Chapter 34: Fratricid tears

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lin: Are your parents resting here ?

Toki: Yes. This is the land of my birth. I was born at this very place. And when I die, I'll return to the ground here. This tomb here is mine.

Lin: But then, whose grave is that in the middle ?

Toki: Hm... That one... It belongs to my big brother who must be buried here as well.

Lin: Big brother ?

Bat: HEEEEEEY !! Over... Over there, you can see prints from a huge horse !

"No doubts about it, they belong to Kokuoh ! Raoh's around these parts !"

Raoh: ... Hm... The marks we used to keep track of our heights...

Raoh: I knew that your path would lead you here, Toki.

Toki: Hm... Mother and Father seem to have arranged this meeting between brothers.

Lin: Huh ?!

"... Ken, did you knew ?"

Kenshiro: I... Had my suspicion...

Lin: S- So then, they're real brothers !

Toki: There is no other place to have our duel.

Raoh: Hmph... Time passes so quickly. How many years has it been ?


Raoh: Hm... We've grown quite a bit since then. Do you remember what happened at that time ?

Toki: Perfectly. Raoh... Your strength has become much greater than out master Ryûken could have ever imagined, as has your ambition !

Raoh: You have no regrets ?

Toki: No, nor do I have any hesitation, for this is the path I have chosen !

Raoh: You're worthy of being my younger brother, Toki ! We can fight each other as equals !

Lin: ... C... Can't you stop them... ?

"No. No one can get involved in this battle between the same blood. Neither Ken nor me."

Bat: T... Their fists are completely different !

'Movement and stillness... Violence and serenity... Complete opposites, like their ways of living.'


Raoh: It's true, I see no hesitation ! I see no fear !! Is it your impending doom that strengthens your fist ?!

Bat: Haa !

Toki: It's not my coming death that is strengthening my fist ! But your very existence itself, Raoh !

Raoh: Nuh ! 'Toki... the man who appears to be calm as water, but hides a violence like fire !!'

Toki: The promised time has come ! Now is when I surpass you !!

Raoh: Hmph... Quite worthy of you, little brother ! But you can never surpass me !!

Toki: OHHHHH !!

Bat: Aah ! His pressure points ! Toki's fist hit them !

Kenshiro: ... No.

Raoh: Hmph... Your fist is as soft as usual ! It's not enough !! Unless you decide to execute me, you'll never be able to defeat me !! MUUUUUUUUUHN !!

Bat: Ah ! Toki surprised him from behind !

Toki: G- What ?! GWAAAR !!

"Huh ?!"

Toki: I... I see...

Kenshiro: Musô Insatsu... The fist of death, that locates the enemy's presence and allows the user to deflect his attacks unconsciously !

Raoh: Heh... Since you're thinking of death, you fear the decisive moment. But for my fist that acts without thinking, there is no decisive moment !

Toki: It's for sure, if I continue like this...

"Toki overcomes the enemy with the softness of his art, whereas Raoh is only violence. This will be a difficult battle, and Toki's sick on top of it..."

Raoh: Toki ! Since you were aiming for me, why didn't you learn a cruel and powerful fist too ?! Power is death ! Softness is compassion ! That softness that you've followed, by refusing the path of power, that will be your defeat ! I already see the outcome of this fight ! UURYAAA !!

Bat: Aah ! Toki !!

Raoh: Huh ? You're able to counter my fist ?!

"How is that... Toki... Is using a fist of power ?!"

Toki: Have you forgotten, Raoh ? What I was aiming for was to become just like you !

Toki: It's the same blood as yours that flows within me and gave me this fist !

Raoh: You've mastered my fist of power ?!

Toki: AND I TOLD YOU, I WANTED TO BECOME LIKE YOU !! This fist is for my last battle ! I swore I would only use it to face you ! Look at the sky ! Can you see the harbinger of death ?!

Raoh: Wha... How ?! It's hanging over me !!

Bat: No way ! The star of Death for both of them ?!

"Toki's innate talent summoned the star over Raoh ! Now even God isn't able to predict the outcome of this fatal confrontation !!"

Kenshiro: ... In the 2000 years of Hokuto Shinken, legend says that... When the two strongest fight each other at equal strength, the harbinger of death will shine on top of both of them.

Toki: Come now, let us let our destiny finally come to pass, Raoh !

