Chapter 27: Fallen twin stars

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Rei: It's over for you too !

Yuda: ... Hwa ha ha ha ha ha ! Because you think you have me beat ?! You imbecile !

Rei: What ?

Yuda: No one can defeat me ! Even you, Rei of the star of Justice !

"... He is scheming something... The wind is carrying the scent of filth..."

Toki: Hmm...

Yuda: I am Yuda of the Enchanting star !! You think that I would come without a backup plan ?!


Bat: Ah ! G- Guys !!

Kenshiro: Hang on !!



Punks: Wha... What the... WAAAAAAAH !!

Rei: What did you do, Yuda ?!

Yuda: I decided to use this village's plentiful water supply against itself !

Rei: You... You lunatic ! You blew up the dam !

"The dam... ?!"

Yuda: Ho ho... When the water sinks into the sandy soil, it'll turn into quicksand and suck everything in ! Stuck now, huh ?! the secret arts of Nanto Suicho Ken reside within the splendid movement of the legs ! But with your lower body immobilized, you're just a wingless duck ! Now I'll finish you off with the brutal and ugly death I've been waiting to give !

Rei: Ugh !

Mamiya: Rei !!

Comak: Hwee hee hee ! The village must be completely flooded by now ! Lord Yuda is so smart ! He took into consideration the disposition and the geology of this fortress town ! Heh heh heh !

Punks: Lord Comak, what are you doing ?

Comak: Hyuk hyuk ! Here we are ! I'll use this ! I can wipe out the whole village with this poison !

"Yeah, how about you don't ?"

Comak: AH !! W- What the hell do you want ?!

"Well, since you're asking, I'll take a number nine, two large fries and- Why the fuck do you think I'm here for, if not for shoving your head so far up your ass it'll come out of your mouth."

Comak: Peuh ! I'm gonna exterminate the village !

Comak: UURGH !!

"Now you drink it."

Comak: Ahggag ! Uuuh ! Gweh ! Hwurg ! I... I drank it ! Gotta vomit !



Punks: Aaah !! Lord Comak ! D- Damn you !!

"... Ah, Ken, perfect timing ! Mind giving a hand here ? I'll need one about... I'd say about this big."

Kenshiro: Easy enough.

Punks: You assholes ! You're asking for it ! Yer dead, suckas !!

Punk: Agagagagaga...

Punk: M- Moron ! Don't just stand there ! Stop him ! NOW !! Kill him !!

Kenshiro: Where do I put this ?

"Leave it there, we'll patch the hole with it. But now... Rei..."

Yuda: Ho ho ho ho ! Here I come, Rei ! HAA !!

Yuda: Finally ! Finally the time has arrived to rip you into ugly little shreds ! With each step I take ! I rip you appart ! HYAAAAA HA HA HA HA ! RIP ! TEAR !!


Yuda: In the end, you couldn't even save this woman ! Ho ho... One more step... One more step and it's over !

Mamiya: Rei !!

Yuda: I'll finish you off with the ultimate technique of Nanto Kokaku Ken ! Kesshô Shi !! (Secret blood beak)

Rei: ... FUHN !!

Yuda: What ?!

Yuda: O... Ohhhhh... AH !!

Rei: NANTO SUICHO KEN NO OGI !! HISHÔ HAKUREI !! (Soaring white loveliness)

Yuda: Imp... Impossible !

Rei: You've become weak, Yuda...

"... ... This fight... is over."

Yuda: Guh... KUH !! I failed ! O... Once again again, I was for an instant, fascinated by your art ! Ho... Ho ho ho ho ! H- However ! I won't die this way ! Not this way !! Rei... The man stronger and more beautiful than me...

Rei: Y- Yuda !!

Yuda: Pfff... Rei... You were always in my heart ! I always kept that vision. You and your splendid Nanto Suicho Ken dance ! And in the end, I was never able to surpass you. Until the very end, I could never get that sight out of my mind. T... That was my weakness ! And that's why I could never do anything to Mamiya.

Yuda: Hmph... Faced with something I consider to be beautiful, I become powerless, defenseless... Feh... When the star of Enchanting is itself enchanted by the star of Justice, its light is destined to be snuffed out by that star. Rei... The only man in the world whose worth I recognized... At least... I'm in your arms now...

Rei: Yuda...

Punks: ... W... WAAH ! He's dead !! We picked the wrong guy to follow ! These times need too much strategy ! You have to hang around with who's strongest ! WAAAAAAAAH !!

Rei: Yuda, you too are alone... But, I'll join you soon... Goodbye, Yuda of the star of Enchantment, successor to the Nanto Rokusei Ken.

Lin: Why... All it takes is one meaningless little thing to cause bloodshed... Friendship changed into blood... Why...

Mamiya: Aaah ! Rei !!

