Chapter 37: Sorrow

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kenshiro: Why ? Why did the last general of Nanto choose me ?!

Fudoh: Our general... For eternal light... For eternal light, we, the 5 shooting stars fly in the sky and run across the world. And it's for that reason. Even if we should perish, we should be filled with great joy !

???: Another shooting star has fallen... Kenshiro...

Raoh: Zak ! You must stop Kenshiro and the Shinigami, at all costs ! Send the most powerful squad my army has to offer !

Zak: Roger !

Raoh: The last General of Nanto... he shall soon be reduced to tears !

Fudoh: I see... Shuren's army too...

Soldiers: yes ! You should know that Lord Shuren's end was very honorable ! However... In spite of his relentlessness, he was not able to defeat Ken-Oh...

Fudoh: 'Shuren... Hyui... You will not have died in vain !' What is Ken-Oh's position ?

Soldiers: Uh ! There's a battalion advancing towards you, Lord Fudoh ! At this rate, Ken-Oh will find the general before Kenshiro...

Fudoh: Hm...

"... How long until they reach their destination ?"

Soldiers: 2 days... Maybe 3...

Kenshiro: You don't plan to...

"Why wouldn't I ? What matters is to stop Raoh before he gets there. With his army, he is forced to move slowly, while I could go alone and go as fast as I can. I could be there in less than a day."

Kenshiro: Even so, you know you don't stand a chance against Raoh...

"It's funny you used that specific term. Ken, throughout the years, I've been known, and feared, for the aces I have hidden up my sleeve. I am going, and you can't change my mind."

Bat: F... Fudoh !

Fudoh: It's nothing.

Soldiers: Ha ha ha ha ! You dumbasses won't be getting any further than here ! We are Ken-Oh's elite unit ! Prepare yourselves for our javelin assault !

Fudoh: K... Ken-Oh...

Kenshiro: Get back.

Soldier: You will die here !! None of you will reach the last general of Nanto ! Be it Kenshiro or the... Wait, where is the Shinigami ?!!

Kenshiro: ... Too late.

Guards: H- Huh... ? Is that... ... T- The doors ! Open the doors ! THE SHINIGAMI HAS ARRIVED-


Guard: ... Open... ?

"Ow... Who the fuck put metal doors in my way..."

Guard: S- Shinigami ! We were waiting for you !

"Waiting ? Wait, did I reach destination ?! Is this where the last general of Nanto is ?"

???: Indeed it is. I thank and congratulate you from getting here so fast, Shinigami.

"And you are ?"

Rihaku: I am Rihaku of the Sea, one of the 5 shooting stars in charge of protecting the extreme star of Nanto. Judging by your presence here, I take it that Kenshiro is already on its way ?

"Indeed. But Ken-Oh's forces were being... Insistent. So I took on me to go on my own to rally this place on my own first."

Rihaku: And I couldn't be more grateful for that. For the moment, you must come and meet the last general. She has been waiting for you.

"She... ?"

Rihaku: Yes. I believe you've already heard the name of the general from Kenshiro's mouth. The Extreme star of Nanto, sixth and last general of the Nanto Rokusei Ken... is none other than his beloved, Julia.

"... ... ... ... WHA-"


Raoh: JULIAAAAAAAAAAA !! HA HA HA HA HA HA ! Finally, the moment has come to take you with my two hands... Julia !!

Guards: We won't let you have your way ! The army of the Sea will protect our general !! GWOOOOOOOH !!

Raoh: It's been too long... Since that day, that instant, where your image was engraved into my heart... Finally, I shall dominate the world ! You are the only woman worthy of the master of the world !! I've come looking for you, Julia ! Take off your mask ! Show me your face !

Julia: ... ... ...


Raoh: You're... Toh !!

Toh: Raoh... You love her that much ?!

Raoh: Of course ! Daughter of Rihaku the Sea, you protect Julia as well !!

Toh: There is that too. But the truth is that it's you that I wanted to see !

Raoh: What ?!

Toh: I, Toh... Since my tender childhood, I've loved you. Not a day has passed by without me thinking of you. Couldn't you just forget Lady Julia ? You know that her heart belongs to Lord Kenshiro !

Raoh: That's enough ! I don't give a damn who she loves or if she's soiled. As long as she stays near me, that suits me just fine !

Toh: Uu... That much... ? I... I believe you see the image of your mother in Lady Julia !

Raoh: What ?!

