Chapter 24: Calm water

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Rei: Urg... Ha... HAAA !!

"For the last time, stay still. No one wants you to aggravate your state now."

Rei: Fi... Finally ! Raoh has set foot on the ground !!

Kenshiro: Our father... In the name of your ambitions... I'll never forgive you !!

Raoh: Pfft... The words of a weakling.

Toki: Stand back, Kenshiro. Observing is the same as fighting. The time will come where my fist, my way of fighting, will be useful to you.

Kenshiro: Toki ! Don't tell me... UUGH !! GH !

Toki: I hit your Shin Tanchû point.. Your body will be immobilized until I free you.

Kenshiro: T- Toki !! Stop this !!

Toki: In Hokuto Shinken, there is no two-on-one combat. Even if you defeat the enemy, it wouldn't be a victory. Never forget you're the sole successor to Hokuto Shinken.

Rei: He... He's ready to die ! But... What will Toki be able to give to Ken with his death ?!

Raoh: Hmph... So it really is you, Toki, the man who surpassed me... Ho ho ho... I wouldn't mind if you fought me together ! It seems like the time has come for me to finish this !

Toki: Kenshiro, watch this fight well.. Let's go, Raoh !

Raoh: Not Raoh ! Call me Ken-Oh ! I'll show you the fist that will conquer the world !!

Bat: Ah... The air isn't moving... It's not being disturbed like in Len's fight !

"He's letting it flow... Raoh's battle Ki hasn't changed, but Toki isn't resisting it. he's letting it flow instead. Even more, it's like he's swallowing it, like a raging river being sucked up... By calm water..."

Rei: Look ! The space between them ! When Raoh approaches... Toki avoids him by backing off...

Raoh: Ho ho... Your fst is defensive ! My attacks bring out the best in your defense ! But how long can you endure these attacks ?! LET'S SEE !!

Rei: Ah... Toki moved forward for the first time !!

Raoh: 'W... What strength !!' DEAAAA !!

Rei: N... No !! Raoh is changing tactics !!

"What a monster... !! To stop Toki from moving, he stabbed both Toki's foot and his own !"

Rei: This... This will be over soon. Neither one can back off now !

Raoh: The outcome has been decided, Toki ! Both you and Ryuken surpassed me, but sickness and old age were your demise !

Toki: 'It's over for me...'

rei: In martial arts, especially between two masters, an incredible amount of energy is required... If you hesitate, even for an instant, you lose your life !

"And Toki is sick on top of that..."

Kenshiro: Toki !!

Toki: 'Look, Kenshiro. Let my death fuel you. You're the only one in the world who can defeat Raoh !'

Raoh: HWA HA HA HA ! Now I'm sure God wants to fight me !!

Kenshiro: To... Toki ! L- Let me move !!

Raoh: Toki... You must have seen the harbinger of death.

Toki: Gh... ...

Raoh: But your messenger of death isn't sickness ! OH NO ! IT'S ME !!

Kenshiro: No ! T... Toki !!

Lin: Ken ! You have to help him ! Ken, I beg you, save him !

Kenshiro: U- Urg : Toki ! Free me ! Cancel your pressure point ! Free me from these invisible chains ! I beg you !

Raoh: 'Hmm... Toki won't move... He's a man ready to die for his convictions !'

Bat: W- Why ! If he frees Ken now, they can beat Raoh ! So why ?!

Rei: Hokuto Shinken... Its 2000 years of passing down from hand to hand are more sublime than we can imagine ! And that is what Toki is trying to teach with his death...

Raoh: Heh heh heh ! It's good to be ready to die for your ideals, but... What good it serve ?! There is nothing after death. Be it a man or a mangy dog, a corpse is a corpse !

Raoh: Kuh huh huh ! You can't avoid my attacks anymore ! Your own fist is neutralized, now I just have to wait ! You're sick, your body can't support the blood loss for long ! Ke ke ke... What's wrong, Toki , You look quite pale ! Your will is the only thing keeping you standing !

Toki: ... Kenshiro, my time has come... The destiny of Hokuto Shinken is severe because of the law of succession. My death is also part of your trial ! Feed off my death and follow the path of the successor !

