Chapter 30: Tears of Virtue

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Lin: Ah !!

Bat: He's coming to !

Kenshiro: Lin... Bat... Ung !

Lin: No, ken ! Don't get up !

Ken: These bandages... D- Did you do...

Lin: N... No...

Bat: hen we found you, you were already treated and wrapped in those bandages

Kenshiro: Who then ? Wait, Y/n ?!

Lin: H- He was nowhere to be found... But nearby there were hoofprints from a huge horse...

Kenshiro: Hoofprints ?! So then...

Villagers: Poor Shiva... they couldn't find his body. Not even a piece of bone... Impossible, not after being blown up by dynamite.

Kenshiro: 'Shi... Shiva...' Where is Shu ?

Kenshiro: Shu...

Shu: So you've woken up !

Kenshiro: Forgive me... I don't know what to say.

Shu: Hm... Perform his eulogy please.

Kenshiro: Huh ?

Shu: I too, right now, am in the middle of performing the eulogy of my son, Shiva. You shouldn't have any worries. The blood of the Star of Virtue also flowed within Shiva... I am very proud of my son.

Kenshiro: Shu...

Villagers: Who goes there ?!

Messenger: Supplies from Lord Shu's camp. He ordered us to hide them over here for the time being.

Villager: Ah, all right. Food for all !

Villagers: Woohoo !! Wha- ?

Villagers: O... One of the Holy Emperor's scouts ! Dammit ! A trap !! GYAAAAAA !!

Soldier: Holy Emperor ! The scouting unit seems to have accomplished their mission ! With this great army as their adversary, the guerillas will crumble !

Souther: Before crushing Shu's band, capture a hundred women and children ! Exterminate the rest ! I'll have no mercy for those who revolt against Souther, the Holy Emperor !

Soldiers: YES, SIR !!

Villager: LORD SHU !! The... The great army of the holy emperor is attacking us !

Shu: What ?! They've managed to find this base.

Lin: K... Ken ! Ken, it's bad !

Shu: he can't fight in his condition... On top of that, I gave him a sleeping pill. Lin, Bat, I have a favor to ask of you two !

Bat: T... This...

Shu: By heading straight down this passage, you can escape. Sadly, I do not know where the Shinigami is at the moment, but listen to me. Tell this to Ken when he wakes up. Everything depends on them. My dearest wish, the wish of Shiva and of all the martyred children of these times is at stake ! Even if I die... father and son, we shall be watching down from the star of Nanto. Kenshiro, Shinigami, I beg of you ! Farewell !

Lin: Mr.Shu ! Don't die ! Whatever happens, you can't die !

Shu: It'll be okay. Your tears have given me strength.

Bat: ... Let's go, Lin !

Punks: C'mon ! You hostages get over here ! Move your ass ! Heh heh !

Punk: Hey, woman ! I'll spare one of your brats ! So which one will ya gimme ?!

Woman: What ?! But... Both my children are dear to me !

Punk: Let's see, which one should I kill ? In that case, why not kill both ? Ha ha har har-

Woman: Aah ! Lord Shu !!

Shu: Souther !!

Souther: Hmph ! So you've finally come out ! King of the sewer rats !

Shu: Even if I can't defeat you, I can still transform into Asura ! Up until you follow me into death !

Souther: Hmph... Here is where Nanto Hakuro Ken meets his end ! I'll make sure of it with my own eyes !

Punks: Huh huh huh... You sense your enemies' position by hearing them. But with your ears screwed up, what chance do you have at winning ? Hwa ha ha ! Die !!


Punks: Uh... How... He was able to see our attacks ?

Shu: It's not with my eyes or ears that I sense attacks. It's with my heart that I feel my enemy's presence ! Have at you, Souther !!

Soldier: Aaah ! Holy Emperor !

Soldiers: Hoo... !

Souther: Too bad... Huh huh... Go on, try one more time !

Shu: What ?!

Souther: Huh huh... Can you abandon the lives of these hundred hostages ?

Hostages: Lord Shu !! Lord Shu !

Shu: Muh !! My friends !

Souther: I won't resist. That's what you want, to defeat me, right ? Even Kenshiro failed. But you, you can do it. Huh huh huh... You won't get a second chance !

Shu: Hwargn !

Hostages: Lord Shu ! You need to forget us ! We beg of you, beat Souther ! Lord Shu !! Kill Souther !!

Souther: The star of virtue is a sad star...

Shu: Huuuuur... ! WOOOOOO !!

Souther: It's over, Shu !!

Hostages: Lord Shu !!

Souther: I cut the nerves in your legs ! You'll never be able to practice Nanto Hakuro ken again !

Soldier: Go on ! There must be more people hiding ! Find them and wipe them out !

Shu: Wha... Wait ! Souther, that's not what you promised !

Souther: Hm... All you did was save these hundred hostages ! I never said I'd spare the others !! I won't let so much as an ant revolt against me ! What made me emperor wasn't compassion ! It was keeping purity through bloodshed to prevent any revolts ! No matter how bright the star of virtue shines, you alone can do nothing to save the world !

Shu: Nuuuh...

Souther: Bring it here ! I prepared a worthy death for you ! Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!

Shu: S... Souther !! Urg ! S... Shinigami ! Hear me ! My heart's cry !! SHINIGAMIII !!

Your POV:

Villager: Go, hurry. Escape this way. If you follow that path straight ahead, you'll catch up with the others...

kids: Daddy...

Villager: GWARGH !!

Punk: We've got the only exit out of here covered. No one will be able to escape this way. What do we do with the runts ?

Punk: Kill them, of course ! Huh ?! Hwaaa !

Punk: Right, i'll kill them ! Here we go ! Hm ? Wah ! Hey, asshole ! Stop joking around ! You nearly made me crap my pants ! Quit it !


Punks: Huh ?! What's that ?! Hey, what's going on ? Something happen ?

"And a lot more things are about to happen... Shu... I heard you call for help !"

Hostages: Lord Shu !

Souther: Ha ha ha... How ironic, Shu... After having revolted against me, now you bow down at my feet ! Huh huh huh... And with your very hands will the cross mausoleum of the Holy Emperor be completed ! You will bring this epitaph up to the summit !

Shu: What ?! Hah !!


Raoh: A little more...

Soldier: Lord Ken-Oh ! The Shinigami is advancing to battle Souther !

Raoh: What ?! So he really was serious ! Moron ! You saw what happened to Kenshiro, are you that anxious to die ?! You don't know what the secret of Souther's body is !

Raoh: ... .. You ! You were able to find me...

???: Hm... When death approaches, intuition becomes sharper...

Soldier: Ah ! You're... TOKI !!

Raoh: Hmph. He went off to fight Souther. It would appear the harbinger of death made him fall as well...

Toki: ... In that case, we too should head to the Holy Emperor's cross mausoleum.

Raoh: Why ?

Toki: because I know Souther's secret !

Raoh: What's that ?! Toki ! Since when ?!

Toki: ... And if it's him, then... He, too, will uncover it soon.

Souther: Go on ! Lift that stone to the summit of the mausoleum to celebrate the magnificence of Nanto Seiken and of Souther, Emperor of the Dictator star !

Shu: Gwahar !!

Souther: HA HA HA HA HA ! You'd better not drop that stone ! Otherwise, all the children will be slaughtered !

Souther: Huh huh huh... Sooner or later, the Shinigami will arrive ! With him and the successor of Hokuto Shinken to make the base, the cross mausoleum will be strengthened for all eternity ! HAAAA HA HA HA HA !!

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