages... Even though, who knows what will break first, that or my hand..."

Kenshiro: Step back, leave him to me.

Kenshiro: We'll see how that body goes against this steel beam.

Kiba: GUF-FAW-FAW-FAW ! Think that matchstick is gonna hurt me ?

Kenshiro: Uooooh ! AHTAAH !!

"... Holy hell..."

Rei: I was just about to say that...

Kiba: Hahaha ! Not much left of your beam now. See, punks ? They're no way you're gonna hurt me.

Kenshiro: ... I didn't want to dirty my fists on a fat pig like you, but I guess there's no choice.

Kiba: Huh ? What did you say ?!

Kenshiro: Uoohhh !


Kenshiro: UOOH !


Kenshiro: HATAAH !

Kiba: GEH ! Hmph ! I told you, it won't work !

Kenshiro: Well, let's try it again then.

Kiba: Pff ! Anytime, sucker ! And the second that little stick breaks, you're dead. Come on ! Feel free to hit me wherever you want !

Kiba: OW OW OW ! Th... That's... Impossible...

Kenshiro: I hit your Daikyokin pressure point. Now your body's just a fat lump of lard.

"May I ?"

Kenshiro: Please, be my guest.

Kiba: Argh ! NO ! Hiii ! Stop !!

Punks: Grandad ! Grandad !

Kiba: Gh... You idiots, get 'em !

Punks: Huh ? If you can't beat them, we don't stand a chance !

Kiba: Shut up and go ! Y- You too ! And you !

Punk: But grandad, we share the same blood ! We're a family !

Kiba: Fool ! As long as I stay alive, I can replace you easily ! Gain some time, so I can escape !

"... can't really blame for this one..."

Rei: Even so, You're not getting out of here alive !

Kenshiro: It's the end for you...

Kiba: Wa... Wait ! I got it ! I'll never attack that village again, just spare me !

Kenshiro: I don't think so.

Kiba: Do... Don't you have any feelings ?!

"For you ? None whatsoever."

Kiba: Pff ! So that's how it is !


Kenshiro: Oh, before I forget, I should tell you one thing. Your muscles are hardening, you won't be able to move son. Better not try anything stupid.

Kiba: Hmm ?!

"By the looks of it, it's too late already."

Kiba: Argh ! My... My hand ! It won't open !! WAAAH !!


Rei: Ha ?

Kiba: AAWAWA !! That's... weird. It... It doesn't hurt.

Kenshiro: That's because your body's already dying. You have five seconds left to live. Say your prayers.

Kiba: WHAT !


Rei: Three...

Kiba: Ha... No...

Kenshiro: Two !


Kenshiro: GANZAN RYOZANHA ! (Splitting-mountain wave)

"... Zero."

Rei: Can... Can you really heal her ?

"... ... Yes. Thankfully, the poison wasn't too potent. It should take some time, but you will be able to see soon."

Airi: Re... Really ? Then these of mine will be able to see again ?

Villagers: The Kiba family has been wiped out ! Our village is saved ! Peace ! We have peace again !

Rei: Looks to me like our work here is done.

"It would seem so... What are you going to do now, Rei ?"

Rei: Hmm... I'll find a quiet place somewhere for me and Airi, I guess. I still owe you quite a big debt, though.

Kenshiro: By the way, Rei... Aren't you still looking for the man with the seven scars on his chest ?

Rei: Hmm ?

'Uh oh... Ken, you're not going to... Well, better now than before, I guess...'

Rei: What are you... ?

Kenshiro: You have slaughtered countless men in your quest to kill this man...

Bat: Damn ! What'd he do that for ?!

Rei: Se... Seven scars...

Airi: Big brother !

Rei: A- Airi... Your eyes ?!

Airi: I... I can see... It's still a bit blurry, but I can see your face, Rei !

Bat: Way to go, guys !

Rei: Airi... Ken, even if you were to say that you're the one who captured Airi, I'd never believe it. You'd never do such a thing !

Bat: Hehe. Oh... Nice ?! Now look at that ! What's with the dress, Mamiya ? Ow !!

Mamiya: Dummy !

"But, since it wasn't Ken who did it... Then who's the man with the seven scars who kidnapped her... ?"

Rei: That's true... Airi, do you remember the face of the man who killed our parents and abducted you ?

Airi: ... No... I never saw his face. It was always covered by the black helmet he wore.

"In other words, he's most likely creating the confusion on purpose..."

Kenshiro: Then it must be...

Rei: You have an idea ?

Kenshiro: It has to be him.

Woman: NOOOO !!

Punk: Heheheh... You ain't going nowhere !

Woman: Big... Big brother !!

Villager: Damn it ! We've got to save my sister ! Quick ! After him !

Punk: Heheh ! No one's gonna help you now ! Huh ?

Woman: Pl... Please help me ! Huh ?!

Punk: Wh... Who the hell're you ?!

???: ... Hey, asshole ! Say my name !

Punk: What ?! What's wrong with you ?! I don't even know you, dumbass !

???: Wrong answer !

Punk: ARGH ! ACK ! What... My body... I can't move !

???: Look at these scars. Still doesn't ring a bell ?

Punk: I don't know nobody with scars like that ! And... And... I ain't scared, see ? You... You ain't got no shells !

???: I see, so you wanna die... And this , You know what this is ? I'll give you another chance, asshole ! Say my name !

Punk: AAH !! Wait ! I know ! Of course I know !!

???/ Well, then, say it !

Punk: U... UWAA ! DO... DON'T KILL ME !

???: You lie ! I detest liars !!

Punk: WAAA !!


???: A dud. Guess you got lucky. Huh ?! Hey !

???: What a wimp... Died of shock. Friggin' useless...

Villager: He... He did it ! Hey you, thanks for saving my sister !

Woman: AAH ! Big brother !!

???: You guys got it wrong ! She's mine now !

Villagers: BASTARD ! You'll pay for this !!

Villagers: He... He's got seven scars on his chest ! I heard... He uses some strange martial art called Hokuto Shinken ! He's the guy who destroyed the Kiba family and Jackal's gang !

???: Heheheh... You guys... Say my name !

Villagers: It... It's... It's Ken...


Villagers: H... HIEEEE !!!

Villagers: So this is the real face of the man with the seven scars on his chest ! It's horrifying !

'Kenshiro': Fu... Ha ha ha... AHAHAHAHAHAHA !! YOU'RE ALL NOTHING !!

"So you really are going, huh ?"

Kenshiro: Yes... Rei, Y/n, can you do me a favor ?

Rei: Hmph. Even if you'd ask for my life, I wouldn't refuse. Tell me what you need, I'd do anything for a friend.

Kenshiro: Look after Bat and Lin for me.

Rei: Not taking them ?

Kenshiro: No... My next opponent is family ! It will be a battle of two Hokuto Shinken masters.

Rei: What ?! I thought Hokuto was only passed on to a single heir ?!

Kenshiro: You see, I had three older brothers... The ultimate secrets can only be passed down to a single heir ! That's why the brothers must struggle, and many tragedies have occurred. That's why tragic bloody battles between brothers have occurred. My only consolation is that my brothers and I are not related by blood... This time, I'm not sure I'll come back alive.

"... Don't get yourself killed, please."

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