Rei: Hm... My final hour hour has come. Mamiya... Listen, take advantage of the life you have left until the harbinger of death claims you. Even if it's only for an instant ! Live like a woman. Search for happiness like a woman ! Farewell !

Mamiya: Rei !

Rei: STAY AWAY !! You can't come with me... I don't want you, especially not you, to seethe miserable death that awaits me... Be happy !

Rei: Toki... Thanks for everything.

Toki: Hm...

Rei: Ken. Continue to live. Don't die. Our era absolutely needs your Hokuto Shinken. Use it to turn tears into smiles.

Kenshiro: Hmm.

Rei: Y/n...

"Your next line will be 'You know what to do next' isn't it ?"

Rei: ... I hate you.

Airi: B... Big brother !

Lin: Rei !

Rei: Airi... Forgive your brother for leaving before you... Goodbye !

Kenshiro: Goodbye !

Mamiya: ... Rei...

Bat: Hey, where did Y/n just go... ?

Rei: It's time.

"It sure is. You know what happens now, do you ?"

Rei: We've already discussed that. Do it.

"Heh... Also, one last thing. When you get up there... Tell them hi for me..."

Airi: ... BIG BROTHER !!

Mamiya: R... REI !!

"Rei... You will never be forgotten. You shall live within the ones you cherished."

Lin: Goodbye... Rei...

Mamiya: Rei... AH !

Toki: What is it, Mamiya ?

Mamiya: The... The star ! I don't see the bluish star anymore ! The omen star of death is gone !!

'Shin, Rei, Yuda... Half of the Nanto Rokusei Ken has been wiped out already... What or who will be next...'

Punk: Hn ?! AH !! You... You're... WAAAAH !!

Raoh: Souther, the holy emperor... The strongest man of nanto Seiken finally shows his face !

General: Lord Ken-Oh, the emperor will soon complete his desire. It is already 80% done, the cross mausoleum of the holy emperor !

General: They did come up with a good idea though, making docile children work instead of rebellious adults.

Overseer: PULLLL !! Put some effort into it !! Listen up !This imperial mausoleum will one day be the place where the holy emperor shall rest ! If you don't work hard you'll be punished !

Child: U... Uhn...

Overseer: Oh ho ho ! Stop whining and pull ! Pull with all your might !

General: This holy emperor acts as if you're gone for good, lord Ken-Oh.

Raoh: Holy emperor ! Act big while you still can ! I'll be back soon !

Woman: Hurry up, Taka, and get inside ! The men of the Holy emperor will be here soon !AH !

Punk: Nu hu hu ! I seeeee you ! Guh huh huh... With him I'll be able to join up with the emperor's army !

Woman: S- Stop !!

Punk: SHUT YO HOLE !! Guh huh huh !!


Woman: Uuh... Forgive me, Taka... If I didn't sacrifice you, the other children would be... Uh... It's okay, you can come out now.

Kids: AH !!

Hyena: Ee hee hee heeeeeee heh heh ! Wow ! 5 of them to boot ! I'm sure to get into the regular army ! How careless ! Hyenas never hunt alone !

Woman: N- No !! Don't take them away !

Hyena: Beat it ! Beat it ! Beat it, bitch ! Hya ha ha ! No more living in poverty for me ! Looking good down there, whore ! Ciao !


Hyena: Huh ?

Kenshiro: ... ... ... ...

Hyena: Heh heh heh ! So there was more than two hyenas ! You want these ones ? We'll go half n' half !

Kenshiro: I'll take them all.

Hyena: Huh ? No way, They're mine, anyways !

Kenshiro: All !

Hyena: Wha... Greedy jackass ! You're dead !

Kenshiro: No, you are. Already.

Hyena: Wha- BUGAH !!


Kenshiro: Take your time... Don't worry, it's over now.

Woman: Ooh... Th... Thank you so much !

Kenshiro: I'd like to know one thing, though. Who is this holy emperor ?

Woman: The holy emperor ? He's...

???: The Holy emperor is the man that Ken-Oh, in spite of being the champion of the new Millenium, avoided doing battle with. It's because of this man's fist than Ken-Oh renounced conquering the entire world ! His name is Souther, the Holy Emperor and is destined the new ruler of the world !

Captain: Hu fu fu fu fu ! You must be Kenshiro and "Shinigami", huh ?

"... Even if you surrounded us, you really think you can do anything with these arrows ?"

Captain: Don't you believe him ! Hokuto Shinken is no longer the strongest !If you resist, we'll take you down !

Kenshiro: if you don't want to die, then get out of here !

Soldier: Asshole ! I'll skewer you ! Huh ?

Captain: W- What ?! Who... Who are you ?!

"... Nanto Seiken. Who are you ?"

???: Heh... They say when Nanto struggles, Hokuto appears...

Kenshiro: Are you blind ?

Shu: My mind's eye is wide open. I am one of the Nanto Rokusei Ken, Shu of Nanto Hakuro Ken. (South Star white heron fist)

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