Chapter 35: Heavenly Wolf

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

*A few days have passed since Toki and Raoh's duel.*

???: You must be Kenshiro, successor to Hokuto Shinken.

Kenshiro: That's right.

Ryuga : My name is Ryuga. And my star is Sirius, the dog star !

Kenshiro: ...' Sirius... The star that shines brightest in the night sky, like the eyes of a wolf. Not part of any of the gods, Sirius is a lone wolf in the heavens, a completely independent star !'

Punks: Huh ?! Ryuga !! Why are you here ?!

Ryuga: This village wasn't made for you. i'm taking it !

Punk: Puh... You're the one who has been stealing lord Ken-Oh's villages after he went and disappeared without a trace ! You continue to rebel against our master ?!

Ryuga: Mph... He's "Lord Ken-Oh" now ? Before he was just Ken-Oh to you.

Punk: Wha ?! I... I'm gonna kill you !!

Punk: ACK !! Wha... What ? C- Cold... GUAH !!

Kenshiro: Ha ! That's Taizan Tenrô ken ! 'They say that fist is so fast that the victim feels a cold sensation before blood even flows !' Could this man also setting his sights on dominating this violent world ?!

Ryuga: Kenshiro... I wished to meet you. You're the second man I've met with such fighting spirit.

Punks: H... Heeeee ! R- Run away ! Hurry ! Ryuga is a merciless man !!

Punks: R... RYUGA'S ARMY !! They're gonna kill us ! They're gonna kill us all !

Punk: Hey you ! Please, save us ! If you beat him, we'll make you an ally of Ken-Oh ! Ok ?

Kenshiro: Forget it. This is how you meet your end.

Punk: B... But... Heeee !! H- Help me ! I won't kill anyone again ! Have mercy !

Ryuga: Rotten branches weaken even a great tree !

Ryuga: These violent times require a great tree. A great tree that rules with tremendous power. And to allow that great tree to grow and bear fruit, the very energy of the sun has to be harnessed and tamed. Kenshiro, we shall meet again one day.

Kenshiro: 'A great tree...'


Punk: Weh heh heh ! Where are they ! Over here ?

Punks: Ha ha ha ! The moron loves doing that ! He catches them and strangles them. And when he gets a hold of his victim, he squeezes until their bones are crushed ! Radical !


Punks: Hwa ha ha, look at the fear in their faces !

Villagers: T... This is horrible ! Before we lost contact with Lord Ken-Oh, these kind of things never...

Punk: Huh ? Gwa ha ha ! Talking about Ken-Oh ? He ain't here no more ! He ain't nothing but piss !

Villagers: ... HA !!

Punk: Piss I tell you ! P... Piss...

Punks: Ke... Keke... Kwa... Lord Ken-Oh...

Punk: Har har har ! Haa haa ! You gals ain't making this easy for me. Oomph !

Punk: Ah ! I gotcha ! Wow ! You sure are one big broad, huh ?! Gotta see your face ! AH !!

Raoh: Where is Ryuga ?

Punk: Uh !! Lord Ken-Oh seems to be aware of the rumors concerning Ryuga !! That dirty upstart who betrayed our lord Ken-oh has now settled in your castle.

Raoh: The castle...

Punk: S- Spare me... Phew ! 'S- Saved !' Eh ?! UHGYA !!


Punks: He... He has returned ! LORD KEN-OH !!

Raoh: ... ... ...

Soldiers: *Glups*

Ryuga: I have been awaiting your return, master.

Raoh: What's new ?

Ryuga: I've trimmed the branches that tainted your legacy.

Raoh: Hm. You've done well. Your men seem to have misinterpreted things though...

Ryuga: Yes. But their oath toward you has stayed intact.

Raoh: Ryuga... What do you wish to have as a reward ?

Ryuga: ... With your permission... A fight against Kenshiro or the Shinigami.

Raoh: What ?! For what reason ?!

Ryuga: For the star of my destiny... For the star of Sirius...

Raoh: ... Very well. I have no reason to oppose you.

Ryuga: Thank you !

Raoh: The Shinigami is the only man on this world who has wounded me... Beware of him...

Ryuga: Yes.

