part : 1

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The next update will take time. Maybe 2 weeks because now I will update other stories ♥️. So it might take time depending upon my time😅

Shivaay and Anika just patched up after a fight. Shivaay came back from his business trip today but this trip looked like a punishment to both of them because of their fight. Shivaay was trying hard to forget whatever Anika was going to do but couldn't because that was about their first child. Anika was regretting her actions badly, she was missing him badly. This time she couldn't sleep without him, she hugged his shirt at night to feel him beside her.

Shivaay never behaved as he did a few days ago, he left her alone in the office for the first time. His behaviour scared her what if he left her? She is ready to bear his anger anytime but not his ignorance. They heard Tej talking about him, that he is not loyal which angered her and she fought with him once again for Shivaay. They both hugged as they missed each other. Just then Shivaay asked

"Will you work with me?", Shivaay asked to which Anika replied in a yes

"Without any post? I mean can you stay with me in my cabin without any particular post to help me?", Shivaay asked hesitatingly as Anika is an independent girl. What if she misunderstood him and his intentions? He just wants her to work less and take a rest, nothing else.

"Right now my every employee is perfect for the job and in this way you can help me and we can spend time. You will work there as well too then why not with me? I don't want you to work a lot I am just concerned", Shivaay said and looked at her to see if she understood him or not?

"Ok patidev. I will work with you", Anika said and pulled his cheeks, he looked cute when he was trying to explain himself.

The next morning they got ready to go to his office. Shivaay talked with Anika's boss and started to smile thinking about the office with her. He wanted her to work with him from start but when she said she don't want it, he didn't force her. Now he is happiest, Anika noticed him talking with her boss and was getting tensed, what if her boss didn't agree? What if Shivaay got angry again? She started pacing here and then but when Shivaay turned she bumped into the door with a jerk

"What are you doing Anika? Can't you see? What if something happened to the baby? Don't forget you are pregnant", Shivaay shouted angrily

"Yes scold but don't ask if I am fine or not", Anika said. Shivaay sighed as he should have asked this but he got scared thinking about her, he love her and don't want to see her hurt, already they both were.

"Are you fine?", Shivaay asked and carried her toward the bed, Anika blushed when he picked her up and held his shirt tightly. She giggled when he rubbed thier cheeks together and then put her down softly. He asked the same question again but rather than replying Anika looked down with a pout and crossed her arms.

"Tell me what boss said? Then I will tell if I am fine or not", Anika said, Shivaay smiled as he got the answer to his question and now he need to reply to her. He bends in front of her and told

"He said you have to resign and then you can come with me", Shivaay said. Anika jumped over him in excitement and hugged him tightly

"Yyyy I'm so happy ", Anika shouted in joy and kissed his cheeks. Shivaay rubbed her back softly and giggled as even he is happy today. Everything is back to normal, he just needs a few days to forget everything as he forgave her just because of her condition and love otherwise he would have killed her or divorced her if he didn't love her and knew her deeply. For him this was not a small matter but he knows more than him she is excited to be a mother and he can never live without her so he can forgive her nth times if it saves their relationship and gives him peace.

"Have breakfast. Now you can't skip breakfast for even a day", Shivaay said sternly when they reached the dining table and Anika denied that she is not hungry. He will not hear her any excuse today.

"For our child isn't it?", Anika asked

"Of course. Instead, you should eat double for you and our baby", Shivaay said and helped her to sit. They noticed other family members also present there, Tej was also there and his presence angered Anika. Everyone in this family trust Shivaay and knows him then why does Tej hate him?

"I am not hungry ", Anika said and left from there as right now she doesn't want to create any scene there. If Tej says something for Shivaay then she will lose her temper for sure

"Have fruits please ", Shivaay requested

"Ok fine", Anika said, Shivaay cuts fruits for her and asked her to have them. Anika started having fruits, she was not getting for whom Shivaay is caring for her or her child? She is not feeling well but seeing Shivaay's care she couldn't deny anything. His innocence always takes away her heart, she wonders how can somebody blame him and hate a person like him? His face doesn't even look like he will double cross anyone.

"I can't wait to see my baby now. I am so excited ", Shivaay said. Anika smiled as even though she is excited to take their baby in her arms, she knows the baby will look like them and wanted to hug her child.

