Chapter 17: Shinigami arrives

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Bartender: Ha ?! It's... !

Villagers: Wh... Who are those guys ?! Anyway, they don't look friendly...

Bartender: It... It's Toki's puppet hunters group !! They won't be hunting in my shop... I hope...

Habu: Hey ! Bunch of larvae what about a little game against me ?

Villager: Wh... What is the meaning of this ? What are they up to ?!

Habu: Hu hu hu... The man who beats him in a game of strength, will win one month worth of food ! Isn't that interesting ?

Punk: Well ?! No one wants to take me on ?


Habu: Hm... You there, no ? Hu hu hu... Hey ! You look strong. Care to try ?

"... Who, me ?"

Habu: Yes. Bet anything you want, hu hu ! So ? Wanna try now ?

Punk: Well then, are you scared or what ?

"To be honest, I don't need any food, so... I guess I'll be betting your lives instead.

Habu: What ?! You are betting our lives ?! Is that so ?

"Exactly. Is there a problem with that ?"

Habu: Hi hi hi hi. Gooood. You have quite a mouth there ! You think you can win with those small muscles ? Hey ! Bring it.

Punk: Huh hu hu ! Come here boy !

"Really ? Arm wrestling ?"

Habu: Hi hi hi, such an easy game.

Villager: Wait a sec ! Lemme go first ! Hey, is it true about the food ?!

Habu: Yes, it's true. Only if you win, of course !

Villager: Okayyy ! Sorry buddy, but not food for you !! I already killed with this arm in the ring !

"... You're gonna regret it."

Villager: He he ! You'll see ! All for me the food !!

Habu: Ready ?

Villager: 'Wh... He's not moving at all... What a monster !!'

Punk: Weeeeeeeell ? Are you trying yet ?

Villager: URKK !!

Habu: Hey ! Tell me, you are not going at full now. What, yes ? Listen, unless you try harder, something might happen to you.

Villager: Wh... What is the meaning of this ?!

Habu: If you wanna know, hi hi hi... Well, i'm gonna tell you. Lend me your ear... You see, in fact... ... ...

Villager: Wh... Don't speak nonsense !!

Habu: I am not lying !! So I'm gonna show you ! Hi hi hi ! There we go !!

Habu: Hi hi hi ! You didn't think about what would happen if you lost ! Come on, hurry, hurry !!

Villager: U- UWAA !!

Punk: Yes, that's it ! You see that you can do it. But your strength won't make you win the food. Me, you see, the power of my muscles was multiplied with the magic of Toki.

"... ..."

Habu: Gyuki ! He won't make a good puppet, go ahead !!

Gyuki: Yes sir !!

Villager: UWA !! W- Wait, please ! I don't want to food anymore ! Stop it ! Please !!

Habu: Hi hi hi hi ! You can't go back now ! Go, Gyuki, go !!

Villager: WAAAA !!


Habu: Hu hu hu ! You aren't thinking about leaving us, are you ?

"... That's supposed to be my line. How about you, baldie ? If you wanna go, it's now or never."

Gyuki: WUO HO HO HO !! I'm gonna crush your arms !! HNNNNNNNNG !! H- Heh... ?

Habu: What ?!

"... Well ? Care to try harder ?"

Gyuki: ... ... RGNGN !! UOO !! Haah... Haah... No... I can't believe it !

"Looks like you didn't think about what would happen if you lose either."

Gyuki: Guh...

Habu: W- Well Gyuki ?! What are you doing ?!

Gyuki: U... U... I can't move !! HIIIII !!




"Just a broken arm... You got lucky."

Habu: ... You look quite strong, after all... But what about your speed ? Hya ha ha ha ! Master Toki gave me the power to jump far higher than the average man !! Will you be able to follow the speed of my moves ?!

Habu: This is the Koken !! We call it the Saruken (Monkey fist) as well !! From the Yaen-Gagatsuken (Deadly style of the wild monkey) style !!

"... ORA !!"

Habu: WA- URG !! H- How...

"The back of the neck is a living creature's greatest blind spot. Going straight for it was a poor decision."

Habu: Grr... You managed to anger me. You are done for !!

'... 47.'

Habu: In a fight, if you don't protect your head and your back, it means defeat !! The secret of Saruken is to position yourself above the head, the weak point of the defense ! So your hands and legs are powerless ! You will die slowly !! Hya ha ha ! Come, approach me and you'll lose !