'He's attacking !'

Rei: I... I can see it ! Toki's last battle Ki, it's incredible ! There's so many blows being exchanged right now !

Toki: 'Kenshiro... Farewell !!'

Raoh: I've got you !! And now... I'LL TAKE YOUR LIFE, TOKI !!

Kenshiro: TOKI !!

Raoh: ... ... ... Pfft. Don't even think it... You won't do anything to me with that.

Rei: Ah !

Rei: Mamiya !! S- Stop ! Your crossbow isn't going to do any good ! In Hokuto Shinken, there's a technique called Nishi Shinku that sends arrows flying back at the archer !

Mamiya: But... But I'm the only one left who can fight !

Raoh: Ho ho ho ! This woman must have seen the harbinger of death as well... Pfft... Very well. You may fire !

Rei: S- STOP, RAOH ! I beg of you ! At the very least, don't kill this woman ! Spare her !!

Mamiya: Rei...

Raoh: Ho ho ! Well now... This woman...

Rei: Urg ! Yes.. That's it... This woman, Mamiya, she taught me what love is ! She's the only one I ever loved !

Airi: B... Big brother !

Mamiya: Rei... Thank you, Rei... That feeling is enough so that I have no regrets living in this world.

Rei: MAMIYA !!

'It's fading away... the little light that was just born, is about to be put out...'


Mamiya: Y... You...

Raoh: Huh ?! You could still move ?!

"... Raoh... If there is one thing that everyone I ever fought was surprised about... It was how stubborn I could get. I may have seen the harbinger of death... But I'll make sure I have some company on the way to hell..."

Toki: No... You must not fight...

"Toki... I've observed your fight, very carefully. And the conclusion I came across, is that my fist is one that can defeat Raoh."

Raoh: Muuuh !

Raoh: Ken-oh will not be defeated by the likes of you !! This shall be the place where two thousand years of Hokuto Shinken come to an end !

Toki: 'I... I won't stop them ! No, in fact, I want to see their fight ! The 2000 years of Hokuto Shinken, he had assimilated it in just a few weeks... What other secrets could his fist contain ?!'

"... ORAAA !!"

Raoh: GH... DORYAA !!

"Guarf !!"

Bat: Th- They'll kill each other !! Rei !!

Rei: N... No... But they see attacks coming ! In a fight between experts, it's impossible to uncover all of the enemy's techniques. The only way to win is to rip the enemy's flesh and bones !

Toki: 'A lot of blood will flow during this battle...'

"What... Is so funny... ?"



Raoh: Huh huh huh... I crushed your bone too !

"Well, you're not... The only one..."

Raoh: Huh ?!

Lin: S... Stop... That's enough ! I don't want to see all this blood !

Rei: Hm... This fight is one of violence !

Toki: 'All that blood flowing... They only have enough strength left for one attack !'

"Sendo... SHINZÔ NO HANTEN !!"


Raoh: ... Pff... I haven't expected... You to be so strong...

"From what I've been told... the old Raoh... Would've been beaten by now... KURF !!"

Punks: ... A... A draw ! L- Lord Ken-Oh ! It's over... WAAAH ! IT'S THE END OF THE LEGEND OF KEN-OH ! KEN-OH'S EMPIRE JUST CRUMBLED !

Raoh: Nyurk ! Nothing but cowards ! Nguuuuuh !!

Toki: That's enough. It's over.


Toki: You both know very well that you can't fight anymore. Raoh... Go on your way now ! You don't want to die here, either !

Raoh: Pff... Today didn't put an end to this ! On the contrary ! This is just the beginning ! I'm going to conquer the world ! I won't die before building my empire !

Raoh: NUH !! I... I'm Ken-Oh ! And Ken-Oh never kneels ! Farewell !!

Toki: ... His men are gone. All he has left is his horse. He too is all alone..

"No one will keep it against me if I lose consciousness... ?"

Rei: Better now than five minutes ago...

"Heh... 'Raoh will surely appear again... Men like him just don't know the meaning of the word repent... Another battle has just started today...' Blegh."

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