Chapter 18: You expected Toki...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Toki... What has happened to you..."

Toki: Hum... If you really want to know, consider this a present before sending you to hell. When I arrived in the village, the villagers were about to die without meds... By seeing that, I thought that I could make good use of my techniques !

*Then... Thanks to my power, the village came back to life ! But !! I was away for a few days... !!*

Villager: Ooh... Ma.. master Toki...

Toki: What happened here ?!

Villager: Then suddenly appeared on the village and then destroyed it !


*What I had built with all my heart was crushed in an instant !! For the first time... I felt rage !! Then, when I came back to my senses... !! An unimaginable sadness took over me !!*

Toki: That is when I understood that my dream was but an illusion. That the path of the Hokuto Shinken is non other than the one of assassins !!

Villager: Uu... You're gonna pay !! YOU'RE A MONSTER !!

Toki: Hf. Look, Shinigami ! This is the new pressure point that I found ! THE GEKI-SHINKO !! (Fist of the fierce tremor)

Villager: HOOR !! GAAAAH !!

Toki: Hu hu hu... This secret fist speeds up the cardiac movements until the veins burst...

Villagers: AH... ARGGG ! H- HELP ! PLEASE, SAVE ME !!

"... Well, you only had to ask."

Toki: Hua ha ha ! Don't even try ! You can't do anything against the Geki-shinko !!

" ... Hamon OVERDRIVE !!"

Villager: GUARG- ... Ghh...

"The energy of Hamon, overriding the pressure points and resetting their state."

Toki: Hu... Hu hu hu... WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! It IS true ! The human body holds many mysteries ! But, to unfold them, you inevitably need sacrifices.

"... You know what ? This one isn't actually wrong. But this face distorted by madness... I will ask that only once... Where is Toki ?"

Toki: How thick is your skull ?! I AM TOK- !!


Toki: ... What ?!

"This taste... is the taste of a liar !"

Toki: Okay, but why though ?

"Eh. Trust me... If what you pretend to have been through could've thrown you to the deepest pits of insanity... I'd be a walking joke of a human at this point. Kinda like you, 'Toki'. Now, I really don't like repeating myself, so where is the real Toki ?"

Toki: Hu hu hu. Don't tell me you intend to provoke me ! I am Toki ! The rightful successor of the Hokuto Shinken ! You are nothing to me- !!


Toki: Ah... Id... Idiot ! Kenshiro owe me his life ! I can see your attacks as clear as day !


Toki: EEHYA !! I- I- I- I don't see anything !! I can't see his hits ! That's impossible !!

Toki: What... ?!

Punk: Gh... URGUAR !!

"That's... Nanto Suicho Ken !"

Rei: Hmf. You were right. This man isn't Toki !

"Rei ?! Why are you here ?!"

Rei: His name is Amiba. He learned the Nanto Seiken, just like me. Amiba, you can fool other, but it will not work on me. Even by changing your face to look like Toki...

Amiba: ... ... ... Hu... Kuh kuh kuh kuh !! I didn't expect to see you here, Rei... Hu hu hu... But you are right. I am indeed Amiba. But it's too late !! You, the Shinigami, or even Kenshiro, you will all die to me ! I will live under the name of Toki, successor of the Hokuto Shinken !!

"But then... What about the real Toki ?"

Amiba: Hm. Toki... What I told about the village and him was true. What a sad man... But to lose all hope after that isn't worthy of such a man.

Rei: Hmf... You never change, Amiba. This time you are interested in the Hokuto Shinken ? It's always something else. Just like your face.

Amiba: Shut up !! NOBODY CAN UNDERSTAND ME !! I am a genius capable of learning any fist at an incredible speed !! But no one acknowledges that. No one teaches me its secrets ! Toki didn't take notice of my talents as well.

Rei: And so you were experimenting on bodies to improve your Hokuto Shinken...

