Chapter 21: Ken-Oh

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Rei: This sure is troubling...

"Indeed it is. If the Ken-Oh... Well, if Raoh heard of what happened already, no doubt we'll have bigger things to worry about..."

Rei: What the hell happened here ?!

Villager: U... Ugh...

"Hey, what happened ? Who did this ?!

Villager: The army of the Ken-Oh...

Rei: The Ken-Oh ?! C- Can you tell us which way he went ?

Villager: Ugh... He went west...

"West ?! But isn't that..."

Rei: It's the village where Airi is !!

"Shit ! there's no time to lose ! Ken, go get Mamiya and Toki, and escort them to the village. If they get there first, Bat, Lin and Airi will be in danger !"

Kenshiro: Understood.

Rei: What about us ?

"First thing first, we need to slow down Raoh's army. I don't think any of us could do anything one-on-one, but at four against one, we have a chance !"

Kenshiro: ...' The time has finally arrived... Raoh has started to mobilize.'

Toki: That star... The one that's shining brightly next to the big dipper, they call it the omen star of death. The person who spots it has death visit them within a year. Looks like my moment has arrived...

Mamiya: What are you mumbling about, Toki ?

Toki: Nothing, just that talking with you reminded me of Julia. As of late, I've been reminded of many memories...

Kids: You'll show us how to make paper crane ?

Julia: He he... Look !

Kids: It's so pretty !

Raoh: It's a shame... Kenshiro doesn't deserve you.

Julia: AH !

Raoh: Abandon Kenshiro ! Starting today, you will love me !

Julia: Let me go ! Right now !

Raoh: What did you say ?!

??: Let her go this instant !

Raoh: Kenshiro ? What, Toki... You got behind me and I didn't notice...

Toki: It's easy to do against a man who is blinded by a woman. If you do anything to her, I'll fight you in Kenshiro's place !

Raoh: What... ?!

Raoh: I'm not in the mood to fight against you. But remember. In the future, I'll be left with everything !

Toki: There is a form of love, that can protect with just a single glance...

Mamiya: What a woman ! Ken, Shin, Toki, even Raoh ! Everyone she knew fell in love with her. I'm no match for her !

Toki: Mamiya.

Mamiya: ... But... It doesn't bother me to be like that star... The small star next to the North star... Shining in silence.

Toki: Y- You can see it ?!

Mamiya: yes, very clearly. I'm gonna look out back. I'll see if they're close by yet.

Toki: I can't believe it ! She could also see that star ! The omen star of death !

Rei: Why do you keep looking at the sky ? We can't loose time here !

"I was just wondering... Look at the Big Dipper, and count the stars..."

Rei: One, two, three... Eight ?

"Right next to the second star, Mizar... When did that 8th one appear ?"

Rei: How long until we reach the village ?

"Half a day, I'd say. Less if we really hurry."

Rei: then, let's go ! Huh ? Is that.. ?

"BAT ?!"

Bat: No... Not yet... I need to find them...

Rei: Bat, what happened to you ?!

Bat: Eh ? Ahh... Y- You guys... !

"What happened ?!"

bat: The Ken-Oh's army... Has arrived to the vi... Vi...

Hurry !! Lin and Airi...

Rei: ... How long ?

"Stop asking and run !"

General: This village is now under rule of the Ken-Oh ! You must now all pledge loyalty to him voluntarily !

Villagers: What's that ?!

General: We will now brand you, one by one...

Villager: AHH !! I refuse to pledge loyalty to anyone ! I'd rather die !!

General: Are you serious ? If that's so... You shall dance the dance of death !!

Punk: Ghehehe ! Come here ! Is everything ready ?


Punk: Hehe... Yup. C'mon ! Dance !

Villager: AAH !! GHA !! F- FINE ! I- I'LL PLEDGE LOYALTY ! HELP !!

Elder: H- How horrible !

General: Listen ! I don't want to hurt any of you, so please. Agree quickly for your own safety. Now, let's continue.

Elder: This is hell ! Why doesn't god give liberty to those who are weak ?

Airi: No... No, please... They'll find us ! I'll be locked up again...

Lin: Airi...

Airi: We're forced to live like dolls without hearts. We live just to be humiliated...

Lin: NO ! Don't say that, Airi ! What good will it do to lose hope ? It's all we have left !

Airi: Lin...

Lin: There's Ken, Y/n, and your brother, Rei... Listen, you must believe that a better future exists ! We've made it this long, we must continue to resist !!

Airi: Lin...

Lin: Hehe. Forgive me, I got a bit emotional.

Airi: No, thank you, Lin. I'm supposed to be the one who motivates you. And you've had to motivates me...

Lin: Ah ! Airi, don't come out from there !

Punk: Is there someone here ?! Ahh, a little girl.. Ehh ?!

Punk: Come here !

Airi: Lin... You're so valiant...

