Chapter 32: Judgement

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Toki: The will... of his star ?

Punk: Pff... No need to bother the Holy Emperor. Ciao, Shinigami ! Hn ?

Punk: Ugukkk... Wh- What ?! Nuaggl ! GGGrrk !

Raoh: Don't get in the way ! I'll punish those who filthy this fight !

Punks: Gah... WAAAAAAAAH !!

Souther: Huh huh... You can try all you want, you won't defeat the Holy Emperor ! You'll be destroyed by the body that God himself gave to Souther ! You can die along with your beliefs !

"I may lose my life here and today, but what I believe in shall survive me. Just like the beliefs of those that fought alongside me now live within me !"

Souther: Those Are the words of a dead man ! EEYAAAAAAA !! HA ?!

"Shaooooo... SHOOW !!"

Souther: Ugh !

Punks: Aaah ! Holy Emperor !!

Souther: ... Kuh... Kuh huh huh, bastard ! That was Nanto Seiken !

Bat: I... I've already seen that !

Raoh: Nanto Suicho Ken... Why is he using it ? How did he learn it ? Why won't he use Hokuto Shinken ?

Toki: ... That's not it... He's paying homage to the late Shu.

Souther: Fuh... You bastard...

"As long as you're hurt once by Nanto... So Shu can find peace in the afterlife. But what will bring you down, will not be Nanto neither Hokuto. I will defeat you here, with my own fist !"

Souther: Hmph... Huh huh huh ! Hwa ha ha ha ha ha ! Men are so stupid ! Just how far will they fall as a result of their sadness ?! But the emperor is different ! Open the Holy Room !

Punks: Right !


"Th... That's..."

Souther: Behold ! The body of my master, Ohagi ! This cross Mausoleum is the expression of my last thoughts for him ! This also the grave of my love, my feelings !

Souther: Huh huh... Even if your fist is capable of drawing blood... It's unable to destroy the blood of the emperor !

"I thought I warned you already. Nothing will be left of you in this world !"

Souther: Huh huh !! Let's go ! Come on and attack ! Hwa ha ha ! Attack, Shinigami !

"If you insist ! ORAAA ! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA !!"

Souther: Huh huh... It won't work ! You saw what already happened to Kenshiro, and you're going to suffer the same fate ! And you'll never know why ! ENOUGH PLAYING AROUND ! DIE, SHINIGAMI !!

"H- Huh... ?! Th... That's..."

Souther: A waste of time ! That's what it is ! DIE !!


Raoh: Mm... I don't know what I expected... he couldn't win, after all.

Souther: Huh huh ha ha ha ! Whose turn is it ? Toki ? Raoh ?

Raoh: Enough with the threats, Souther ! Toki knows the secret of your body !

Souther: What's that ?!

Toki: ... ... ...

"Don't... Bother... Toki. Help will not be necessary."

Punks: Uh ?! Oh ! Look ! The Holy Emperor !

Souther: Gh... He... He hit my pressure points ?! H- How !

"Souther... I thank you. Thanks to that attack, I understood the secret of your body !"

Souther: The... The secret of my body ?!

"The very basic of Sendô is the control over one's breathing and blood flow. And when you attacked me, I had a clear reading at yours ! You can't hide the truth from me anymore !"

Souther: Hmph ! Quit your bluffing !

"Bluffing ? Than, what do you call this ?"

Souther: Uh !! GWAAAAA !!

Punks: Haaa ! The Emperor's right arm !

"Your heart... Your blood, your pressure points... Your entire body is reversed, isn't it ?!"

Souther: Huh... Hwa ha ha ! Yes, that's it ! I recognize your skill, Shinigami ! But that won't be enough ! You still haven't discovered all my secrets ! And because of that, as a successor to Nanto Rokusei Ken, I will use all of my ultimate techniques !

Punks: OOH ! The Holy Emperor's stance !

Raoh: A Nanto Hôô Ken technique !

Souther: Nanto Hôô Ken succession technique: Tenshô Jûji Hô !!

Souther: There is no stance in the Emperor's Nanto Hôô Ken ! All enemies are inferior ! However, when an equal foe appears, then... the emperor must cast all aside and face them ! That's Jenshô Jûji Hô, the invincible fist for when the emperor's pride is at stake !

"Very well. If you're going to bring your ultimate techniques, I suppose it would only be fair to do the same."

Souther: Hmph. How can you be so confident... You've already been sentenced by the omen star of death ! You have nothing left to grasp to keep you up ! How did you not crumble yet ?!

"Fool. I have nothing to fear from the harbinger of death. For as long as my star will be shining, I will be the Shinigami, the God of death."

Souther: No star can outshine the Star of the Emperor, the Extreme star of Nanto Rokusei Ken !

"And that is where you're wrong. The star of Judgement, ruler of the Heavens themselves... Bringing forth both life and death, so bright than any other star bow down in its presence..."

Souther: ... It can't be...

"You start to get it... The light that guided men for ages, that sit alone atop all in the midst of day... THE SUN ITSELF !! That is my star !!"

Souther: What ?!

Toki: ... The very frontier between Hokuto and Nanto... The star of judgement...

"And the name of my fist, born from the martial art Sendô, and polished from my battles throughout the years..."

"TAIYÔ HANDAN KEN !! (Solar Judgement fist)"


Punks: WAAAH !! W- What's this ?! It's hailing !

Souther: Huh huh... Even the sky is excited about this inescapable battle ! And so am I ! By striking you down here and now, I shall prove that Nanto really stands atop all ! No one will outshine the Star of the Emperor !

Toki: Each has brought out their ultimate technique... the match will be decided based on how skilled they are at their attack !

Souther: I'm coming, Shinigami ! By defeating you, the Cross Mausoleum will be blessed forever, by that very sun you're claiming as your star !

"There are no two suns in the heavens, nor two rulers over the people !"

"What ?! Gwarg !!"

Souther: Hwa ha ha ha ha ha ! I am a feather dancing in the sky ! No martial artist can break me !

Raoh: ... Souther is strong. He can follow his movements. However... I'm afraid that the winner has already been decided.

Toki: He may have revealed his true fist... But his stance hasn't moved since then. He's yet to show any techniques yet.

Souther: ... master, the construction of the emperor's cross mausoleum will soon be finished. And the time of Nanto domination will begin ! Our predecessors always shrank back into silence in the shadow of Hokuto. That ends today ! The Extreme Star is unique ! The Emperor who shines in the sky, the Southern Cross. The star of Souther, the Holy Emperor !

"In the night sky. The day knows nothing but sunlight !"


"Taiyô Handan ken no Ougi !! TENGOKU NO HAMON !! (Heaven's ripple)"

Souther: GUOR !!

Punks: AAAAH ! Look ! The stones behind him are pulverized !

Souter: What's... That ?! Uu... GAAAARGH !!

"A ripple that travels through the air, then the opponent's body. Reinforced with Ki, there isn't any need to touch the enemy ! This will be how the Extreme Star of Nanto perish ! Be judged for your sins by the god of death !"

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