"... Well, if you insist. I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."

Habu: H- hah... The idiot ! He approaches without thinking ! You're gonna die !! Ah ?! M- My hands ! They won't let go !

"Don't even bother. But if you want to blame something, blame the fact that your stick is made out of metal. For such child play, I don't even need to use Hokuto Shinken, the energy of Hamon is plenty enough."

Habu: Wh- What ?! WAA !! H- Hey, what are you doing ?!

"... You guys near that stone pillar. Could you get a little farther ? You're in the splash zone."

Habu: Huh ?! Wait ! Wait !! You're not gonna ?! Oh no... You're bullshitting me, right... ?!

Habu: Fuagahagaaa... AWAWAA !! Wh- Who are you... ?! I want to know who you are ?!

"... If your next wish isn't to die, you shouldn't provoke a Shinigami. Now, you will guide me to the man you call Toki."

Toki: What ?! He was at the place where Habu and Gyuki were ?

Goons: Yes ! Habu was captured, and they are heading this way now !

Toki: Huh hu hu... Well, it seems like I slightly underestimated that Shinigami... To be able to take down two of my goons, Kenshiro must've taught him a few things...

Goon: Master Toki ! A traveler with his wife and son wishes to see you. They came here after they heard the rumor about the village of miracles.

Toki: Hu hu... Alright. Let them in...

Goon: Understood !

Villager: ... Oh ! Are you master Toki ?

Toki: That's me. And... Why are you here ?

Villager: I... I am begging you ! Save this child, please ! Six... Six months ago, he fell ill. Ever since then he is suffering and he keeps on getting weaker ! We came to see you, knowing that only you can heal him. My son will die soon if we don't do anything ! I am begging you, save him !

Toki: ... Yeah, and... What am I supposed to do...

Villager: If you heal him, I will do anything you ask of me !! Save my child, I am begging you !

Toki: ... Very well, I understand. Lay him down here.

Villager: Oh !! Thank god !

Villager: Y- Yu !!

Toki: Hmph... Don't worry. He will wake up in three hours.

Villager: really ? Th- Thank you ! From the bottom of my heart !!

Toki: You are welcome. But now, what you said before, did you mean it ?

Villager: Well... Yes !!

Toki: So I'm asking you to aid me in my research for new pressure points.

Villager: Huh ?! What are you expecting of me ?

Toki: That you die now !

Villager: Huh ?! What ?! Wh... What are you doing ? Wait !

Toki: I am making you keep your promise.

Villager: Ukk ! St... Stop ! I beg of you... I don't want to die now !! I can not die and leave my wife and kid alone ! GUA !!

Toki: That's it ! The survival instinct can create enough energy for you to survive the Shiketsu (Fist from the hole of death) !!

Villager: My... My body !

Toki: Hu hu... Now I will neutralize all your respiratory capacities !!

Villager: UWAA ! ST- STOP IT !! GAAAA !!

Toki: Fwa ha ha ha ! My fingers are just millimeters away from your pressure points !! Your will !! It's your will that tries to neutralize the effects of the pressure points !

Habu: B- Bastard... using me as a shield... !

Toki: Mff... I wasn't expecting to meet you so soon.

"You know what they say. The most peaceful death is the one you're not expecting. Just like that child."

Villager: Huh ?! Oh no !! Yu.. YU ! No... It's impossible... !! Why...

"... The Toki Ken described to me had pure eyes... Not eyes filled with such vicious intent..."

Toki: Shinigami... If you knew that child was dead, then you should've realized as much as me that it was too late already. I simply gave a calm death with my hands. One that he wasn't expecting. I didn't change, times have changed ! These times need violence more than they need medicine ! Violence... Feels so good...

"You're nothing like the man Ken admired... I fail to see even the slightest bit of humanity within you !"

Toki: Hu hu. If that's the case, then, come closer ! Only by fighting me will you understand !

"Uooooooo... ORAAA !!"

Toki: Hu hu hu... I see... You probably were already quite strong, and Kenshiro must've taught you a few things... But it's me who taught him first ! These moves, I know them already ! But... It'd be a mistake to take you lightly...


'W- What... What is that... ?!'

Toki: Fu... Fua ha ha !! I've been looking for someone like you for so long ! Now, the time has finally come for me to render the Hokuto Shinken perfect, like I wished for !! I will test on your body all the secret pressure points of the Hokuto Shinken !!

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