Chapter 19: Cassandra

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"How long until we reach it ?"

Mamiya: We're almost there. Do you hear that ? The sound of demons crying. We will see it from here !

Mamiya: here is Cassandra, also known as the city of the crying demons.

Kenshiro: So this is where Toki is...

"It would seem..."

Mamiya: Yes. Once you are locked up in this prison, you never come out alive through these doors. Before, the worst kind of criminals, considered to be demons, were locked up in Cassandra and begged in tears to be set free !

Rei: ... I pretty much heard about it, but the Toki which you care so much, what kind of man is he ?

Kenshiro: Toki... ? Well, he should have been the successor of the Hokuto Shinken...

Rei: What ?!

Mamiya: Huh ?!

"Oh ?!"

Rei: Why are you surprised ?!

"Sorry, force of habit."

Kenshiro: His finesse, speed, movements... All perfection ! He was like a God, even Jagi acknowledged that... But... One day...

Toki: Hurry ! Into the bunker !! Kenshiro, Julia, over here ! ... Hah !!

Nun: I... I am sorry, but there isn't enough room... Room for two, tops ! There is no more time, the fallout will come soon !

Kenshiro: Wh- What the... !! To- Toki, wait ! TO- !


Kenshiro: TOKI !! TOKI !! UOOOOOOOOO !!

*Then, after two weeks... And when we got out of the shelter...*

Kenshiro: B... Big brother !!

Toki: He... Hello...

*For me and Julia... the fallout. He had to abandon the succession...*

Toki: Kenshiro. As long as I live, I will save human lives... For I will die soon... I do not know how many lives I will save, but I want them to be the proof of my existence !

Rei: Hm. I can see why you want to meet him.

"Told you."

???: Fu... Gu hu hu... Today, the demons are crying more than usual. Here, the screams of those that I killed with my own hands are carried by the wind and echoes like cries for help !

Guard: Warden !! We caught the fugitive ! It wasn't easy !!

Prisoner: Urg... Th... This is the warden ?!

Warden: Hoo... It's you. The brave fugitive... I am glad that you defied me. I will grant you the greatest of honors... Hmm... Hu hu hu ! You will kiss my boots... And then die !!

Prisoner: Wh- What ?!

Guard: Hya hya ! So what do you think, Karateman !

Prisoner: Gh... HERETIC !! I WILL KILL YOU !!

Warden... INSOLENT FOOL !!

Warden: Hu hu... Pathetic insect, no one can go against the legend of Cassandra ! TAIZAN RYU SOJO BEN !! (Double whip) YUDO DANPA !! (Bear's torso cutting wave)

Warden: The impregnable Cassandra ! This legend is my legend as well !! HA HA HA HA !!

Guard: Warden !! ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Warden: Wh... What ?! Toki smiled... The same Toki normally indifferent ? Hu hu hu... I know the real Toki ! He must be feeling the arrival of the ones defying my legend !!

Mamiya: 'Going through the front entrance... What are they thinking ?' I can't even feel one presence. Is it true Toki and the others are prisoners here ?

Rei: Look more carefully.

Mamiya: Eh ?

'Statue': ... ... ゴゴゴゴ

Mamiya: AH !!

"Just walk in on your merry way, you won't live long enough to be imprisoned."

Rei: Hey, don't just stay up there, get down from there and fight !

Raiga: I'm Raiga, warrior of Cassandra !

Fuuga: And I am Fuuga, warrior of Cassandra ! You will not pass here !!

Rei: What the- ?! Ugh !

"Threads... they're using very sharp threads !"

Raiga: Nishin Furai Ken !! (Dual god fist blow of wind and thunder)

Fuuga: It can only be done by two men with the same blood, same body, and same thought process !!

"Well, it's gonna be rough. Wanna try them on, two-on-two ?"

Rei: Bring it. This will be a good fight.

Kenshiro: ... Stand aside. If they don't let us pass, I'll kill them.

Raiga: He... The men of Cassandra are not looked down on ! We're now slaves of death !

Fuuga: Those who try to open these doors... Find death instead !

Rei: Ken !! Be careful ! If you end up in between them, you're as good as dead !!


"... Excuse me what ?"

Raiga: Incredible, he discovered our technique, and escaped it ! Ah !

Fuuga: Ugh... What ?!

Kenshiro: It's over.

Raiga: ... Why won't you kill us ?

Kenshiro: Even though you keep enforcing me... I feel sad for you. Your eyes are filled with sadness.

Fuuga: ...' In this brave fight... He understood our situation...'

