Chapter 26: Six stars of destinies

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Bat: Huh... ? G- GUYS !! You...

Lin: Rei !! Rei isn't...

"It's okay, he's not dead... Yet. Here is Toki ?"

Bat: Uh... In Mamiya's room.

Mamiya: Rei... Toki, please give this to Rei. It's the medicine I found in medicine city.

Toki: Mamiya...


Punks: He's gone completely mad !!

Dagale: AH !! Lord Yuda !! W- What are you doing here ?! You... You didn't leave for Bluetown ?

Yuda: Hmph... I knew that you wouldn't be able to keep your mouth shut. You think I'm stupid enough to tell you the truth ? Ho ho ho ! And now thanks to you, I've come to understand Hokuto Shinken ! Good work... You may die with your heart at ease.

Dagale: Aaah ! YOU USED ME !! You betrayed your own field officer ?!

Yuda: It's not betrayal. That's strategy ! Each of the six stars of Nanto has its own destiny. The man under the Martyr star, who sacrifices himself for love, Shin !! The man under the Star of Justice, who lives for others, Rei ! And there's my star, the Star of Enchantment. The one that shines brightest and most beautifully ! They call it the star of Betrayal, but that's not true ! This star is the incarnation of beauty and strategy that moves even the universe itself !

Dagale: Ugwaaaaa... Haaaaa... And I suffer agonizingly for you ! I... I'LL KILL YOU ! KILL YOU !!

Yuda: ... Fool ! A weakling such as you could never dream of defeating me ! For me, one finger is already too much to kill you !

Yuda: Nanto Rokusei Ken, Nanto Kokaku ken !! (South Star crimson crane fist)

Punks: A... Amazing ! His fist is so fast that the shockwave was able to slice all the way to his back ! Even though he wasn't touched, his body is falling apart !

Dagale: BUGYAAAAH !!

Yuda: Ho ho ho. The crimson crane... the crane whose beauty is tinted with the blood of those who oppose it ! I understand these techniques ! I have nothing to fear from Hokuto Shinken ! I can battle them now ! Their blood will make me even more beautiful.

Yuda: Ho ho ho... Ku hu hu hu hu... HWA HA HA HA HA ! Kenshiro ! Rei ! Shinigami ! They'll all be sacrificed for my empire !

Yuda: Ah, Comak... You have something to tell me ?

Comak: Yes ! That woman, Mamiya... She too saw the omen star of death.

Yuda: What was that ?! Ho ho ho... So her too... But then Rei must not know that she's destined to die. And he's risking what's left of his life for her. How amusing ! Rei, the man under the star of Justice ! I'll show you that your star is nothing but a farce ! HWA HA HA HA HA HA !!

Rei: HA ?! Urk... Where am I ?!

Airi: Big brother !

Lin: Rei !!

Rei: Fuuh... Oh, right. I passed out... And Mamiya ?

Toki: Outside. She couldn't stand to see you suffer this much.

Rei: ... *Cough*... Pff... So this is how I die ?

Toki: No. There's still a way.

Rei: W- What ?!

Kenshiro: Toki... You're not talking about what I think you're talking about, are you ?

"... What is that... ? Something to counter Raoh's attack ?"

Toki: There is a pressure point that prolongs your life by a little.

Rei: Are you serious ?!

Toki: That said... By hitting that point, the pain will increase several folds. It may drive you insane, and kill you.

Rei: What ?! Urg... GWAAAAAAAA !!

Toki: However, there is also a way to not suffer at all. The medicine that Mamiya gave to me... Death.


Toki: Choose. No one can force you. Only you can decide.

Rei: ... ... ...

Mamiya: Rei... You've fought enough. I don't want you to suffer any more for me.

Mamiya: Who goes there ?! AH !!

Yuda: It's been a while... Mamiya !

Mamiya: Y... YUDA !!

Yuda: Ho ho ho... the scar on your shoulder must still remain.

Mamiya: W... What are you doing here ?

Yuda: Hee hee hee ! Can you see the bluish star that shines next to the Big Dipper ?

Mamiya: ... I see it. Sowhat ?

Punks: Wee hee hee hee ! Hya hya !

Yuda: Ho ho ho ! Splendid ! You can see it. Fuh ! That's the harbinger of death ! You can see the omen of death ! Death awaits you !

Mamiya: What ?!

Yuda: Not just that. I hold the key to your death ! In any case, your parents and you were destined to become my victims. Your blood too will add to the beauty of my body.

Mamiya: Kuh...

Yuda: Ho ho ho... However, Rei is completely clueless and fights on for your life. Hwa ha ha !! That's why I came ! To mock that clown !!

Rei: ... ... Ken... Toki... Y/n... You already know what my choice is.

Airi: Big brother...

Rei: Please, Toki.

Toki: ... Alright.

"Okay, everyone out. No one here wants to see what's about to happen."

Toki: Before we start, I'll pass this on to you. You can take it when the pain is too much to handle.

Rei: Mph...

Toki: ... There is only one counter point to Raoh's Shinketsu Shû... SHINREI DAI !!



Airi: S- Stop ! That's enough ! Big brother ! The medicine ! Take the medicine ! Please, big brother !

