Chapter 20: Kung-Fu Jesus

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mitsu: That way ! They went that... AH !!

Kenshiro: No...

Mitsu: RAIGA !! FUUGA !!

Kenshiro: A- Amazing. They maintained their holds... Even in death !

Mitsu: My brothers... ! No... Why did they have to happen .! We were only just freed... Please don't leave me !

Kenshiro: ... It is a noble death... They have defended our path. Raiga... Fuuga... I will snuff out these flames of evil ! And destroy Ken-Oh !!

"I feel like a beast have just been unleashed."

Rei: Me too, but would you be so kind to focus on what's in front of us ?

"What, you mean this long corridor reeking of blood and death ? Or the lingering killing intent from behind these curtains ? Or maybe..."


"The two hiding behind said curtains and cause of aforementioned killing intent ?"

Rei: Well, kind off all of that at once, I guess.

"Okay, okay, watch this. Eyes closed, bitch !"


Escort: How could he... With that much pressure ?! I've never seen anything like this !!

"And you will never see anything like that again if you don't let us pass."

Escort: Gh- We were ordered to make sure Toki and Kenshiro were to never meet ! I'm Zarqua, the strongest escort of Ken-Oh !!

Zarqua: Ha ha ! Do you see this ?! I'll slice you up !! Soon, your head will get chopped off !!

"... I'll admit, this is a mild inconvenience. But hey, you're not here to stop me, are you ? You're here to stop him."

Zarqua: Huh...

Kenshiro: WATAA !!

Zarqua: GAH !!

Kenshiro: So they were the ones who killed Raiga and Fuuga ? You're no match for me !

Zarqua: Uhh ! HAAH ! I caught it ! Your life will now end !!

Kenshiro: ... And what are you trying to do ?

Zarqua: Ha ha ! You made a grave misjudgement by trying to kill me with that sword ! Do you know of the Shuchou Tou Jinjitsu ?! (Shiek style softening technique)

Kenshiro: You can start the softening now.

Zarqua: WHAAAAAGH !!

"So you killed Raiga and Fuuga... I'm sure they're waiting for you on the other side. One down..."

Rei: One remaining.

Escort: Guh ! The only thing I can do now is kill Toki !! Hehe heh...

Escort: WAHAHAHA !! If we can't stop you, we have orders to kill off Toki instead ! This man hasn't moved in months, his legs must be numb !

Rei: Oh no !

"Okay, this right now is more than a mild inconvenience..."

Kenshiro: Then why don't you try to kill him ?

Escort: Heh heh, so does this mean you don't care ?

Kenshiro: Do it fast !

Escort: Fine then, but don't complain ! I'll kill him NOW !!

Prisoner: ... ... WAHHH !! I can't do it anymore ! I'll stop pretending now !!


"... You know, Ken... Sometimes, your stolidity scares even me..."

escort: So you already knew we were trying to buy some time ?!

Kenshiro: You thought I'd fall for something like that ? You don't know the real Toki, or Hokuto Shinken !

Escort: It's too late !! Another group has already been sent to take care of Toki !! And I'll take care of you !!

"Yeah whatever. So, where do you think they hid the real Toki ?"

Rei: The guard did say it was around here... So unless they moved him in emergency...

Escort: ... ... ... DIIIIIIIIE !!


Kenshiro: Men like you always fall ! Now, where is Toki ?

Escort: I'll never tell you !! EEH ?! My arm !!

Kenshiro: Your arm will move on its own from the pressure point I hit. Now take us to Toki !

Escort: My finger ! It's moving on its own !! He'll kill me He'll kill me, that's what he said !!

"Oh, I don't think you need to worry about that."

Escort: Why not ?!

Rei: because, you're already dead.

Escort: W- What'd you say ?! URGGUAAAAAH !!

Guards: Hurry ! We need to take care of Toki as soon as possible !! Come on, get up ! You're getting out of Cassandra !!

Toki: ... You're late... Kenshiro is already here.

Guard: What ?!


Guard: The wall !! There's no time left !!We have to kill him !! THE ORDERS ARE FINAL ! NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO FAIL !! DIE !!


Guards: It's him !!

"Knock knock."

Rei: There was no door.

Kenshiro: Toki... My brother...

