Rememberance (Epilouge)

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Song Dedicated to this Book:
Hold on, by Chord Oversheet


"You shouldn't have told me to leave, I was trying to tell you he can't remember some things, he has tiny bit of amnesia," the nurse explains. This felt worse than that dream I had when he died, "It's not... permanent right?" "Rarely it isn't, but most patients forget for a long time, sometimes they can remember. For Goggles' case, it's a 50% chance if he remembers anything," she explains. "So... what caused his amnesia?" I ask, saddening my voice. "Whatever pills he took I suppose," The nurse sighs. "You can try having him remember things, but it isn't really easy." This is gonna be hard, but I have to do it. "It's worth a try, right?" I look at the nurse. She shrugs back and we both look at Goggles staring straight at the ceiling. Maybe he would regain his memory if his friends show up. I tried messaging them, but I also forgot it was still 3 am almost 4. "I suggest you go, it's pretty late you know," the nurse crosses her arms. "I don't want to leave, I want to stay with him," I growl, she took offense but calmed all in one motion. "Fine... just this night..." She sighs, Goggles' head turns to her.

"He's not going to hurt me...? Right?" Goggles' raspy voice squeaks and breaks my heart how it is that way. "No, he knows you, you did know him before you ended up here," nurse explains. Goggles did a short not and looked back to the ceiling. "I must go... see you later..." She leaves the room. His friends need to know he's here, maybe if they come his memories could be restored. I whip out my phone and first called Glasses. "What Rider?! It's literally four in the morning, we're not like night owls like you," Glasses groans tiredly. This was the right thing to do, I know it is. "Goggles tried to... umm... he... he attempted suicide," I finally spit out the words I always needed to say, but couldn't. "Wait, you're serious?! You're not joking are you?!!" That sure woke him up, he sounded so much more awake. "How much of a horrible person do you think I am?! I never joke about anything!" I growled. "I guess you're right about that, where is he now?" Glasses sighs. "Closest hospital to his house, he's alive so thank cod," I explain. "Yeah I guess, you over there?" Glasses wonders. "Yeah, you guess can visit him if you like, but there is one thing you need to know," I added. "He has amnesia." I didn't hear any reply, nor a single sound come out of Glasses' mouth. He hangs up on me, hopefully he can come and see him, Goggles really needs it for his memory.

Goggles softly groans as I look at him trying to get some sleep. I guess I should get some sleep too. There was another folded blanket and pillow laying on the loveseat, so I took that space creating something comfy for me. I turned off every single light except for his bedside table and tried falling asleep. It was pretty difficult, but finally I was pulled to sleep.


Same position, same loveseat, same hospital room I woke up in. It was 7 am in the morning and Goggles was awake staring at me. His sapphire eyes glimmered in the light grinning. "Good morning," he grins wider. "Mornin Goggles," I yawn, stretching. "Did you have the same dream I had?" Goggles stands up. "Well what was your dream?" I chuckle, it's likes he's himself again but he just doesn't recognize me. "It was so weird like it was real, and a stranger, you, were in it! You told me to get out of your sight, so I ran crying to my house. I grabbed these anxiety pills that make you sleep and drank them all, that weird plasticky taste all over my mouth. I remember before I woke up I looked at my terrifying self, seeing how awful I looked and I saw myself fall back and hit the floor. My vision was slowly fading, I saw a blurry familiar figure looking at me but I couldn't say anything. Then I woke up from my dream," Goggles explained how he killed himself, out of joy and unfamiliarity. I grimaced as he told me, he talked like the event never happened, and that... it was funny.

"No, I didn't have the same dream," I shrug, but his dream was his memory I realized. "Then what was your dream?" Goggles tried walking over to me, as he almost falls. I caught him before he can hit the ground. "Wowie, even your touch is familiar," Goggles giggles. "I never really remember my dreams," I lied. My phone starts vibrating on the table and Goggles jumps timidly. "Holy cheese what was that?!" Goggles cowers in my arms. I peered to look at my phone, Glasses. "Someone is calling me," I set Goggles down on his hospital bed and went out in the hall to talk to him.


"Is he awake?"

"Yes, and very quite happy."

