Chapter 25: Nanto Rokusei Ken

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lin: Why... Why is it like this ? Tell me why, Bat... These wounds... Why must all this blood be shed ?!

Bat: No other way. That blood is our blood. Their blood is shed in our place. But... If... If... If I was stronger... If I had more power...


Airi: Big brother !

Rei: Urk !

Airi: Big brother !

Mamiya: Rei !!

Toki: Don't go, Mamiya ! Rei only has 3 days left to live.. During that time, his body will be destroyed more and more... he doesn't want anyone to see him in that condition, especially not you ! Especially not you, Mamiya !

Rei: Ffh... Sooner or later, my legs too... URK !!

"... Can't move anymore, Rei... ?"

Rei: ... it's you... Fuh... This is the terror of Raoh.

"... I'm sorry... You had nothing to do with all of this, and yet... You're the one to die..."

Rei: Mff. No need, I have no regrets. In fact, I owe you and ken a debt of gratitude... There was a time where I abandoned my humanity. I lived only to save my sister Airi, cursing the world and these times... Then, I met you. And Ken, Toki... And Lin, Bat and Mamiya, too. You filled my savage wolf of an empty heart, and gave it tranquility. I was finally able to become human again.

Rei: All that's left... is the way I die ! The way I die... GUAAAARR !!

Mamiya: Rei...

Bat: Say now ! What are you doing, miss Mamiya ? Why all the supplies ?

Mamiya: i'm going to Medicine city.

Bat: Huh ? Medicine city ?!

Mamiya: Yes. It's a city full of medicines. By going over there, maybe I can get some painkillers. Rei only has three days to live... if I can't save his life, at the very least, I can ease his suffering ! That is all I can do for him.

Bat: ... Miss Mamiya.

"... Where did Mamiya go ?"

Bat: Uh... She went to Medicine city for Rei.

Toki: What ?!

Bat: What, did I say something wrong ?

Toki: That city is a place of madness, built for the sole purpose of creating magical medicine for Raoh. Now that it's freed from the terror of Ken-Oh, it must have fallen in the hands of savages !

"Uh oh..."

Kenshiro: ... Rei already left for medicine city...

Toki: Hm...

"Rei... He's ready to die for Mamiya."

Kenshiro: We have to protect him until the time of his death.

Toki: All right, but there is something you must know. Mamiya... That woman saw the harbinger of death.

Kenshiro: What ?! ... I see...

"This... is quite the difficult situation... Maybe I should go too..."

Toki: Don't. You saw it too, didn't you ? There is a time when your fist will reveal what it can do. But that time has yet to come. On the meantime... You must not die.

"... ... Huh ? Th- They're back !! Guys ! You're... Okay ? Hey, what happened ? Why the grim faces ?"

Rei: Later. Elder, please, tell us what happened between Yuda and Mamiya !

"... Guess I'll have to wait for an explanation..."

Kenshiro: Each in due time.

Elder: Haa... Looks like i'm forced to reveal the facts. An awful incident, a true nightmare... It was on the day of Mamiya's 20th birthday...

Villagers: Congratulations ! Happy birthday ! Congratulations, miss Mamiya !

*She was extremely beautiful. So much that everyone around her predicted that she would have a wonderful life filled with happiness...*

Mamiya: W- What do you want ?!

Punk: I found her ! This is the woman, lord Yuda !

Yuda: Let me see !

Yuda: ...Even more beautiful than they said. You're highly qualified to love me. All right ! I shall take her !

Parents: W- What do you want with our daughter ?!

Mamiya: Father ! Mother !

Mamiya: W... What ?! NO !! NOOOOOOOOOOOH !!

Yuda: Ha ha ha ! Let us go ! This way, there are no regrets !

*In an instant ! It all happened in an instant. All we could do is watch the grisly scene and see him take her away... And then, a few days later...*

Elder: Since that day, miss Mamiya, stopped being a woman.

Mamiya: Look, Lin... My arms have become very rough. A bit like a man's...

Lin: Miss Mamiya.

Mamiya: Uh... It's not fading away... I wash it as much as possible, but the scar is still there. Even if the brand eventually fades away, the scar on my heart... It...

Rei: A woman... Of course you're still a woman !

Mamiya: Ah !! Rei !!

Rei: I'll defeat Yuda.

Mamiya: S- Stop, Rei ! I'm a woman who renounced ever being loved ! I can't return the love that you feel for me !!

Rei: Mamiya !

Mamiya: No... Don't come near me ! Don't make me suffer anymore !

