Chapter 33: Warmth of love

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Souther: Nuuuh ! Not... Not yet !! E... Even if you found out that my body is reversed... You still don't know the position of my pressure points ! You'll pay for the crime of wounding the body of the general of Nanto !

"Didn't I already tell you ? The rippling energy of the sun transits through anything ! I don't need to hit your pressure points, it will destroy you from the inside out !"

Souther: W... What ?!

Punks: Look at the Emperor's body !

Souther: Hwaarg ! My... My body...

"My Ki is circulating within your blood vessels, revealing them and your pressure points in the process ! The Emperor's armor has been removed ! You're defenseless !

Souther: ... Huh huh huh... perhaps, but I'm still the strongest man of Nanto Seiken ! Look ! Even if you revel my pressure points... You can't defeat me with Ki alone !

Punks: Ohh ! The wounds on his back !

Souther: Huh huh huh... You can't hit my pressure points ! Nor can you deliver a fatal blow against Nanto Hôô Ken which transforms me into a feather !

Souther: Haaaaa ! Uh ! What ?! I can't fly anymore ! My... legs !

"Just like Icarus, who flew too close to the Sun, the phoenix shall never fly again ! Your wings have been ripped off !"

Souther: Urkkuh !

Raoh: This match is over.

Souther: Urg... It may be... That my armor is torn, my wings may be ripped... However ! I am Souther, the Holy Emperor ! Emperor of the Nanto Rokusei Ken ! I won't... I won't concede defeat ! No backing down, no regrets ! No avoiding confrontation for the Emperor ! UHAAAAAAAAA !!


"TAIYÔ NO FUNKA !! (Solar Eruption)"

Souther: ... ... Bastard... You numbed all my nerves... You deliver compassion, even with my death ? Alongside judgement...

Souther: Hff... the dream... Of the Holy Emperor... Of Hôô... is broken... I... I have one last question to ask you. Love, like compassion, gives nothing but sadness... So why do you carry the burden of sadness, the burden of pain ?

"... Love isn't only sadness and pain. You too should remember, there's warmth."

Souther: Warmth...

"You only have a few seconds left to live. You should pick the place you want as your grave."

Souther: Huh huh huh... beaten... Total defeat... By the hands of the Star of Judgement... Shinigami, I was an opponent worthy of facing you...

Villager: Ah ! Look at the emperor's face !

Toki: The cruelty has gone away. he's like a child now...

Souther: My... My master... Like... Like before... Once again, your warmth...

"... Even sorrow can hide warmth... What a sad man."

Punks: Ah ! Look at that ! The summit of the mausoleum ! Shu's blood is pouring down !

Toki: The star of Virtue, Shu, is crying as well.

Punks: Whoa ! The mausoleum !!

Toki: ... Nothing will be left, of him, or of what he's done... This time, my help was not needed at all.

Raoh: 'One of my strongest enemies is now gone ! But a new one has risen, maybe an even more formidable foe...'

Toki: Where are you going ?

Raoh: ... To retake the world ! Toki, we'll face each other sooner or later ! As long as I haven't defeated my last enemies, you, Kenshiro and the Shinigami, I won't have conquered the world ! 'Till the next time !

Villagers: OHH ! We're finally free ! The light shines down on us once more !

Toki: Shin... Rei, Yuda, Shu... And now Souther. Among the 6 sacred fists of Nanto, 5 have already passed on. Sooner or later, the time will come to confront the remaining star...

"What should we do then ? To prepare for that ?"

Toki: Return with Kenshiro and the kids. Destiny will call you as it should.

"What about you then ?"

Toki: I too, must live out my destiny. There can be only one user of Hokuto Shinken ! That man's fist must be sealed !

"So you're really gonna..."

Toki: yes. My life enemy is Raoh !

"... You're not the only one waiting for that confrontation. Raoh sees me as an obstacle, and my days are already numbered. Therefore... If I'm gonna die... or rather, when I'm gonna die... It will be as a warrior that I wish to finish my life."

???: It's you, Raoh... I knew that you would come...

Raoh: Hm... Sorry. I'm here to take your life ! You live up to your reputation as the man who equaled my father, Ryûken. Your Fighting Ki hasn't weakened !

???: Not just my fighting Ki !