Raoh: ... Toki, the man who lived for the good of thousands of people ! For the first time, this man has made a deliberate decision to fight ! Very well ! Try then to surpass your older brother to crush Ken-Oh's ambition !

Toki: I will take you down with my ultimate techniques, Raoh !! FWAAAAAA !!


"... K- Ken... ?"

Kenshiro: Hokuto Shinken technique: Tôkei Kohô ! Kei is steel ! It's condensed combat power ! You breathe in and store your body's energy to concentrate it and then breathe out to attack. That's the fist of power ! When they breathe out, their power and capacities are at their peak and the most violent fight begins !

Lin: ... Ah...

Bat: Ah, Lin !

"The pressure is too much for her... Even I'm starting to feel the effect..."

Toki: The decisive moment !! TENSHO HYAKU RETSUKEN !!

"In just that split opening... He managed to find the opportunity to attack !"

Kenshiro: In all of the history of Hokuto Shinken, Toki's art is the most elegant ! He excels in aerial combat !

Bat: Oh... Raoh is down on his hands and knees !

Toki: Raoh... If only you abandoned your ambition back then... When Kenshiro was named successor...

Raoh: Goodbye, Toki !

Toki: There's nothing to change your mind ?

Raoh: No, nothing ! Hokuto Shinken is the first step to my domination of the world. I won't stay here.

Toki: In that case, I must destroy your fist !

Raoh: I see that you haven't forgotten your promise. You're the one who must suppress my fist ! So come whenever you feel like it ! Heh heh heh...

Toki: ... Raoh, my big brother, the strongest man of Hokuto Shinken. Were it not for that ambition, Kenshiro like myself would have handed him the title of successor with pleasure...

Toki: Farewell, Raoh ! Now, I keep my promise !!

Bat: Aah ! He won ?!

"... No... In the end... It was over Toki that the harbinger of death has fallen..."

Raoh: To... Toki... If only you weren't sick...

Toki: HYAAAAA !!

Raoh: It... It's not working. It's not having any effect !

Bat: T- Tears ? Why is Raoh crying ?

Raoh: You still think I don't know the secret behind your fist of power ?! If you weren't sick, your fist of softness could have beaten me !! I pity you, Toki ! Since our childhood, you never stopped following me. It's a merciless destiny that you've lived, little brother !! GOODBYE, TOKI !!

Bat: To... Toki is...

Lin: TOKI !!

"Stop that ! You'll only get yourself killed !"

Toki: It's... Not... Over...

"He's in no condition to be getting up... Toki !"

Raoh: I'm telling you, it's no use !! That's enough ! Stop it, Toki ! Here's the secret behind your fist of power !

Kenshiro: I knew it. The mark of the Sekkatsu-ko points !


Kenshiro: By pressing those points, you can unleash an incredible power for a short amount of time. But those points considerably shorten your lifespan and the damage is irreparable ! Toki his his points to give himself a fist of power !

Raoh: With your fist becoming weaker and weaker you can't beat me ! However, even though you know that I know, you still continue... Toki, I'm not the one that took your life. It's your sickness that defeated you ! In spite of all his talent, the man of Hokuto dies from a miserable disease !

Toki: W... Why are you crying, Raoh ?

Raoh: Your heart... Toki, you should know well that your fake fist of power could never beat me ! But you chose it on purpose to be more like your big brother ! And with this body, already so close to death !! Toki, your heart hasn't changed since childhood ! That sad heart that always chased after me, Raoh, at the risk of your own life ! That's what called back these tears that had been dried up for so long !

Toki: I have no more regrets... Close the curtain on my destiny.

Raoh: Toki, these will be the last tears I ever shed in my life !! GOODBYE, MY STRONGEST ENEMY ! GOODBYE, MY DEAR LITTLE BROTHER !! Here is the fist of Raoh, the brother you always followed !!


Toki: Why ?

Raoh: This blood, these are tears ! Think of it as your big brother's spite towards your sad destiny !!

Toki: Raoh...

Raoh: Now, Toki the man following Ken-Oh is dead ! From now on, there's only the Toki who fights against his sickness ! Live in peace for the rest of your days. Cry if you feel like it. I won't scold you anymore. Get well soon, Toki...

Raoh: Kenshiro ! Shinigami ! The terrible legend of Ken-Oh starts now !! If you wish to take my life, come whenever you want !

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