"... It stopped... Rei isn't screaming anymore..."

Bat: Th- That means...

Lin: R... Rei !!

Bat: Ah... T- Toki ! And Rei ?!

Bat: A... Ah ! Rei's hair... They're all white !!

"Are... Are you sure you're feeling alright ?"

Rei: ... ... ...

Villagers: E- EMERGENCY ! Yuda's army is here !! M- Miss Mamiya was captured by Yuda !

Rei: What ? Yuda got her ?!

Rei: YUDA !!

Yuda: Rei ? Ho ho... Your suffering has given you white hair !

Rei: Let go of Mamiya and face a real opponent for a change.

Yuda: Ho ho ho... I don't give a damn about you. You're nothing but a dead man. But I still want to see if you're qualified to face me. It's been a long time since I've seen your Nanto Suicho Ken.

Punks: Geh heh heh ! HOOOOO !!

Yuda: Well now... Your technique has improved greatly.

Rei: You're next in line !

Yuda: Ho ho ho ! Is your talent a reflection of your feelings for this woman ? Too bad these feelings are all for naught !

Rei: What ?

Yuda: Ho ho ho ho ho ! HWA HA HA HA !! LISTEN WELL !! You see this woman ? This Mamiya ?! SHE SAW THE HARBINGER OF DEATH !!

Rei: HUH ?! What ?! Mamiya saw... No...

"I... is that true ?!"

Toki: It is... And this is bad ! The only thing keeping Rei going is his love for Mamiya ! If that crumbles, his body will crumble too !

Yuda: Don't believe me ? Ask her !

Rei: Mamiya... !

Yuda: Hwa ha ha ! What do you think of that ?! Your feelings are all useless now ! It's over ! The Star of Justice is nothing but the star of a fool ! It's a joke to think it could shine brighter than my star of Enchanting !

Mamiya: R- Rei...

Rei: Mamiya... A woman of infinite sadness... In that case, it's for the best that I die in your place.

Yuda: Crying for a woman ! You wimp !! Die like the vermin you are !

Yuda: D... DAMN YOU !

Rei: Yuda ! The star of Enchanting shall shine no more !



Rei: Mph !

Yuda: You'll pay !! Today, I'll finally finish you off !! Listen !! God will not allow the star of Justice to shine brighter than the star of Enchanting ! I'll pound that into your skull !! I've been waiting foe the day that I'd be able to cut you to pieces ! Ku hu hu hu... Ever since that humiliating day...

Apprentice: Ooh... The swallow dance of Nanto Suicho Ken... Such beauty...

Yuda: ... Wh... Guh...

Apprentice: What's wrong, sir Yuda ? Sir Yuda ?!

Yuda: Haaa... Haaaaah ! Haaaaah ! S- Shame on me !! For an instant... ! I was fascinated by Rei's movement ! T- That's the first time in my life that the beauty of another... Guuh... DAMN YOU, REI !!


Yuda: ... Feh... I'll never forgive such humiliation ! I'll make you pay someday, with a death as ugly as it is vicious !

Yuda: Hwa ha ha ha ha ha !! Rei, do you know why I came here ?! To mock you ! To see you weakened, just for some woman ! And not only that, but for a woman who has no tomorrow, who carries the stigma of my brand !!

Yuda: Ho ho ho... You're such a simpleton ! You no longer have any strength ! Attack me and die !

Rei: You're the one who's going to die ! You, the man who caused the fall of the 6 sacred fists of Nanto ! I, as successor of Nanto Suicho Ken, will execute you !

"The... Fall of the 6 sacred fists ?"

Rei Yes...

*Once, the 6 sacred fists of Nanto were called the guardians of the 6 doors to the emperor's castle... They were at the peak of the 108 branches that made up Nanto Seiken ! However, after the war, the Nanto Rokusei Ken was divided into two groups: One for peace, the other for hegemony ! It was at that time that Yuda betrayed us ! Seeing that the pacifist group was superior, he, along with his 23 representative branches, made a pact with Ken-Oh !*

Rei: When one star falls... The five others tumbled as well. And that is what sowed the seeds of the great tragedy ! Hear me well, Kenshiro. Shin, the man under the star of the Martyr, and my sad fate are but a prelude to an even greater tragedy !

Yuda: Ho ho ho... It's our era ! That's what made the Star of Enchanting shine like this ! Look at it ! My star shining red ! It's telling me that God has chosen me ! I, who am the strongest and most beautiful in this world ! Ho ho ho... I want your blood ! I want to use your blood as my makeup !

Yuda: URK ! H... How ?! How can he be so strong when his body and spirit are rotten ?!

Punk: ... Ooh... That's Nanto Suicho Ken... It's beautiful... GURG !

Yuda: What did you say ?! Tell me ! Who is the most beautiful on this Earth ?! It's me, isn't it ?!


Yuda: UNFORGIVABLE ! No one on Earth is more beautiful than me !! DIE !!

Yuda: HWAAG !! H... How could you have gotten this strong ?!

Rei: Hm... You'll never understand. You don't know what love is. Yuda ! Your makeup will be your own blood !!

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