Chapter 28: Holy Emperor

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Nanto... Hakuro Ken ?"

Shu: Yes... I too, like the other sacred fists hidden across this troubled world, live under the sign of my star. People call me the valorous blind leader.

Shu: Hmph...

"A kid's toy... What are you trying to pull here ?"

Shu: When Nanto struggles, Hokuto appears. When the six stars struggled, we were destined to fight you, Kenshiro !

Kenshiro: To any human who wishes to fight me, my only answer is this fist.

Shu: Then give me your answer. Nanto Hakuro Ken no Ougi ! Yûgen Shô !

'That stance... It's like his presence purely disappeared...'

Shu: Heh... Since I'm blind, I'm not afraid of your fist... fear is what gives away presence, and allows the opponent to determine the right time to strike. Block this ! Nanto Rokusei Ken, quintessence of Haruko Ken ! Rekyaku Kûbu !

Shu: Well now ! You avoided it after all ! You're the first to block my technique !

Kenshiro: To have such a leg dance in Nanto Seiken...

Shu: This is the first time you've seen this fist. Let's see how long you can avoid it !

Kenshiro: ... I won't die ! I made a promise to a man, I'll keep on living until the end to return light to this new millennium which it has lost.

Shu: Was that man Rei ? That man too wanted this era to feel the light... But, light shall not be restored unless you defeat me !

Kenshiro: You people don't understand that Hokuto Shinken is the most powerful fist of all, passed down from generation to generation ! I'll teach you that now !

Shu: What ?!

"That's... Ken, since when can you use Nanto Seiken ?!"

Kenshiro: Hokuto Shinken no Ougi, Suiei Shin ! In just one fight, Hokuto Shinken can assimilate the enemy's fist !

Shu: GUH !! Ha ! Uh !

Kenshiro: the sound of the ground being ripped is making you scared, he who can not see. Now you don't know how much distance separates us !

Shu: Guuuh !!

Soldier: Sh... Shit !

Soldier: W- Wait, stop ! This is the path lord Shu has chosen...

Soldiers: Aaaah ! Lord Shu !

Shu: Hmph... Fool... Why didn't you finish me off ?

"Then maybe you can answer that. Why were your techniques completely devoid of any murderous intent ?"

Lin: S- STOP IT !! Don't fight with that man !!

"Lin ?! Bat ?! What in the name..."

Lin: T... This man saved us, Bat and me !

Bat: It's true ! That guy isn't evil !

Kenshiro: ... ... ...

Shu: You're strong... I understand why Rei placed his hopes so heavily on you. Forgive me. I could not found out how strong you were without risking my life. I am Rei's friend, Shu of the star of Virtue... I've been waiting for your arrival. The only ones who can defeat the Holy Emperor ! Successor to Hokuto Shinken !

Soldier: Lord Shu ! Another group of nomads is attacking !

Shu: What ?! ... ... I am sorry to ask this, but could you help me ?

"Do you even need to ask ?"

Shu: Ok, let's go !

Kenshiro: 'T... This man... haven't I met him before ?'

Punk: Kids ! There are kids ! Capture the brats that can work ! Kill the adults ! Charge !!

Shu: Now !! Attack !!

Punks: W- What ?! The rebel army !! Shu's resistance !!

Captain: What ? Shu, the traitor who rebels even though he is, like Emperor Souther, one of the 6 sacred fists of Nanto ! Vengeance is ours !

Punks: D- Damn you !!

"... Leave the rest to us."

Punks: You're gonna die !!

"12, 25, 31... Nah, I can't even bother counting them all at that point. Now, I'd strongly advise you to answer that. Why is that Holy Emperor only targeting children ?"

Captain: Peh ! Only the blood and sweat of those brats can sanctify his imperial mausoleum ! You bastard, you're asking for i- WAGAH !!

Shu: I'll never forgive those who steal the light of the children that shine today...

Kenshiro: 'The light of the children... T- That man ! So he's...' Ha ! Shu... It really was you back then...

Shu: And I wasn't wrong. Though I lost my light, yours grew larger and brighter !

