Hours Waiting

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I watched every single thing happen, him dying, the ambulance run in the house to take him, the ambulance talking him away from me. All that I had in my shaking grippers were a cracked pair of pilot goggles. Tears just kept rolling downs nonstop and why would they stop for me anyway? "Goggles... why you damn idiot! Why?!" I throw them against the floor with such frustration and just could cry harder. My dark hands slither like snakes over my eyes and all I wanted to do was just scream. I don't know what to feel, I don't even know how to feel. This was all pain, oh Goggles... these days were already hard but I couldn't ever imagine someone so close then tries to leave you behind. My phone vibrates in my jacket, Emperor somehow found my number and started spamming me.

"I just saw an ambulance just turn away from Goggles's neighborhood is he alright?!"

"Oh and by the way this is Emperor... I had to get your number from some of your friends"

"Ok Rider, you don't need to leave me on read I actually care what's really going on"

I forgot Goggles told him about his beatings, I wanted to leave him on read like I usually do but at the same time I felt like I shouldn't. Why should you? He's coddamn Emperor, he's annoying! The voice in my head chuckles. "Rrrrrgh don't need you to bother me now!" I yell at myself. Alright crazy... I never got why I have voices in my head, but sometimes they were there for me. Other times, not so much. My body felt drowsy, I lay down and gazed around me, growing sleepier. My heavy lids no longer stood up and starts drooping down. Slower, and slower the dark closes in. My body, feeling in peace.

•Hour 16•

I woke up not remembering where I was, scared I might've been kidnapped. My eyes timidly darts around the room, now remembering what happened exactly two hours ago. My eyes were swollen from how much I've been crying and my head felt like it was about to burst into pieces. More notifications rushed into my phone, most likely from Emperor. So finally I decided to text him so he could stop annoying me.

"He attempted...."

"What really? Is he alright?!"

"Haven't heard if he is, they haven't said anything yet"

"...Wow, I'm speechless... or how can I feel..."


"If there is anything I can help with tell me"

I didn't feel like answering anymore so I just got off my phone for a while. I switched it off to "Do Not Disturb" and left my phone on the counter. It seems nice to live alone than share with so called friends. Least his friends are still loyal, I hope. Goggles' house felt comforting, then I start exploring his house. Sure I've been here many times but not really looking closely at everything he has. For a guy like Goggles, his house was surprisingly neat, organized cabinets, folded towels, made bed, even CD tapes were neatly stacked. Only that was messy was the couch with one of the blankets still on it. I made my way to his couch and sat down, to me it looked comfy and it really was. I laid down on the couch putting the blanket over me, and it smelt so much of Goggles, it must've been his favorite blanket. I had to admit, Goggles did smelt nice, not like he dunked himself in a whole entire pool of cologne like other men do. Just like a little scent of it mixed with a comforting smell of laundry.

•Hour 17•

I basically was laying still like a couch potato, wrapped up in a comfy blanket doing nothing on the couch. My phone still gave notifications and such, just not annoying me. Once in a while I would check if there were any news of Goggles being okay or not, cod it's been worrying me sick. Goggles, you are really scaring me right now, if this was your intention then that's messed up but it's working. My stomach starts to growl, wonder if he has any food at all I can eat. Even though I was in a comfy position I had to get up, and I brought the blanket with me. For my preference, the fridge is always the go to, but in his fridge was barely even a crumb of anything. I looked everywhere else in pantries, any secret stashes, etc., but he had nothing. Poor guy couldn't even eat, makes sense why he looks even skinnier.

I'll do a quick stop at the grocery store to get Goggles some food.

•Hour 20•

At least it didn't take long getting back home from the store, but putting every single thing away took hours. I didn't know how Goggles would put away his food, so I just sorta winged it and didn't realize how much food I got until it wouldn't fit. I left only those things out and snacked on my own bag of chips I bought for myself and sat in the kitchen now again wrapped into a burrito. Slow, slow, slower. Slowly I drifted to sleep, the dark closing in, but there was a phone call from the hospital. My heart gained speed as I picked up the phone. "Please get here to the hospital quick...!" One of the nurses cry and I literally dropped it out of my hands and rushed myself to the hospital. Why didn't they say if he was okay or not?! My feet were numb as I ran with all my might to the hospital he was located in.

Crowds, crowds more crowds I pass by and they all looked at me the same, blanked and or confused. Nobody stopped in my tracks, they all moved out of the way like I was spreading diseases. The hospital was up ahead but of course I was stopped by Emperor. He grabs my shoulders and tried to hold me back. "Rider stop struggling!" Emperor orders like I was one of his many slaves. "Rider please, tell me why!" "LET GO OF ME!" I push him off of me to the ground and left him, but he chased after me. I entered but I couldn't remember what room they told me. "Rider Wait!" Emperor screams from behind but I ignore him by just going up elevators. "Woah woah woah, slow down," A doctor stops me to calm me down. "Get our of my way! Where's Goggles?!" I struggle getting out of their grips. "You're Rider?" The doctor's voice softens and lets go of me. "Yeah obviously! Where is his room?!" I screamed. The doctor looks away in such shame then I knew. "He... didn't make it," he sighs.

"What...? He..." the words wouldn't come out because I was in disbelief. "Yes, I'm so sorry... we were too late," the doctor tried to sound sympathetic. I just felt everything break, shatter, everything in my world just fell apart. Tears wouldn't stop coming and I drowned in them.

•The Next Day Hour 3•

I woke up on the floor, in the blanket, chips fell everywhere. It was late at night, 3 am to be exact. I start laughing, just a little realizing all of that was a dream. "Silly dreams, it wasn't real, not at all~" I kept laughing to myself. Head starts hurting from me falling from the chair, and I get up to my feet. I wonder I woke up because of the fall or if my dream was that horrifying that I woke up. The phone starts to ring, the hospital calling. What if that dream becomes real? What if Goggles dies again? Reluctantly I pick up the phone, "Hello?"

"Great news, he's awake."

"Really? That's really good news!"

"Would you like to see him?"

"Yes, yes of course!"

Relief spread throughout my body like snakes, I'm so glad he's alive. I leave his house and happily walked to the hospital. The air, dark but nicely cooling, streets empty, the night sky scattered with glittering stars. My heart for once slowly beats steadily as I kept getting closer to the hospital. I remembered the real room Goggles was located inside and opened the door. "Rider... hello," the nurse greets me quietly. "He's um..." "Leave us, please," softly I ordered and walked and sat down by Goggles' hospital bed. Blankly Goggles stared at the ceiling, I put my hand on his. "Goggles, it's me... Rider," I whisper happily. He didn't really move but I waited for a minute. "Goggles... I'm right here, beside you." Still no movement nor reply. "Goggles, its Rider..."

"Who is... Rider?"

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