Chapter 36: Shooting stars

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Tunk Tunk*

Guard: Hm? What the ? Someone there ? ... ...

Guards: Huh ?! What ?!

"Knock, knock... Knock."

Guards: Uh... You're... S- S... SHINIGAMI !! Kuh... Don't let him pass ! Kill him !! ATTACK !!

"You lot... Are on my way. GET LOST !! ORYAAAA !!"

Guards: BUHGYAA !

Ryuga: Hm. So there you are, Shinigami.

"RYUGA ! What did you do with Toki ?!

Ryuga: You see that blood ?

"Why... Why such a massacre ?!"

Ryuga: Fight me, then you'll understand !!

Raoh: What ?! I see... Ryuga and the Shinigami...

Soldier: Yes !

Raoh: The fool ! Balancing him and me, Ken-Oh...

Ryuga: Heh heh... Look at this !

"Th.. That's Toki's !

Ryuga: Yes, I murdered him ! Hwa ha ha ha ! Get angry ! Yell ! Go on ! This fist that killed Toki will also send you to hell ! Taste the fist of Sirius !!




Ryuga: GURF !

"Taiyô... EIEN RENGOKU KEN !! (Fist of eternal purgatory)"


"Ugh ?! HA !!"

Toki: That's enough, Y/n.

"T... T- Toki ?!"

Toki: There is no need to finish him off. This man has already dealt himself the fatal blow.

"What... This..."

Toki: Kagebara... before he plunged deeper into his mad killings, he disemboweled himself. This blood, Ryuga's blood, these are tears... While searching for peace, he became a bloodthirsty wolf, a crazed killer. But now that Raoh's domination is about to end... He also wanted to end his role as the monstrous wolf.

Ryuga: Such power... Even the eyes of the heavenly wolf couldn't fully uncover it ! Now, I have no doubts ! It's you and Kenshiro that this era needs ! More than a Ken-Oh, a Kenshiro and a Shinigami.

Toki: ... All this is the destiny of the Heavenly Wolf. In troubled times, the wolf becomes the messenger of the heavenly emperor, and guides Hokuto on the battlefield. But this time, even Sirius was forced to its knees, outshone in the midst of day... This man has also sacrificed himself for his destiny.

Ryuga: S... Shinigami... Please, let Kenshiro hear my final message... Tell him... The eyes of my little sister Julia that chose him saw well.

"What ?!"

Toki: And yes... He's Julia's brother...

"... B- But... 'Shit, Did I just kill Ken's brother-in-law... ?'..."

Toki: Don't be sad. Transform your sadness into anger, and live on. The reign of Ken-Oh is a reign of terror. However, the peace that shall follow, you and Kenshiro must build it with your own hands. Before you too go...

"Sadness into anger..."

Toki: Let's go, Ryuga. Let us rejoin the men who have been sacrificed for these terrible times. We too will become stars, like these passionate men, and constantly watch over you !

Raoh: The clouds are moving quickly... The sun seems to burn even harsher than ever... Are you finally moving, Shinigami ?!

Punks: Hyar har har !! heh heh heh ! Piece of shit ! Asshole ! Stop loafin' around ! Hey, it's a real pain to have this type of loser on Ken-Oh's turf. let's rough him up ! We'll carve ourselves a nice fat pig ! One, two...

Kenshiro: Three.

Punk: Whab da hfil ah youd...

Punks: Hey, fuck-face McGee !! Did you see what you just did, huh ?! Who the hell do you think you are ? Hey ! Ha ! Hep hep ! Ha ha ha ! What now ?!


Punk: Aaah ! Ah gagoga !!

Punks: Hey ! Boss ! F... F... Fuck-nugget !

"That's a new one. Brat, drifter, human... No, no one ever called me 'Fuck-nugget' before."

Punks: Let's waste these bitches !

"While we're at it... Where's Ken-Oh ?"

Punk: Dwa ! Dumbass ! No one says where...

"... ... ..."


Kenshiro: South...

Punk: Y- Yes, that's right ! I told you so let me go !

"See that ? Because you talked right ahead, you get to live to see another day. Now hit the road."

Punks: Gyaaaaaa !!

Lin: Are... Are you okay ? Those guys didn't hurt you too much, did they ?

Big guy: Phew. Thanks for saving me !