"You know the guy ?"

Kenshiro: Back then... You gave your eyes in exchange for my life...

Shu: Hm... Don't worry about it. Our destinies were already written. My eyes no longer see, but my heart is wide open. And now I can understand everything more clearly. That's part of being under the star of Virtue, living while hoping for the future.

"Is that so..."

Shu: All right ! Let's get back to base ! Count everyone first !

"... Haa, I swear... Kids these days."

Lin: I... I'm sorry. I wanted to follow you no matter what...

"What word do you not understand in 'Permanent mortal danger' ?"

Bat: Wow, a base all the heck down these tunnels !

"An ancient subway network, good choice. Plenty of room and maze-like structure."

Kids: Ah ! Lord Shu !!

Kenshiro: This is...

Shu: Yes... This is the reason I fight ! However, I'd be better served talking to you about the holy emperor. It was Yuda, the star of enchantment, and his ambition that caused the 6 sacred stars of Nanto to crumble. But it was Souther who pushed him to do so ! Souther had been waiting for the apocalypse to occur !

Shu: His star is the brightest star of the Southern Cross, also called the General or Dictator star. Parents, friends, he has no compassion. To him, he is the only one who counts because he's the Emperor star.

"There is a hierarchy even among the stars... ?"

Shu: the other stars are just satellites. On top of that, Nanto Seiken cannot defeat Souther. The only thing I can do is organize a guerilla army, that's all.

Kid: H- Here, lord Shu !

Bat: Wow, food ! Awesome !

Shu: Have you eaten yet ?

Kid: Huh ? Uh... Yes !

Shu: Don't lie. I can read people's hearts. Share with the others.

Kid: But... You've barely had anything to eat lately, lord Shu...

Shu: ha ha ! No need to worry !

Citizens: Lord Shu ! Thank you so much !

Bat: ... Bah... OUCH !

"... Hrm."

Shu: Soon, we'll be running out of rations. We need to think of a solution and do something.

Kids: Ah ! Our fathers came back too !

Villager: Hey kiddo ! We're home. Take a look at this !

Kid: huh ? What is it, dad ?

Villager: Rations !

Kid: Waaah ! That's great !

Shu: Where did all this come from ?

Villager: We attacked a little troop belonging to the Holy emperor ! It was a supply troop, they were transporting so many rations ! And we took this !

Shu: I see. That's wonderful !

Villager: Go on, eat, Ryo ! Ha ha ha !

Bat: Rawkin' ! I can finally eat ! Woohee !

Villager: Ha ha ha ! Don't get so excited !

Shu: WAIT ! DON'T EAT IT !! It's poisoned !

Villager: Eh ?! R- Ryo!

Kid: U... Uh...

Villager: Vomit ! Vomit I said !

Kid: GAAGH !

Kenshiro: Gh... Uhn... Too late...

"Out of my way ! OVERDRIVE !!"


Villager: What are you- !

"... Don't worry, I just expelled the contaminated blood from his body. He should be out of danger now."

Villager: Ryo... W- Why did this happen ? I only wanted to see your face filled with joy... That's all...

Shu: I... I'm so sorry... I should have checked first... You see ? This is... the work of the Holy Emperor. Even my eyes, without light and useless.. Still can't stop shedding tears !

Lin: How horrible... !

Shu: If we don't defeat the holy emperor, this kind of tragedy will keep on happening forever.

Punk: Back off ! Get out of the way ! This is an inspection by the Holy Emperor !

Villager: Ohh...

Punk: STERILIZE THE REFUSE !! Here comes the Holy Emperor !!

Vilagers: W- What a monster... More like the evil emperor !

Punk: Wa ha ha ha ! Bow down, all of you ! Otherwise you get burned ! Huh ?

Punk: Geh ! Gwaaah ! Dumbass ! What d'ya think you're doing ?!

Kenshiro: You've got a good point. Trash should be burned...

Punk: Eeeeehwaaaa ! But... Uh... W- Wait.. HAAAAAWAAAAGH !! AAAAAGG !!

Souther: Huh ? Well, well... You've grown up, kid !

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