"Anika, why are you tensed? Because of yesterday? Or something else", Shivaay Asked and held her both hands together in his

"I am fine", Anika replied

"No, you are not. Tell me why are you sad? Is it because of me?", Shivaay asked and caressed her cheeks softly, Anika shivered with his touch and looked aside as she don't want to hurt him by asking will he leave her in future or not? She can't handle heartbreak right now, she will stay careful and will not let any harm to the baby as she can't lose him. He is her strength and weakness both

"No, It's not because of you. I was just thinking about our fight", Anika said

"I am not angry Anika. Take care of yourself and baby", Shivaay said and kissed her forehead, Anika closed her eyes and nodded hearing his like which looked like a warning to Her. Also, today's incident has scared her again, she knows she is careless and will do mistakes every time but she doesn't want to do this mistake.

"Don't worry, I will not repeat my Shivaay. I'm sorry ", Anika apologized.

"Don't apologize Anika. Let's forget what happened hmm?", Shivaay asked caressing her head, he love stroking his hand over her hair. Anika nodded with a smile and continued looking into his beautiful eyes which always attract her and are her weakness

"So tell me what are you craving for? I heard pregnant women crave for particular things and then we will meet the doctor", Shivaay asked

"Don't know Shivaay for whom you are caring now", Anika thought

"What if I say no to meeting the doctor?", Anika asked

"Then we will visit the doctor later. Anything else? What should we do to refresh your mood? Work or day out?", Shivaay asked trying to cheer her mood but he don't know why she is not showing her happiness now? Why she is sad when they solved thier fight?

"Whatever you prefer", Anika said and ruffled his hair, he combed his hair but she love ruining his hairstyle, she love his messy hair as well and he knows that

"Choice is yours ", Shivaay said and set his hair when Anika took her hand back

"Then office ", Anika said and ruffled his hair again and giggled, Shivaay too laughed when he saw her giggling and stepped back to set his hairs

"Don't do this again", Shivaay said

"Why shouldn't I? It takes a few seconds to set them alright", Anika said and stood up to ruin his hairstyle again but Shivaay held her hands and put them behind her back.

"If by chance I ruined your hairstyle then it will take time for you to recover It so beware ", Shivaay warned with a smirk and left her hands. Anika nodded and gave him a comb, Shivaay smiled as he felt like he won the battle. Whereas Anika thought she angered him and stopped acting childish.

"Are you fine working without a job? My every salary is yours, but I don't want someone to order you", Shivaay asked with hesitation as he don't want to snatch her independence by taking any advantage of her condition. He held her hands and kissed her knuckles.

"Ooo mean you will not order?", Anika asked

"You can put your choice here and I will listen to you, I will hear your problem and I can care for you. Nobody else will do that", Shivaay said with concern, Anika felt his care and smiled, she felt lucky to be his wife.

"Every girl works", Anika said

"Every girl is not you. And for me, you matter a lot. I know everyone can't afford this facility but everyone has different ideas about showing care, to spend time with thier partner. And this is my idea for the women without whom I am nothing", Shivaay said, Anika agreed with his every condition and said she trusts him.
Both entered his office as Anika told him that she will sign the resignation letter tomorrow. Shivaay went to a meeting and asked Anika to wait for him. When Anika sat on a chair in his cabin, she felt uneasy and ran toward the washroom. She vomited everything she ate and sat back on the chair but again she felt uneasy. It happened 3 times which tired Anika

When Shivaay came back after an hour he noticed her head was resting on the table.

"What happened? ", He asked and touched her shoulder. Anika looked towards him sensing his touch and hugged him.

"It's all because of you. I was saying I don't want to eat but you never listen to me", Anika said in a low voice

"Ok I am sorry now tell me what happened?", Shivaay asked and tried to break the hug but Anika didn't let him

"I vomited everything ", Anika said

"Let's go back. You must be sick because of happenings. Don't worry I'm here now. Why didn't you call me?", Shivaay asked softly and rubbed her back. Anika kept quiet as she is sleepy now.

"I can't travel. I am feeling very weak Shivaay ", Anika said near his ear and placed her head over his shoulder. Whenever she falls weak she needs him as support otherwise she doesn't know who will handle her? No one can give her the peace which she feels in his embrace.
Hope you liked starting❤

I thought to give the first chapter before updating others(≧▽≦)

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