Amiba: How many times must I say it, I'm a genius !! I will make all those idiots that didn't recognize my talents bow before me !! AND THEY ALL WILL FLATTER MY GENIUS MIND !! FLATTER ME ! FLATTER ME ! I AM A GENIUS !! AH HA HA HA !

"... Rei, where are the kids ?"

Rei: Back to the village, of course. You need help with that ?

"I'll be fine. After all, had it been the real Toki, or even ken... I'd already be dead."

Amiba: Urk ! You mean that there is difference between me and them ? That I am inferior... That can't be true !! I am a genius, nobody can surpass me !!

Rei: ... Hey, your old face is coming back.

Amiba: Kuh... And you, stop standing there ! Come on !! Get them !!

Goons: ... We followed you because we thought that you were Toki. But since you are a fake, we won't obey you anymore !

"They got to be the most intelligent goons I've ever seen."

Rei: Heh. So, now what ?

Amiba: Hnnngh ! Toki ! Toki ! Toki ! Always talking about Toki ! Why ? Why do you acknowledge him and not me !!

"Why did you pretend to be him ?"

Amiba: Hum... Why ?! Be... Because he... He... Because he hit me in the face !! he was... Toki was adored in the village of miracles like a savior. All the villagers had faith in him...

Amiba: Hmf... Miracles. I can do some as well ! ... Hey, old man, is your leg aching ? I can heal you.

Old man: Ah, no... Master Toki will soon be...

Amiba: Don't worry. I am a genius, nothing is impossible for me ! The pressure point to heal the leg is here...

Amiba: Huh ? I got it wrong... ?

Toki: Wh... What is this ! Out of my way !!

Amiba: Gh ! ... Aah... My, my face... My face... My genius' face !!

Toki: You're going to be fine. Don't worry.

Amiba: Ass... Asshole ! Who do you think you are messing with !!

Toki: Do you wish to die ?

Amiba: Ha... !! Harg...

Toki: I do not know you, but don't use what you can't control. This old man's leg will need time to heal.

"That's... That's it ?"

Amiba: Ku hu hu ! I changed his fame of savior into the one of a killing monster !! Toki became a bloodthirsty killer and the Hokuto a killer's art ! Ku hu hu ! Nobody doubts that now !!

Ren: On second thought, it's almost a shame Ken didn't find you first.

Amiba: WA HA HA !! Like I give a shit !! Weaklings like that can not defeat me !! I am a genius !! Thanks to my puppets I discovered new secret pressure points !! LOOK !!

Amiba: Here is Amiba's Hokuto Shinken ! The secret pressure points make me stronger !! Your measly fist doesn't stand a chance against mine !

"... Correct. My fist won't defeat you as you are now..."

Amiba: Hu hu ha ha ha !! Well, which point shall I start with ?

"You didn't let me finish. Look at your fingers."

Amiba: W- What ?!

Amiba: My... Body is shrinking...

"My fist won't defeat you... You did it yourself. You really thought someone like you could uncover the secrets of the 2000-year old Hokuto Shinken ? A petty man like you ?"

Amiba: Ha... Haaaaaaa...

"But, since you're so keen on that you can learn every fist, then... Sendô... JIGOKU KÔSHIN !! (Hell march)"

Amiba: Uarg ! My legs are moving !!

"Your legs will now make you walk back, beyond your control. The only destination that awaits you, is hell."

Amiba: UWAAAAH !! St... Stop my... My feet !! I am begging you!!

Rei: Well, why don't you press your own pressure points then ?

"Without fingers ? Might be difficult."

Amiba: NOOOOOO !! If... If I die, you won't know... Where Toki is !! You... You don't care ?! Well ?!

"If even Ken has but praise for his strength, I have no doubt Toki is well and alive."

Amiba: Nn... No ! I don't want to !! save me ! Why do this to me ?! A genius like me !! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa-

"One question has been answered, but more appeared..."


Kenshiro: Toki !! Huh... ?

"Yeah, this will need a thorough explanation..."

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