Rei: Mamiya ! URG !! GWAAAH !!

Lin: R- Rei ! Rei, hold on !!

"Rei... Do you really want to fight against Yuda ?

Rei: Huh... yes. I know this Yuda... he's a man of Nanto like me. Aside from the late Shin and myself, there are four more men who are experts in Nanto Seiken... These men are called the Nanto Rokusei Ken (Six sacred fists of Nanto). Yuda... He too is one of them !

"Is that so... Then, this Yuda..."

Rei: Pffft... I'll be dead soon... I cannot win the love of Mamiya. But I can at least die for her... I want to live on in the heart of that woman.

"... Will you really go that far... Just for her ?"

Rei: Feh... In our times, the lives of men are short. But women give birth to children, and tell them stories. Stories of the fights of men !

Rei: Yuda... the ideal man to crown my end !

"Yuda's city... I don't know what I was expecting apart from a bunch of ruins, honestly. You think you'll manage, Rei ? Rei ?!"

Rei: I'll be ok. I can endure all kinds of suffering, now. I'm sure you know what I mean. Let's go. I don't have time to spare.

'... The energy of despair... He knows his life is already forfeited, so he doesn't care how much he destroys himself on the meantime... Nothing's more dangerous than a wounded and cornered lion...'

Punk: Heh heh. Shine 'em ! Huh huh huh, got a problem ?

Villager: Haa... GEE !!

Punk: Moron ! Shine 'em with your tongue !

Villager: W- With my tongue ?!

Punk: yeah ! Hurry it up, asshole ! Gu huh huh huh GWAAAH !!

"So I take it you lot are Yuda's men."

Punks: B- Boss !!

"Where's Yuda ?"

Punk: Aa- Ah ! He's that way !! That tower !!

Rei: How loyal they are...

Punk: Id hurrds... Leggo ! I dold ya-


"Let's go."

Punk: Feh ! That scaredy-cat, Yuda. He hears that some guys are coming this way and he has his room guarded !

"Hey, is this Yuda's room ?"

Punk: Yeah, that's right. Huh ?! W- What are you doing there ?!

"Don't mind me, I'm just here to see Yuda."

Punks: Kuh ! Bastard ! How did you... Get in here ?!


"... Through the door."

Rei: Just in time... One day to settle this.


Rei: Ah !!

???: Huh huh... I've been waiting for you. I am Dagale, Yuda's field officer.

Rei: What ?! What the ? What's going on ?!

Dagale: Ke ke ke ! How foolish you are ! You've fallen into our trap !

"Say what... ?"

Dagale: As you can tell, Lord Yuda is not here. He doesn't like pointless fighting.

Rei: Huh ?!

Dagale: Huh huh huh... We know everything ! You only have a day left to live !

Rei: NO ! This can't be ! I... I... I forgot ! Y- Yuda, among the six Nanto stars, his is the star of enchanting. The star of enchanting, also know as the star of betrayal...

"What ?! Betrayal ?!"

Rei: GAHGH !! O... Only one more day... It's over for me !

Dagale: Hwa ha ha ha ! Sorry to hear that you can't complete your dying wish ! Kwa ha ha ha ! You'll die writing in pain ! Regret your stupidity ! Hya ha ha ha !

"... Tell me, did you have time completing a dying wish of yours ?"

Dagale: Oh ! Ho ho. You want to fight me ? I'm also aware your fight with Ken-Oh left you to the brink of death... Huh huh huh, and you expect to beat me ?

"... For someone like you, a single finger is more than enough. Go ahead, attack."

Dagale: Peh ! Hwa ha ha ha ! You're a funny guy ! But I don't like kidding around ! Now I'll show you !

"Hokuto... SEIEI KÔ !! (Sobering sharp hole)"

Dagale: H- Hokuto ?! Ha... Ha.. That's impossible !



"I just hit your Ryugan pressure point. Now your entire body is just a ball of nerve, to the point where the slightest touch is an excruciating pain. Now feel a little bit of Rei's pain."

Dagale: Hee... Hyee WOOAAARGH !!

"If you want me to reverse it, tell us where Yuda is."

Dagale: Urk... H- Help... BWAARGH HYARGLL !! I- I'll tell you, but help me ! Yu- Yuda is in Bluetown ! Now help me !!

"Bluetown... And now you're the gullible one."

Dagale: AH ! Th... That's too cruel ! I don't want to die !

"You will not die. Enjoy living the rest of your life like that."

Rei: ... I... I hear it... the mocking voice of Yuda ! The star of death is growing brighter. Let's head... To Bluetown !

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