Chapter 29: No U

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

'Observing is the same as fighting... If the secrets of Souther's fist aren't uncovered, things will be looking grim...'

Souther: What did you come here for, Kenshiro ?

Kenshiro: Your march stops here !

Souther: Hmph ! I see you've got a big mouth, kid !

Punks: We'll be the ones who take you out ! You'll be able to appreciate the best users of Nanto Sozan Ken !

Kenshiro: ... An interesting little trick. Show me again.

Punks: Hah ! Even the best expert can't avoid our throwing knives !

Soldier: Th- They're closing the distance and trapping their prey !

Punks: HAYI ! DIE !!

Punk: Hooo ! You avoided all our attacks ! Impressive ! But this time it won't work !

Kenshiro: Some advice for you. Don't use those throwing knives again.

Punks: Say what ?! DIE !! Hai !

Punk: Ah... This...

Kenshiro: I hit your pressure point, Jikyûkyô ! Didn't you notice that you lost your sense of perspective ?

Punk: Im... Impos...

Souther: Hm... I can tell that you've become very strong. The qualities that Raoh predicted have been confirmed. However, do you seriously think you're strong enough to defeat me ?

Raoh: What is it ? Did something happen ?

Soldier: Yes ! Kenshiro is about to fight Souther...

Raoh: What ?! It's too early ! he'll never beat Souther !

Souther: Huh huh huh... ! I have acquired the most powerful Nanto Seiken: Nanto Hôô ken (South Star phoenix fist) ! And in my body flows the blood of the emperor ! You can attack !

Kenshiro: ... You're not taking a stance ?

Souther: There is no stance in Nanto Hôô Ken ! Stances are there for defending ! My fist only marches forward, towards domination ! If you won't attack, I will !

Kenshiro: 'His offense is so fast !' GWAH !!

Souther: Hehe, heh, well done. You avoided my Kyokusei Juji Ken. But compared to my fist, you seem motionless !

Kenshiro: ... We'll see about that. I understand your fist.

Soldier: But... Wasn't Kenshiro able to injure you, lord Ken-Oh... Then why won't he be able to defeat Souther ?

Raoh: It's true that Kenshiro can understand an opponent's fist by seeing it. And his strength is surely superior to Souther's ! HOWEVER !

Raoh: However, there's an enigma that Kenshiro won't be able to solve ! And it's because of that mystery that I've never been able to go against the Holy Emperor !

Souther: Huh... Huh huh huh huh huh ! You understand, you say... Very well ! Hwa ha ha ha ! then I'll give you another taste of my Kyokusei Juji Ken ! OHRIYAAA !!

Kenshiro: HDDAA !!

Souther: 'Muh ! In front ! Disappeared !!'

Souther: Guhha !

Soldiers: Oh ! Holy Emperor !!

Kenshiro: I hit your Jin Chû Kyoku. It's the worst of all pressure points, a death blow. Your death is assured ! You only have three seconds to live !

Souther: Three seconds...

Soldier: N... Not possible ! The Emperor can't be defeated !

Souther: He he he... Interesting ! Let's count these three seconds ! Ooone ! Twooo ! Threee !!




Souther: heh... Hwa har har !

Kenshiro: Huh ?! GWA ! W- WHAT ?!

Souther: Hwa ha ha ha ! Hokuto Shinken doesn't work on my body ! I've had the body of an emperor since birth ! No one is able to defeat me !

Kenshiro: Im... Impossible ! I hit your pressure points !

Souther: Heh heh heh heh ! Now you understand why Raoh avoided fighting me up to now ! I am the Emperor ! i'm completely different from you ! God gave me this immortal body !

Kenshiro: Ugh... OOOOAA !!

Soldiers: Oh ! Holy Emperor !

Souther: It's true that in terms of strength, you are the winner ! Speed, precision when hitting pressure points, you are worthy of the title of successor ! However ! You lose to the blood that flows within the body of the emperor !!

'K- Ken !! Shit, I was miles away to imagine that outcome... If even he was beaten, what can I do now...'

???: I can help you with that.

"Who... Who are..."

Guard: Even if he's like this, why didn't the holy emperor finish him off ?