Villager: WHAAA !! AGH !!

General: Is that the last one ?

Punk: Here she is ! She's the last one !

Lin: UH !!

Elder: LIN !

General: It's a little girl... But she must pledge loyalty... Brand her with the symbol of the Ken-Oh ! It's that, or... You dance until your burn to a nice crisp !

Lin: How cruel !

General: So, which one do you choose ?

Lin: ... I will not. I will not pledge allegiance to demons like you !

General: What ?!

Punk: This girl, she has guts !

General: ... So she is really going to do it...

Lin: 'I will not be loyal to you demons ! Never ! No matter what you do to me !! They once told me that when you let down in front of demons, you are no longer human...'

Elder: Such a valiant girl ! She'd rather die than become their slave !

Punk: You're so much fun ! Want help getting up there ?

???: How about you go test it out instead ?

Punk: Eh ?! Who are you ? How dare you ?

Rei: You demon with a man's body !!

Punk: Whaa ?! AAAGH !!

General: That's... The Nanto Suicho Ken !!

Lin: Re... Rei !! Y/n !!

"Lin ! Are you okay ?"

Lin: D- Don't worry... Airi is safe... A- Ahh ahh... Now that you've saved me, I can't help but cry !

Rei: Airi ?! She's more worried for my sister than herself... And she's just a little girl... How dare they do something like this...

Punk: You !! What do you think you're doing ?!

"For these sins... You will not live to see another dawn. Tell me, demon, WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BLOOD ?!"

Mamiya: What's with those footprints ? It looks like an army passed through here.

Kenshiro: Horses...

Toki: Take a look at these.

Mamiya: How strange ! They're horseshoes... But they're huge !

Toki: Only one man would ride a horse that big... Raoh.

Kenshiro; Let's go to that house so you can rest.

Mamiya: hello , Is anyone here... ? ... ... I guess not...

Grandma: Yes ? Who is it ? Who are you looking for, travelers ?

Mamiya: Ah... Eh... M- May we have some water... ?

Grandma: Of course you can ! Please, sit !

Mamiya: T- Thank you, miss. Come on, Toki.

Grandma: You must be tired...

Mamiya: There were some giant hoofprints outside, did you see the rider ?

Grandma: Eh ? Oh, yes, yes ! There was a horse the size of an elephant ! The rider was very imposing ! He seemed very strong ! Here, have a drink.

Kenshiro: Old lady... You drink first.

Grandma: He... No, thanks, I already drank earlier.

Kenshiro: I don't care.

Mamiya: But Ken !

Kenshiro: What's wrong ? Why won't you drink ?

Grandma: Urgh... Grr... GRAAHH !!

Grandma: So you found out I was in disguise !!

Kenshiro: An old lady with that mark ? Are you one of Ken-Oh's ?

Grandma: Yes ! And I'll deliver your heads to him !!

Kenshiro: It would have been better if they had dressed as a cow.

Mamiya: One of Raoh's men !!

Toki: It seems like the army has reached the village.

Mamiya: You need to go, Ken ! If they use Airi to threaten Rei...

Kenshiro: I know.

Bat: Lin !! Don't worry, they can handle all of them.

Lin: Yes...

"What would you expect... Even a demon bleeds crimson..."

Rei: It's your turn now !

General: Hoo... Rei, user of the Nanto Suicho ken, Shinigami, user of an unknown fist... I know your weakness !

Rei: What ?!

General: Start looking ! There is a woman named Airi, she has to be here ! If we catch her, we can force Rei to join our army !

"What ?!"

General: Afraid, are you ? i'm curious, which one of you would emerge victorious if you were to fight ? i'm just dying to find out.


Rei: AH !!

Airi: Looking for me ?! I'm right here ! I will fight ! I will not flee !

Rei: Airi, what are you doing with that crossbow ?!

Punk: Stupid bitch !!


Airi: I am no longer the Airi you knew ! I will fight, Rei !

"... Is that normal ?"

Rei: T- The Airi that couldn't defend herself... Who was like a ragdoll, she...

Airi: She can fight ! Lin taught me how !! IT WAS LIN !!

Lin: Airi...

"... Good. Looks like that weakness went right outside the window, huh ?"

Rei: Exactly. I no longer have weak points, Airi is free. I will live how I want and die the same !

General: Grrr... !!

Punks: WHAA !! What are you doing ?!

Villagers: THEY'RE FIGHTING TO THE DEATH !! We can't just stand here and do nothing ! We're fighting too !! We will fight together !

Elder: Incredible ! The men have retaliated... ! 'God has sent a ray of hope to these people... And that ray of light is that girl !'


"What ? Gasoline ?!"

General: WAHAHAHAHA !! What do you think ?

"I think I've seen hotter flames. A circus trick like that won't scare me."

General: WHAT'D YOU SAY ?!

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