"Do you think we can see him?"

"If you like to, his room is 10-938."

"Alright, we are on our way."

Glasses hung up after he said that, I walked back into the room and Goggles was blankly watching TV that wasn't even on. "Hey stranger! You're back!" Goggles cheers. It still broke my heart more every time he couldn't call out my name.

Me and Goggles were in his room, Goggles was weirding me out. He goes from very happy, to sleepy, angry, to being totally blank. If he was tasered he would act the exact same way. The door knob turns and the door squeaks a welcoming. His teammates, Glasses, Bobble, and Headphones all at the door. Goggles' head turns to them, he looked more blank. "What? Who are you people?" Bobble's eyes were saddening, though I never seen her eyes open I knew they were sad and blue. "G-Goggles... it's us, your friends..." Headphones stutters nervously with tears already setting in her eyes. Glasses' head turns towards me with such disbelief in his eyes. He walks and pulls me to the corner to talk, while Bobble and Headphones talk to Goggles. "I didn't know it was this bad, can't even remember us," Glasses shutters. "Yeah, it's heartbreaking," I agree with him. "And... it's your fault," Glasses sighs angrily. I couldn't feel any of my heart beats, I felt sharp pain jabbing me everywhere. The worse spot was my heart. "My... fault...?" The words slowly escape with a one huff. "Y-Yes, it's the only explanation. You, you were the reason. He was perfectly fine before we met you in the Plaza, before the CoroCoro cup even started, we were okay. Goggles was okay. But when you showed up, Goggles fell for you, was almost obsessed with you. You slowly lead him on the whole time! Our whole team watched it all, then what happens when we start living in the square?! He's hurt, bruised, caked with scars that can never heal. Then you told him, to get out of your sight and we saw him run off, the awful rumors your believed in tore him. We saw it all, but not when he decided to find a new exit out of his miserable life! Thank cod he's alive, our group wouldn't be the same, he's like the glue to or group," Glasses went off on me angrily and raising his voice for the other three to hear.

I looked at Headphones and Bobble, they turn their heads in shame. "You all think... it was because of me?" I stutter, but the more I heard myself saying it, the more I knew it was true. I was the real reason, if I didn't yell at him, or even met him... everything would of been fine for him. But I never led him on, I truly loved him from the bottom of my heart, he's the only thing that brought me joy through anything I was going through. "I think we need to go..." Bobble whimpers, her head hung low. "G-Good idea Bobble!" Headphones nods. Glasses reluctantly look up at me, "Take care, Rider..." they all slip out of the room, Goggles felt in shock, "Glasses... Bobble... Headphones..." he stuttered to himself, and the nurse came back. "Oh, you're here still," she sighed. "Well, that's okay I guess, because he's able to be checked out right now." My ears perk up, I start to smile. "You hear that Goggles? We're going to leave here now," I look at him. "Oh...! Yay!" Goggles beams really brightly. "Here's your clothes back," the nurse hands Goggles his nicely folded clothes he worn, and he immediately changes in the bathroom. "Alright, let's leave."

Me and Goggles left the hospital and took the bus home. Goggles sat next to me on the way home, watching out the window to see the world pass by us. We rolled within the neighborhood and exited the bus. "Wow! Big houses~" Goggles cheered, amazed at all the houses. We walked to his own home, opening the door. "This is your house? Wow, and why do you have my blanket?" Goggles grabbed his favorite fuzzy blanket and held it in his arms. Goggles looked around like his house was a literal museum, he stepped by the bathroom and peered in. He stopped in his tracks, shaking. I walk next to him, "This is where... I swallowed pills in my dream..." He stutters. He drops his blanket and went into the bathroom. The pill capsule stood on top of his counter, everything in place. "These are the same exact pills..." he turns to me shaking. "Did I... really do it?"