Toki: Kenshiro...

Rei: So he's the real Toki ?

Guards: We don't have time ! Is this guy really sick ?! We have to kill him here and now !! This will end before you two can get to know each other !!

Toki: Hokuto Ujo ken !! (Compassionate fist of the North Star). Please try to feel happy before you die a painful death.

Guard: OHH... !! AHHH !! MY LEG !! IT'S... IT'S TWISTING UP !!

Guard: What the hell is happening to you ?! Does it hurt ?! WHAA !! MY ARM !!

Rei: This is terrifying...

Kenshiro: That was the Hokuto Ujo Hagan ken (Compassionate fist style: Face rip), it hits the opponent's nerves and fills them with happiness before they die... Those who get hit with Toki's fist get to go to heaven before they are sent to hell.

Guards: AHH !! I'm so happy !! AGHH- !!


Toki: ... Kenshiro...

Kenshiro: Brother...

Rei: ... So this is Toki and his Hokuto Shinken...

"Yeah... Go figure why the Ken-Oh didn't want these two to meet..."

Toki: I've been waiting for you.

Kenshiro: You've gotten so skinny, Toki...

Toki: Yet I'm still alive...

Kenshiro: TOKI !!

Toki: I'm fine ! I'm fine... With this body, I can't keep traveling. I let them capture me and I waited for you to come. I knew you would do it. Come, I want to show you something...

"This smell... Blood..."

Toki: The walls here are covered in blood. Blood of fighters who have fought and died here !

Kenshiro: Fighters ?

Toki: So that the Ken-Oh could become as strong as he is now... He brings in the best fighters who are trained in the deadly arts and steals their techniques ! This was the most horrible place in all of Cassandra...

"... You think he could be after me ?"

Rei: ... Who knows... There were so many deaths here that it stained the walls...

Toki: If you use a fist that is unknown to the Ken-Oh, there is no doubt he will target you at some point. In fact, Jagi and Amiba obeyed orders from him. The techniques that Amiba found were immediately shown to the Ken-Oh. No one could match his shadow ! He is the absolute power ! An insane man with plenty of ambition !

Kenshiro: And the Ken-Oh is Raoh.

Mamiya: What ?!

"Raoh, as in..."

Rei: The elder brother of Hokuto ?!

Toki: So you knew... You've matured so much. I'm sure you have shed many rivers worth of blood...

Kenshiro: I can hear... The howl of the devil !

Toki: There is only one man with the power to silence that howl... And that man... Is you !!

Mamiya: Ah ! Are you Ok ? Here, use this.

Toki: Don't worry about it... Where are the others... ?

Mamiya: They went looking for some food and something to carry you in.

Toki: Heh...It's amazing how similar you look to Julia.

Mamiya: Eh... ?

Toki: Raoh will also be surprised when he sees you.

Mamiya: Even Raoh... ?

"...Ken, you did tell me quite a lot about Toki, but... You never told me, what kind of man is Raoh ?"

Kenshiro: Raoh... He was very strong... Extraordinarily strong ! And his ambition was just as strong as his physique. He has never followed any of the rules or the regulations of the Hokuto Shinken... he was the man who lost the Hokuto Shinken...

Ryuken: Raoh, what do you plan to use the Hokuto Shinken for ?

Raoh: It's clear that I'd use it... For my own benefit !

Ryuken: Your benefit ? With what objective ?

Raoh: ... The sky !!

Ryuken: Y- You think you have the right to sit in the throne of the sky ?!

Raoh: It was built so that one day, I may sit in it !

Ryuken: God would not allow it !

Raoh: Well then... I will just have to fight GOD !!

Rei: God as an enemy ? His ambitions are so strong that he doesn't have any fear, does he ?

"Last time I heard something like that, it didn't end well."

Kenshiro: Some time after, the war started... It was exactly what Raoh needed.

Mamiya: Julia... I look like her... What kind of woman was she ?

Toki: Heh... She was the only woman I have ever loved in this world.

Mamiya: What ?! But wasn't Ken the one... ?

Toki: No, only him and me... Raoh also loved her...

Mamiya: Even Raoh ?!

Toki: Julia gave life to our youth... And ever since then, the destiny of Kenshiro and Raoh has been to fight...

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