Warden: Heh heh heh... A dead man can't be sacrificed. Walled up alive, he'll be the spirit of the mausoleum ! With the sacrifice of the successor of Hokuto Shinken, the cross mausoleum of the Holy Emperor will be made even more glorious !

Soldier: Speed things up ! We found a man to serve as the soul of the cross mausoleum of the holy emperor ! Stop slacking ! This needs to be finished quick !

Souther: Huh huh huh... the food doesn't please me, today !


Kid: ... 'A... All this. For him...' Ow !

Punk: You're full of yourself to want to eat the holy emperor's food ! Listen up ! You can all die of hunger ! The holy Emperor, no ! You can all die young ! The holy emperor, no ! That is the power of the chosen !

Guard: Huh ? Hey, who's there ?! This is a forbidden zone ! You're gonna get killed !

"Yeah, I don't think so. But you, on the other hand... You're already dead."

Guards: Wha- BUARG !!


Kenshiro: U... Huh ? W... What are you...

"Man, they got you real good with that concussion. What do you think I'm here for beside rescue mission ?"

???: Hurry ! It won't be long before they ring the alarm !

Kenshiro: W... Who...

Shiva: I am Shiva, son of Shu of the Nanto Rokusei ken !

Kenshiro: W... What ?!

"Okay, we made it out of these sewers in one piece... How long until they notice something's wrong ?"

Shiva: Not too long. You need to hurry.

Kenshiro: W... Why... Why are you doing...

Shiva: My father never stopped talking about you. That you were the only ones in this world capable of defeating Souther. About the man named Kenshiro.

"Shhh... Don't move..."


"Looks like we really didn't got much time... they're already on our tracks."

Kenshiro: With me wounded like that, you'll never be able to escape them.

"Dead weight do make it more difficult, yes."

Kenshiro: ... Screw... You...

Shiva: But if I'm able to save you, then I'll have no regrets. I too, like my father, believe in you.

Kenshiro: Kuh... ... Gurf !!

Shiva: Ah ! Are you okay ?!

"Shit... This is getting serious. We need some medical equipment, or else things will keep degrading..."


"... That was not an invitation for an even worse situation..."

Shiva: The emperor's men are chasing after us.

"Looks like silently escaping is out of the question... We'll have to burst our way through them all."

Shiva: You can't. There will be no end to the stream, and they'll follow you all the way to my father...

"H- hey, what are you going to..."

Shiva: I'll serve as bait.

"What ?! Hey, stop that ! Idiot !"

Shiva: Don't worry. I have this with me.

"D- Dynamite... idiot, i'm not worry about if you can take them out, I'm worry for your life !"

Shiva: Mr.Kenshiro... Mr.Shinigami... I bid you farewell.

Kenshiro: W- Wait, Shiva !! Guh !!

"Don't make your state worse, Ken ! He's giving us a chance to escape with his life, and I don't plan on wasting it !"

Kenshiro: Shi... SHIVAAAAAAA !!

Punk: Huh ?! What do you think you're doing, you little shit ?! Tell me, uuuuuh ! Where did the other ones hide ?! Wooo !!

Shiva: ... ... ...


Punks: Wha ?! Keke ! D- D- D- Dynamite ! UWAAAAAAAAA- !!


Kenshiro: SHIVAAAAAAAAAAAA !! ... ... For me... Not only Shu... Even his son gave his life...

"You understand yet, Ken ? You can't die here. For the sake of this world, and everyone living here... You've got to survive, no matter what."

'Shit... I didn't recall Shu's base to be that far... If I don't make it in time, it's Ken whose life will be in danger...'

"Not yet... Not yet..."

*Stomp Stomp Stomp*

"... I'd recognize this anywhere... Pretty sure I'll hear it in my nightmares too. But I'm surprised to see you up and kicking already- Hey !! What do you think you're doing ?!"

"If you came here for revenge, your timing is incredibly fucked-up !"

Raoh: I did not. Your time has not yet come. First you have to unravel the mystery behind Souther for me, Ken-Oh !"

"... I still don't know if I can trust you with Ken's life. But I do know that I won't make it back in time by myself. So I suppose I will let this to you, while doing my job."

Raoh: The implication being...

"As a Shinigami, passing judgement over a sinner's soul."

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