*The Pole stars shining in the night sky, one in the North, one in the South. Another star is now shining, a lone star, Sirius...*

Raoh: I don't understand... Not part of anything, having no attachments, why would this star pledge loyalty to Raoh ? And why does he wish to test his strength against the Shinigami ? The brightest star in the night sky and the only star in the day sky... What do the eyes of that wolf see ?

Your POV:

Punks: C'mon ! We're gonna crush him ! We won't let him get his hands on, such sweet prey ! Later ! See ya in hell !!

"Guys like you... They never learn. But if anything, I pity you, having to cross my road. NOORYAAAH !!"


Villagers: Awawa... P- Please at least spare our lives ! You... You can take all the supplies that you want ! But... Spare us !!

"... I think there's a severe misunderstanding here..."

Kid: Dadaaa... Daa...

Villager: Ah !!

'Well... I guess it's true after all. A children's eyes can see the true nature of man.'

Ryuga: Shinigami... Raoh teaches children terror and combat, whereas the warmth of his sun brings forth their innocence and purity. I don't understand. Which of these great trees does this era really want ? 'However... Time is short. This hell must be done away with now.'

Ryuga: Forgive me, Julia, my little sister ! Without a great and powerful tree, these times will never know peace ! That is the reason why the Heavenly wolf will voluntarily become a bloodthirsty beast !

Raoh: Hm ?! The star of Sirius is turning red... Are you staining yourself with blood, Ryuga ?

Villagers: HWAAA ! HUNGWA !

Ryuga: I am Ryuga the heavenly wolf ! From now on, this village belongs to Lord Ken-Oh ! Those who resist will find themselves dead !

"What... What in heaven happened here... ? These wounds... I've never seen anything like that before... it's like they've been devoured by some animal..."

Villager: Gh... Uh... Uhn...

"Huh ? Are you still alive ?! What happened here ?!"

Villager: Haa... S- Shinigami... ? That demonic man... left you a message...

"A message ?"

Villager: T... Toki's village... Will suffer the same fate...

"Toki's village ?! But only women, children, elderly and the sick live there... Who..."

Toki: There, no need to worry anymore.

Villager: Thank you very much !

Lin: Mr Toki... You should rest for today.

Toki: No. I'll be all right... Call the next person.

Bat: At least wait until Y/n comes back with the supplies...

Villager: Yoohoo ! Ha ha ha ! Mr.Toki, take a look at this ! Look ! See how I'm completely healed ? Soon, I might even be able to run !

Toki: That'd make me happy.

Bat: Toki would have liked to do all this earlier. But he doesn't have much time left...

Villager: Ok, let me get up so I can test it out. See ? It's thanks to you !

Toki: Ah ! Don't overdo it.

Bat: OLD MAN !! What ?!

Toki: You... You're Ryuga !!

Ryuga: It's been a long time, Toki !

Toki: Hwaarg !

Lin: Mr.Toki !!

Ryuga: Toki, you're too weak to even avoid an arrow...

Lin: S... Stop ! Mr.Toki can't fight anymore ! Let him at least die in peace !

Ryuga: Better off that I kill him in his condition ! Beat it !!

Lin: Ha !!

Lin: Mr.Toki !

Toki: W... Why ?!

Ryuga: I can't go back anymore. I can feel it, the sun is already burning harsher above me. This anger, I will continue exacerbating it until the Shinigami finally unleash the full power of his fist.

Toki: Urg !! In... In their eyes... You saw the future of this era... For Raoh, you...

Ryuga: if the Shinigami is defeated by me... Then it means his light was not needed for this great tree to grow.

Toki: All that blood that is splattered on your body... It looks like tears !

Ryuga: You've read into my heart... I've become a bloodthirsty wolf... To drag him into an abyss of sadness. That's why I need your death. He still doesn't know real sadness. With your death, our era shall evolve.

Toki: Hm... I see. In that case, you may kill me. If the life of this dying man can be the basis of a new era, I shall donate myself to the cause.

Ryuga: I WON'T YIELD, TOKI !! For these times, I'll take on the reputation of the monstrous wolf who took your life !

Toki: ... 'I have nothing to regret... My soul will live on... Farewell !'

Lin: Toki !!

"Gh ! What... It felt like... A part of my just died... Toki... !!"

Raoh: Hm ?! Toki... You've finally left us...

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