Lin: I- It was nothing.

Bat: But you're gigantic... It's a shame someone so big is so weak..

Big guy: Ha ha... I'm really ashamed.

"We should really move soon... We're being observed..."

???: The mountain has moved ! Then I, the wind, must move as well.

Raoh: What ?! The troops of the wind !!

Soldier: Y... Yes ! They attack villages one after the other to block off Ken-Oh's army's route ! Their troops, well organized, fast like the wind. And their leader is incredibly strong ! Gah... !

Raoh: ... 'Aside from Kenshiro and the Shinigami... there are other imbeciles on this Earth who dare to oppose the Ken-Oh...'

Raoh: I'm listening for this fool's name.

Hyui: I am one of the 5 shooting stars of Nanto ! Hyui the Wind !

Raoh: What ?! 5 shooting stars... And what do you want ?

Hyui: Hm... As if you haven't guessed yet ! The 5 shooting stars are the protector stars of the extreme star of Nanto !! Hokuto will not reign over this world !! The one who will bring peace will be the last of the six sacred stars of Nanto !!

Raoh: I see, he's finally decided to move. The last warrior of the Nanto Rokusei Ken !

Hyui: The deadly fist of Hokuto threatens my mother star of Nanto !! Now has come the time for you to disappear !! HYAAAAA !!


Raoh: With that ridiculous fist, you can't even inflict one wound on my body !

Hyui: Gurf... What incredible strength, worthy of the name of Raoh ! However, your destiny stops here. I'll be waiting for you in hell !

Raoh: The last general of Nanto is moving ! The movement of these clouds is the movement of time !!

Raoh: The 5 shooting stars are the wind, cloud, flame, mountain and sea... Will the next to move be the mountain of the flame ?

Raoh: Hm ?

Soldiers: Flaming arrows ! GWAAAR !! GYAAA !

Raoh: Don't panic, you fools ! You're part of Ken-Oh's army !

Soldier: Uh... Gur...

Guard: Didn't you hear what Lord Ken-Oh said ?! Show yourselves ! We won't be driven away so come on out !

Soldier: Wha... they're all dressed in red ! An all-red army !

Raoh: You are ?

???: Ken-Oh, you killed Hyui the wind, my brother star ! I am one of the 5 shooting stars of the Extreme star of Nanto, commander of my red army ! Shuren the flame !

Raoh: the flame... Are you the only one who has moved ?

Shuren: No, the mountain is moving too.

Bat: These clouds look sinister... They're moving so randomly.

Bat: Wah ! What the heck, yo ?! What do ya think you're doin' ?!

Big Guy: Ho ho ho... The clouds come and go as they please.

Bat: Hey there ! I'm not a little kid anymore ! This is embarrassing !

Big guy: HA HA HA ! Don't be so shy !

Bat: Wah ! Stop laughing or I'll fall !


"... How horrible..."

Bat: Hey, I recognize that guy ! he's the vendor who gave us these eggs !

Punks: Gwa ha ha ha ha ! Tons to eat here ! Hm ?! Huh ? What ?! Hey, what the hell so you think you're doi- ?!

"Sorry, right now I've got no time to chatter with scum."

Punk: Heeey ! You there ! Runt...Want me to crush you ? Little prick ! Huh ?!

Big Guy: Bastard ! You'll pay !

"... That's not just brute force... These moves can only belong to a martial art master..."

Raoh: I see, he left to seek Kenshiro and the Shinigami. But they are like Ken-Oh, they're unbeatable.

Shuren: No, you're the only one we wish to defeat, Ken-Oh !

Raoh: What ?!

Shuren: You know exactly why. Hokuto and Nanto are two sides of the same coin. Peace can only be achieved when both join together.

Raoh: Nuh ?! So, that means the last general of the Nanto Rokusei Ken has chosen Kenshiro over Ken-Oh !! ... I really wish to meet him now !

"I think you've got a hefty amount of explanations to do now."

Big Guy: Kenshiro sir, Shinigami sir, you don't need to worry about disposing of this garbage ! I shall take care of those pests myself !

Fudoh: I am Fudoh the mountain, one of the 5 shooting stars of Nanto. My master, the last general of the Nanto Rokusei Ken, awaits you.

Kenshiro: What's that ?! The last general of Nanto ?!

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