Chapter 14: Two sides of a coin

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Kiba: Fu, fu, fu. His fangs aren't his only weapon. He still has his arms, which possess the strength of a rabid beast... And his claws that can tear through stone.

"Is that so ?"

Kenshiro: Then, monster... Show me what you've got !

Madara: GRRRRRRRR...

Kiba: Stop ! Madara ! You're out of your league. Come back, before you get yourself killed !

"That was too late. You should have stopped him before he jumped."

Kiba: What ?!

Kenshiro: You, you are already dead.

Kiba: Pfff... All bullshit ! Madara, go...


Kenshiro: If you want to kill this woman, go ahead. The reason I'm here is to kill you, and that's all.

Kiba: ... Hmph ! You think I'll react to such a provocation ? You think you've got me trapped ! Nuu kuh kuh... Why ! Why don't you have any family ?! If only I could make you suffer like the Nanto user ! This pisses me off the most ! I guess I will have to settle with her... I'll torture her to appease my anger !

Rei: HAH !

Mamiya: ... Wait !! He does have a family !

Kiba: What ?!

Mamiya: It's true ! He has relatives ! If you let go of that girl, I'll tell you who it is !

Kiba: .. Who're these relatives ! Where are they ?!

'No... She's not gonna give up bat and Lin...'

Mamiya: It's me ! I... I'm his wife !

"... What ?!"

Kenshiro: What ?!

Kenshiro: What are...

Mamiya: Just follow my lead.

Kiba: I understand ! Agreed ! Climb up here ! If you take her place, I'll let this woman go !

"... ... ..."

Mamiya: Hey, if you all keep that look on, our little act won't work. Try to look a bit more concerned ! Your wife's life is at risk.

"... Well, congratulation, Ken..."

Kenshiro: Are you trying to kill yourself, Mamiya ?!

Rei: No. I beg you, unless you know of a better way, let her try. If... If this woman saves my sister, I'll owe her my life !

"I don't have any idea right now... But I really can't see that going well..."

Mamiya: 'There is no other way... the Kiba Family always follows their leader's orders. I I can just take him out...'

Punks: Wuhaha... She really did climb up ! Hihi... Beautiful woman. She's mine !!

Punk: No, she's mine !!

Mamiya: Okay, time to let go of the hostage !

Kiba: Pff !

Mamiya: Fufu, what if I took that chance to kill you ?

Kiba: Pah... I was waiting for this. Let's see you try, little girl !

Kiba: GUH HAR HAR HAR ! Stupid female ! Hm ?!

Mamiya: Now !!

Kiba: UARGH !

Mamiya: You made the mistake of not taking a woman seriously.

Kiba: Ni hi hi... You though you could get me with these gabishi... Take them off and have a look.

Mamiya: ... AAH ! The metal gabishi were crushed !

Kiba: An attack like that won't work against me, thanks to my Kazan technique. The secret of the Kazan technique... Is the ability to make your muscles hard as steel in a second. Well... What am I going to do with you...

"... Kazan technique... ?"

Kenshiro: One of the ancestors of sumo.

Kiba: Gu hu hu... This body was built by my battles using the Kazan technique... Don't think those gabishi are the only thing it kind handle ! And now, I have a hostage important to each one of you.

Rei: Urk !

'No you don't...'

Kenshiro: ... ...

Kiba: Well, my children, how are we going to pay them back ?

Punks: Wu... Wu... Give ! Grandpa ! I wanna... Take care of that woman !

Rei: Hah !

Kiba: Here ! Cook her anyway you like !

Punk: Wo... Wo... Blood... there's blood just like ours coming out !

Kiba Fu fu fu... They love to prey on the weak ones. They usually leave nothing but the bones in the end !

Rei: St- Stop them ! Bastards, don't you dare lay a hand on my sister !

Kiba: Hmm... What a beautiful voice... It's music to my ears. What about you ? Man of Hokuto, Shinigami, how do you feel ?! Hmm ?

"... You have nothing against me. Nothing that would work."

Kiba: What's with this ? Does they feel absolutely nothing, or what ?!

Kenshiro: I already told you. Your death is all we're here for.

Kiba: What ? How ?!

Punk: They're bluffing ! Grandpa is right, you're full of bullshit ! Grandpa, if they so much as touch me, kill that woman. That way, we'll see if they're bluffing or not !

Kiba: Yeah... As expected from my most intelligent child... Go on, try them out ! If they dare to lay a hand on you, I'll slice this woman into pieces !

Punk: Oooh hi hi hi hi hi... *Ptoo*. Well ! How about you try to attack me, hmm ?! What's with this look ? Me, I hate guys like you ! Ho ho ho ho ! Hmm ? Let's see you hit me !

Punk: Wooh ! Are you ready to admit you're full of crap, hmm ?!

"... You stink. Get lost."

Punk: What ?! Wh- Whad'ya say ?!

"ORA !!"

Kiba: What ?!


"Now that this is done, go ahead. Kill the hostages, if you dare.


Rei: WA- WAIT ! I... I'm not like them !! Just spare Airi, please ! I beg you ! I'll do anything for that !

Kiba: If that so... Kill the man of Hokuto and Shinigami for me !!

Rei: What ?!

Kenshiro: Calm down, Rei. His first goal is to try to get rid of one of us. He knows very well that if the three of us fight against the Kiba family, it will be completely annihilated. He won't dare kill the women ! Just think of what might happen if the Nanto and Hokuto confront each other !

Kiba: Well said, but can this man really let his sister die ?

Rei: ... ...

Kiba: 'Fu fu... The Hokuto and Nanto, being the opposite sides of the same fist, are equal. If they battle each other, there will be no winner ! In the end, all that'll be left is the Shinigami, wounded from the crossfire !'

Rei: I never thought I'd have to take you on.

"Somehow, I expected that to happen sooner or later..."

Rei: Tch... Take this !! Ha !! Say your prayers !!

Punks: The Nanto dude's makin' the first move !

Punks: Whoah ! He cleaved through solid rock ! That Nanto guy's really strong ! Hey, who do you think'll win ?

Punks: The Nanto guy ! The Hokuto guy just got lucky !

Kiba: ... No, they're perfectly matched. The man of Hokuto sees every move and is avoiding them all at the last second ! Hokuto Shinken against Nanto Seiken... Har har har. If those boys fight seriously, there's no doubt they'll end up killing each other. After that, the village is mine, but not before I kill these women first. Har har har. I must be a genius !

Mamiya: Ken... Rei... 'Huh... ?'

Rei: Why aren't you acting ?! Why aren't you attacking ?! Why don't you fight back ?

Kenshiro: I was like you, once. I, too, lived for the sake of a woman.

Rei: What ?!

Kenshiro: A certain man robbed me of Julia, my wife to be. I had only one goal in life, to hold her in my arms again. But Julia was already dead.

Kenshiro: I killed that man. But for what ? After a battle to the death... All that I was left with was a sense of utter emptiness and solitude.

Rei: ... Why... Why're you telling me this now ?!

Kenshiro: I don't feel like... Fighting you, that's all.

Rei: ... I feel the same way. You make me think about the past. You bring back memories of a more peaceful time... But ! I have to figth you ! Forgive me, Ken !

Kenshiro: Rei... Your attack is weak !

Rei: You stubborn bastard ! Fight me ! What's the point of being a master of Nanto Seiken if it's to kill a man who offers no resistance ?!

Kiba: GRAAGH ! I didn't ask you to dance ! I told you to kill !! Nanto boy, don't you value your sister's life ? KILL THEM, OR ELSE... Wait, "them" ?! Where is...

"As always...

... Just a tad too late."

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