Raoh: I know. Because of the law of succession, he conceded his place to Ryûken and abandoned his art. Kôryû ! They say his fist is even superior to Ryuken's ! That's why I've come ! To see if this wound has healed, you're the only opponent worthy of me !

Kôryû: You will not abandon your fist ?

Raoh: Heh heh heh... Of course not !!

Kôryû: I see. Numerous men have fallen in disputes over the place of the successor ! Like with them, I shall put your soul to rest !

Raoh: 'What power !! he is the only one who can restore me !'

Kôryû: 'Muuuh ! His strength seems endless, all the way to the core ! I absolutely must seal his fist !'

Kôryû: Here I come, Raoh !! Shichi sei Massatsu !!

Raoh: 'Nuh ! Shichi sei Massatsu is a suicidal technique that kills the adversary at the expense of your own life !' Heh heh... Do you want my death that badly ?! And that's the reason why I can put everything on the line resurrect Ken-Oh !! Die !!

Raoh: My scar has faded away !! Ha ha ha ! Ken-Oh will never die !!

Kôryû: Th... This is madness ! With the three brothers, Raoh, Toki and Kenshiro, Hokuto Shinken has never been this strong in its 2000 year history ! Why would God send us three extraordinary men at the same time ?! Each could have become a great successor in their own right...

Villager: Ah ! This way, please ! He's over here !

Woman: Aaah ! Hold on, Kei !

"His fever will lower soon. He should be up and running in just a day or two."

Villagers: Ohh ! T- Thank you very much, Lord Shinigami !

"... ... Really not used to them all calling me 'Lord Shinigami'..."

Toki: Hm. Frankly, this is how I wanted to end my life. With these children and these suffering people.

Kenshiro: Then why ?

Toki: A man... The instinct of a man, along with his fist, has awakened. Plus, I cannot escape my destiny...

"A fight with Raoh...

Bat: GUUUUYS !! This person wants to talk to you !!

Zengyo: Haaaa ! M- My name is Zengyo. I work for Kôryû and his sons ! R... Raoh killed my lord Kôryû !

Toki: What ?!

Zengyo: Raoh has returned and has revived his fist ! Lord Kôryû's two remaining children aren't strong enough to face him !


Raoh: Useless !

Children: Bastard ! You murdered our father !

Children: What ?! Hwaaaaa !! Urggle... Gh...

Raoh: if you follow the same path, you'll suffer the same destiny ! If you're brothers, each of you choose different paths.

Raoh: the day that Ryûken adopted us so that we could follow the path of Hokuto Shinken, that same day... Our destiny was set into motion ! Will you come, Toki ?!

Toki: Urg.. Ah...


Toki: I have to hurry !

Kenshiro: ... ... ... ...

Toki: Kenshiro. You think that with this sick body, I won't be able to defeat Raoh, huh, Kenshiro ?

"Can you blame us ? You can barely stand up on your own at times..."

Toki: Very well. Then, observe with your own eyes. See if sickness has caused my fist to fade as well.

Zengyo: Ha ! That's... !!

Kenshiro: Hokuto Tenki Sho !!

Bat: Huh ?!

"Hokuto Tenki Sho... Is an honorable pact. So even if a fight of Hokuto loses the fight, he can return to the sky with no regrets !

Bat: That... That means... !

"Men always follows the strongest, and aim for the top... That's even more true for a martial artist... They're preparing for the ultimate combat..."

Toki: 'This is the first and last time that we fight each other... I've always wanted to test myself against you. I will delight myself with the techniques of the Hokuto Shinken successor.'

Kenshiro: 'Toki... the man that I admired the most, possessor of the most formidable techniques in the 2000 year history of Hokuto.'

"... Perfectly matched. As expected."

Toki: Well done, Kenshiro. I have seen the fist of a successor !

Kenshiro: Toki, if your body wasn't stricken by disease...

Toki: It's fate that has allowed me to face you evenly ! The same fate that wants me to die is moving this sick body ! I have no other choice but to fight that man, rather than having a reason to fight him. Between Raoh and I alone...

"If you really think you have no choice, then... We can only accept it without regrets."

Toki: there will be none. This spirit, I leave to you. And this body, I launch it into a deadly combat against Raoh !

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