"Let me guess, you must have family members in this prison. They're using them to obligate you to fight...

Mamiya: Ah !

Guards: What's happening, are those two trying to open the doors ?! Push them back !!


Raiga: ... We have faith in you ! A man like you can surely end the legend of Cassandra !

Fuuga: You can return the light and lives of all those imprisoned here !

Kenshiro: Now that these doors have been opened... They shall never be closed again !

Guards: Did... Did he say the door will never close again ?! Raiga and Fuuga have never let anyone pass... Who is that man who made them open the door for his own use ?What an idiot ! He thinks he can take on the grand chief.

Guard: Shall we bet our dinner for this fight ?

Guard: OK ! Who are you betting on ? The chief, right ?

Guard: No... I place my bet on that man.

Guard: WHAT ?!

"Well. What are you guys waiting for ?"

Rei: Bring in the boss.


Warden: Mush !! Ha ha ha ! Muush !! Gahahahaha... At last you managed to make it ! How does it occur to you to come to Cassandra, city of the devil's howl ? Your lack of fear surprises me !

Kenshiro: The word "Fear" does not exist in my dictionary.

Warden: because you don't know the true terror ! But here, you'll be able to experience it for the first time ! For you I'll give a small demonstration !

Warden: Raiga, Fuuga ! Do you know what the punishment is for leaving your posts ?

Raiga/Fuuga: MITSU !!

Mitsu: Brothers... !

Warden: I no longer require this pawn I used to convert you both into warriors of Cassandra. He'll make a great snack for my pet !

Warden: WAHAHAHA !! Whoever rebels against me, gets to know the inferno !

Raiga: ... Mitsu, forgive us ! You'll have to die to save the people of Cassandra !

Fuuga: Do you understand, Mitsu ? The savior for our people has finally arrived ! Wait for us in the next world ! We'll be joining you soon !

Mitsu: ... *Nod*

Raiga: Mitsu... Do not grieve. We are betting on you !


Warden: ... I changed my mind. Killing someone who is ready for death isn't entertaining. First, I'll destroy all the hope you have spread, then I'll kill you. Enjoy how I convert that hope into nothing but desperation !!

Kenshiro: Well, if you're finished talking now, attack me !

Warden: What ?! Grrr !! TAKE THIS !! TAIZAN RYU SOJO BEN !!

"... Hey Rei, come this way for a moment."

Rei: Really ? Shit's about to get down.

"I know, and trust, there's nothing I'd love more to see than Ken fisting that bearded motherfucker to death, but remember why we came here in the first place."

Rei: Ohhh... So while they're all busy here...

"We grab a guard, have him spill the beans, and look for Toki ourselves."

Rei: Bitchin'.

Rei: The howl of the devil... It has stopped...

"Of course. What did you expect from Ken ? That 'Big chief' of them is no more. Hear that ?"

Guard: Guuurglll...

"Okay, I hope you understand now. Since your boss is dead, you've got two choices. You either tell us where Toki is, and live, or you don't, and die."

Guard: Th... That way ! You've been going through the corridors, you're halfway already !

Rei: See ? Was it so difficult ? Now...

Guard: Huu...

Rei: You're free to go.

Guard: ... Uh ?

"What ? Really though we were gonna kill you ? Let's go, we lost enough time already."

Guard: AAAAAAH !!

Rei: Okay, what again ?

???: The howl of the devil has quickly changed to a shout of joy. Soon, it will be a scream of horror !

Guard: Ahh !! W- Wait ! I'm no longer in your service !!

"Okay... This is a new one..."

Guard: T... The personal escorts of Ken-Oh ! (King of the fist)

Rei: Ken-Oh ?

Guard: The Ken-Oh will mobilize... Even with the end of Cassandra, while he exists...

"Who is the Ken-Oh... ?"

Raiga: The Ken-Oh...

Rei: Where did you two come from... ?

"Shh. Roll with it."

*He is the strongest and most terrifying man who exists, no one even knows his true identity. Cassandra was built to punish all of those who opposed him. If his personal escorts have arrived, it means he's started to mobilize !*

Fuuga: the warden, Uighur, was just one of his many minions !

Rei: What ?!

Escort: Heh heh... Stop believing that Kenshiro is the savior. If you stop now, the Ken-Oh will forgive you. Give up ! There's no chance you can win !

"... ... Over my cold, dead body."

Escort: Hmm. So that's your response ? Well then, die !

Rei: Looks like we'll have to muscle our way through !

Raiga: No... You will meet Toki. We will stop them.

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