"Can we go to the park?" Goggles brain switches off from that subject and turns on a new one. "If you really want to go, sure," I shrugged. "There's something so familiar about everything, maybe the park too~" he wraps his arms around my right arm. "Alright..." we left. Goggles then let's go and wanders ahead of me. "Ohoho?~ Do my eyes see a little lost queer?" Bamboo Hat in a hood and without her hand sneers and walks over to Goggles with School Uniform and Stealth Goggles. "Mmm I see it too~" School Uniform chuckles. Stealth Goggles was just lingering behind the three. Goggles tilts his head like a dog at him, "Who in the hell are you?" Goggles wondered. "Oh? This is just sad, he can't even remember who we are~" Bamboo Hat simpers and kicks him to the ground. "Hey," I step in front of Goggles to stop the conflict between my team. "aaaAah, Rider! Didn't know you're uh... out and about today," Stealth Goggles stutters. "What are you doing picking on him when I told you guys to stop?!" I growl.



"What are you doing picking on him when I told you guys to stop?!" The stranger supposably named Rider growls at these people so familiar but not. "Ehh? We weren't, I was showing him my high kicks and accidentally hit him," one girl stutters, sweating like a pig. "Oh? Is that so? Then why did I hear you call him a literal queer?! That's really rude you know," Rider folds his arms. Rider... his name is so...

I remember.

Rider was that really scary S rank player that me and my friends went against. And the people who kicked me to the ground was his teammates, Rider was always constantly yelling. He never ever liked me, I remembered when I thought he was attractive but he's just so mean and scary. So I lost interest in him, well now I did. "Rider..." I finally stuttered. He stops yelling at his teammates and whips to me, with widen eyes. "... sorry I need to leave... you  all want to hurt me, you.. your friends, it was your plan all along. You wanted to be close to me just to tear me down!" My head starts spinning and eyes leaking like crazy. "N-No...! Goggles wait!" Rider tries to walk over to me. "No... Rider..." I pushed him literally away and ran off.

I never looked back, and Glasses was right!



Goggles left me there. "Why defend him Rider, when he just leaves you there to rot? Huh?" School Uniform scoffs and the three try to leave. "OKAY EVERYONE STOP!" Stealth Goggles yells on the tops of his lungs. "Guys, Rider is somewhat right, we need to stop hurting Goggles!" Stealth Goggles adds. It surprised me how he finally spoke up and started going off on them. While he did that I ran to go find Goggles, I can't imagine me living without him and him running like that. I find Goggles sitting on the curb sobbing to himself. "Goggles..." I sat down next to him. He jolts as he looked at me. "Why would you want to come back to me, are you going to try to hurt me?" Goggles whimpers. "Goggles I would never, you know that," I reassure him. "Do I? Do I know that's true Rider? You led me on, you're still trying to do that, just stop..." Goggles sighs. "None of that is true Goggles, that's how Glasses saw it- "Rider please just stop! Or I'll scream!" Goggles threatens. "Gog-" he starts screaming on the tops of his lungs, I didn't know how to shut him up. But then it came to me.

I walked closer to him, looking into his squinted eyes as he screamed. I grabbed his temples and kissed him. He stops making noises, and just stood completely still. His body was slowly melting, but he started kissing back, and we kissed for a while. We both drew back.


"Do you... forgive me? For... trying... to leave you by suicide...?"

"Of course..."

Goggles then remembered everything. "Rider!" He starts crying jumps onto me knocking us to the floor. We both hugged, Goggles crying into my shoulder as I cried with him. We laid there hugging and sobbing, and I felt so loved again. My world wasn't as black and white as it used to be, it was filled with beautiful colors because he's in my world and makes he feel valid. We both get up from the cement and saw my teammates look at us. "Rrrgh stupid little leech!" Bamboo Hat slaps Goggles. Goggles looks at her while holding his stinging cheek. He smirks back, and socks her right in the nose with his fist he usually used for his splashdowns. Bamboo Hat laid on the floor crying while Stealth Goggles and School Uniform ran over to her. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" School Uniform growls. Goggles sassily flipped them off, reminded me of what Aloha would of done. "Rider~" Goggles stops and looks at me. He grabs my hand.

"Let's go home now, okay?"


And that my friends, is the end of Black.
I'm honestly sad that it's over, was pretty short but really fun to write!
You can listen to the song if you would like to
The song just reminds me of this whole book.

And I really like this ending better, my original one was really messed up...

I do hope you guys liked the book

Stay hella Fresh!

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