Toh: The true nature of a woman is to be a mother... And the star of Lady Julia, last general of the Nanto Rokusei Ken, is the compassionate mother star !! You grew up not knowing your own mother, so you probably love her like you loved Lord Toki. Whatever I do, I won't be able to win over your heart...

Raoh: Where is Julia ?!

Toh: Since you feel nothing, this is the only way... Th... This way... A small part of me can stay in your heart... ...

Raoh: ... ... Stupid woman... If your love couldn't reach me, then why didn't you try to kill me ?! If you killed me, I wouldn't be able to take the hand of another !! And I would have always lived within you !! IF MY FEELINGS DON'T TOUCH HER EITHER, JULIA TOO WILL KNOW DEATH !!

Guard: Hurry up, Lady Julia !!

Julia: But... Rihaku ?

Guard: Don't worry. My master Rihaku the sea is a man who acts after carefully after carefully predicting everything in advance. If we follow his advice, you shall surely fall right upon Lord Kenshiro !

Raoh: Julia ! You can't run away anymore !! Huh ?!


Raoh: Nuh ?!


Raoh: That was ridiculous !

Rihaku: Couldn't have expected any better, raoh !

Raoh: You... You're Rihaku the Sea ! In another world you would have been a genius strategist at the head of an all-powerful army. This room is filled with a murderous atmosphere !

Rihaku: You stop here, Raoh ! At least you'll get to die here with the scent of Lady Julia.

Raoh: Hmph. You want to buy time by playing petty tricks ? Do you really think you can stop Ken-Oh ?! You too plan on abandoning your life for the future of Ken and Julia ! Just like your daughter, Toh !

Rihaku: ... Toh will not have died in vain. This room will become your tomb !

Raoh: You won't be able to buy any time ! I'll finish you off right here and now !!


Rihaku: Muhkuu !

Raoh: FUH HA HA HA ! Die, Rihaku !! Now, you shall leave this world !

"NOT YET !!"

Raoh: Muh ?! Shinigami !

"Only one will leave this world here, and that shall be you ! The sinister star of Violence !

Raoh: Huh huh huh ! I couldn't have asked for a better opponent ! First you, then Kenshiro, I will be the one to take Julia ! Try and stop me ! HUHHYA !!

"... After silencing both the South Cross and the dog star... It is now my fate to put an end to Hokuto ! NOOORYAAAAA !!"

Raoh: HA- WUOOOO !

Raoh: Wha... How ?! Shinigami, you bastard !

Rihaku: Th... That technique, it's.. I never knew... he could've come this far !

Raoh: ... Ptuh !

"Get up, Raoh. It's time for the violent star to return to its place. Within the heavens."

Raoh: ... Ha... KA HA HA HA HA HA HA !! How negligent of you. Whatever your progresses may be, you can't defeat Raoh ! Before Ken-Oh, master of the world, you're just a baby !

"That baby is just about to school you ! Taiyo... TEN NO HÔFUKU !! (Heaven's retribution)"

Raoh: Hmph ! No dice ! These techniques may be powerful, but you just created them ! They can't overcome the 2000 years of Hokuto ! AND HERE IS THE PROOF ! DWAAAAAA !!

"... ... ... !!"

Raoh: Huh ? How did... ?! No... That... That movement, it's... !! TO... TOKI !! B- Bastard ! HOKUTO GÔSHÔ HA !! (North Star strong palm wave)

"Shoooo... SHOOAH !!"

Raoh: And... That... That's... Rei's fist !! But... His body was broken twice already ! And yet... It was like his body disappeared into thin air !!

"... ... ..."

Raoh: 'What sorrow in his eyes...' Ah ! C... Could it be what Ryuken was talking about with his last breath... The ultimate succession technique of Hokuto Shinken, Musô Tensei !! (Nil-thought Reincarnation)

Raoh: Haaa... Haaa... I have one last question, master Ryuken. They say there exists an ultimate technique in Hokuto Shinken, Musô Tensei. What is the nature of this technique ?

Ryuken: Hff... I myself was never able to learn it... In the course of 2000 years of Hokuto Shinken history, no one has ever mastered that technique.

Raoh: What's that ?!

Ryuken: What is strongest in this world is nothingness... It is from nothingness that life springs forth... That is Musô Tensei. R... Raoh, whatever your strength may be, you cannot acquire this succession technique ! Because you... You... You don't understand sorrow, with your unlimited ambition. Only a man filled with sorrow can achieve it...

Raoh: Sorrow...

Raoh: You... You are filled with that sorrow ! Could you have become the strongest man in the 2000 year history of Hokuto Shinken ?!

"Raoh... Toki is waiting for you."

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